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【William】So Iris, have you done any traveling lately?
【Iris】Yes I have. I actually…recently went to Japan.
【William】How fun.
【Iris】Yeah it was amazing.
【William】What did you do there?
【Iris】Um I actually went there with Jun and Akina.
【William】Oh OK.
【Iris】Um and we actually went to Jun’s seminars and um I got to meet a lot of people, you know, in Japan. We went to um different cities. Uh we went to Tokyo, we went to uh Nagoya, Osaka, Kyoto, um but we mainly stayed in Tokyo. But it was amazing. I was there for like two weeks, um ate a lot, um met a lot of people. It was… yeah it was an amazing trip.
【William】Was this your first time going to Japan?
【Iris】No I’ve been to Japan…I think it’s my second time.
【William】OK. Cool cool.
【Iris】Yeah yeah. What about you?
【William】Um so uh recently I uh spent the semester studying in Rome, Italy.
【Iris】Mm hm. Oh nice.
【William】And uh so when you live anywhere in Europe, you kinda (kind of) have that uh access because it’s all in the European Union so if you’re in one country you can kind of just take a train or a plane to another nearby country.
【Iris】Mm hm.
【William】And there were so many opportunities to explore.
【Iris】Oh OK.
【William】Like on spring break, a couple friends and I said what should we do and they said “Well you speak a little German right?” and I said “Yes.” So they said “Let’s go to Munich.” And so we went to Munich and then after that we went to Prague in Czech Republic and that was a really fun little trip we did.
【Iris】Oh yeah.
【William】And then Rome is really interesting kind of a hectic city. Lots of history everywhere.
【Iris】Did you do any touristy stuff or was it just…
【William】Um I think we were a little….there a little long to do a lot of touristy stuff. We kind of had our first honeymoon week with Rome where we did a lot of our touristy things. We saw all the sites.
【William】Went to Vatican. Things like that. And then after a while, you kind of come to almost resent the tourist cuz (because) they get in the way.
【Iris】Yeah (laugh).
【William】And they just keep coming you know?
【William】And they slow down traffic and I cannot get anywhere with these tourist going around but then you think wait a minute. I’m kind of one of them you know?
【Iris】Yeah exactly.
【William】So that was…that was fun.
【William】But uh…but yeah, yeah. It’s a…it’s a fun city.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- How many times has Iris been to Japan?
アイリスさんは、これまで何回日本に行ったことがありますか? - Why was William in Italy?
ウィリアムさんはなぜイタリアにいたのですか? - How did William feel about the tourists in Rome?
- She has been to Japan twice.
日本に2回行ったことがあります。 - William was studying abroad in Italy.
ウィリアムさんはイタリアで留学をしていました。 - William felt a little annoyed by all the tourists in Rome.
Iris recently traveled to Japan for two weeks with her friends. She helped out with the seminars that was held in Japan and met a lot of Japanese people through the seminars.
This was her second time traveling to Japan. She mainly stayed in Tokyo but also visited Nagoya, Osaka and Kyoto. She had an incredible time in Japan meeting new people and eating a lot of Japanese food.
William spent a semester studying abroad in Rome. He visited most of the major tourist destinations his first week there. He felt Rome was a hectic city filled with a lot of history.
After living there for a while, William was bothered by all the tourists in Rome. The streets were crowded with tourists and he had trouble getting around the city. But all in all, he had a fun time studying abroad in Europe. During spring break, he took a trip to Munich and Prague with his friends.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Got to do something(〜をする機会が得られる)
◎ “Got to”は一般的に「〜をしなければいけない」を意味する表現すが、日常会話では「〜をする機会が得られる」の意味としても使われます。「Have the opportunity to」の代わりに使えるインフォーマルな表現の仕方です。
◎ “Got to”の後には動詞がフォローします。
- I got to meet a lot of people at the event.(イベントで色々な人に会う機会があった。)
- I got to sample expensive sake yesterday.(昨日、高級な日本酒を試飲する機会を得ました。)
- Did you get to ride the bullet train when you were in Japan?(日本にいる間、新幹線に乗る機会はありましたか?)
2) Hectic(非常に忙しい・慌ただしい)
◎ “Hectic”は仕事が非常に忙しかったり、一日がとても慌しかったり、気が遠くなる程の忙しさを表します。“Very busy”の代わりに使える表現ですが、その場合は使い方に注意が必要です。「I am very busy(今日は非常に忙しい)」の代わりに、「I am hectic」と言うと「私は慌ただしい人」を意味することになります。“Hectic”を使って表現する場合は、「I’m having a hectic day」となります。
- I had a hectic day today. I’m glad it’s over.(今日は非常に忙しかったです。一日が終わってよかった。)
- It was a hectic week. I’m exhausted.(慌ただしい一週間だった。くたくただよ。)
- The shopping malls get pretty hectic during the holiday season.(ホリデーシーズンなると、そのショッピングモールはかなり慌ただしくなります。)
3) Touristy(観光者向け)
◎ “Tourist”は「観光者」を意味する名詞ですが、語尾に「y」を加えることで「観光者向け」を意味する形容詞になります。観光者向けの場所へ行ったり、観光者っぽいことをしたりするときに使われます。
- When I travel I don’t like to go to touristy places.(旅行するとき、観光者向けの場所へ行くのは好きじゃありません。)
- That’s a touristy restaurant. Everything is overpriced and the food is not that good.(あそこは観光者向けのレストランです。値段がバカみたいに高いし、食べ物もそんなに美味しくないです。)
- Did you do any touristy things in L.A.?(ロサンゼルスにいる間、何か観光っぽいことをしましたか?)
4) Resent(不快に思う)
◎ “Resent”は、何かに対して腹立たしく思ったり、イライラしたりするなどの嫌悪感を表します。“Very angry”に似ている言葉ですが、人の言動やある物事が不公平で不快に思うといったニュアンスが含まれます。
- I resent him for being so disrespectful.(彼の失礼な行為に腹が立ちます。)
- I resent that fact that I’m not getting paid for overtime.(残業手当が支給されていないことに憤りを感じます。)
- She resented her friend for insulting her.(友達に侮辱されて、彼女は腹を立てていました。)
5) In the way(邪魔になる)
◎ “In the way”は通路や視界、または何かの進行を妨げることを表す場合に使います。また、何かを達成することにおいての弊害といった意味合いもあります。“In the way”の前に邪魔となる対象を入れましょう。
- Hey Steve, you’re in the way. I can’t see the T.V.(スティーブ、邪魔だよ。テレビが見えないじゃん。)
- That box is in the way. Can you move it?(その箱邪魔だよ。どかしてくれない?)
- I think Katakana English can get in the way of learning proper pronunciation.(カタカナ英語は、正しい発音を学ぶ弊害になると思います。)
- Explore・・・探検
- Semester・・・学期
- Things like that・・・そのようなこと
- Slow down・・・ゆっくりになる
The shopping malls get pretty hectic during the holiday season.とありますが、最初の「the」はなぜ必要なのでしょうか。
「Shopping malls」のように「the」なしで表現することもできます。その場合、「ショッピングモール全般」を表します。「The shopping malls」のように「the」を加えると、聞き手も知っている「特定のショッピングモール」を指し、近所にあるショッピングモールをについて話しているのだと解釈をします。