
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.05.28






【Sam】Yeah, so—so what about you? I mean, hopefully you studied a little bit more than I did.


【Sam】And didn’t just play video games.

【Vicki】(laughs) Well, I kinda (kind of) had to because…well, I ended up being a double major and so, I was pretty busy, like all the time. And I also had two jobs. I was—I worked in the—the music library. So we had, like a collection of music scores that musicians would check out. That kind of thing. So I worked there. And then I also had a singing job, which was actually really fun ‘cause (because) I sang in choirs, like my whole life.


【Vicki】And I was also in a choir at school. And then, in addition to the choir, I also had a choir job at a church nearby.


【Vicki】It was, like some Anglican church and they love to have nice choirs.


【Vicki】So they actually pay choristers to sing there. So I did that. So I spent a lot of time studying. Yeah…


【Vicki】…I was doing Japanese. I took a lot of history classes. I just…whatever interested me. Like, I wasn’t stuck to my majors. So I would be, like…

【Sam】Yeah, yeah.

【Vicki】Yeah, I was doing art and I was doing—Japanese. But I loved…yeah, history. I loved, like…like, any, like science. I don’t know. I wanted to try everything. I was, like very, like curious, I guess.



【Sam】I—I think that’s kind of a little bit different about America compared to…like, I know that in the UK, you just have to choose. You know, “I’m going to study this thing.”


【Sam】And then you don’t really get to mix and match.


【Sam】It’s not, like a buffet.


【Sam】It’s a course menu.

【Vicki】Yeah. (laughs)

【Sam】And so I—I…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…you know, I studied “French Existential Literature” and “Samurai History…”


【Sam】…and all sorts of…so what were some of, like the more interesting classes?


【Sam】I know at UC Santa Barbara there were—there was a class about dinosaurs…


【Sam】…that everyone liked to take. It was really hard to get into


【Sam】…that class. I didn’t get into it.

【Vicki】Oh wow. Yeah, what…I mean, I took some, like, you know…okay, one interesting class I took was about—it was a History of Japanese… “The Art on Japanese Folding Screens,” or byobu.


【Vicki】So, we studied, like all the different motifs, like the plum blossoms and the flowers, and the—and the moss on the trees and what that means. And then about the Gold Leaf. And then we also studied about, like the different people who were portrayed on it and the different stories, like, you know, Tale of Genji and Heike and all of that.
And about…also the Portuguese, like when they first came to Japan, they were a popular subject for the folding screens. So that was—that was an interesting class that I took.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two different jobs did Vicki have while in college?
  2. What difference does Sam raise between the American and UK college systems?
  3. At the end of the episode, what college class does Vicki mention she took?



  1. She worked in a music library as well as in a choir. She worked in two choirs, one of which was a church choir.
  2. Sam says that in America, a student has flexibility in the courses they take, while in the UK, a student must choose a course of study and stick to that throughout college.
  3. She took a class on the art of Japanese folding screens or byobu.



Sam and Vicki continue their discussion about their lives in college. Vicki begins by describing her own college life and what she did while attending college.

Vicki worked two jobs while in college. She worked in a music library as well as in a choir. Additionally, she also worked in a choir for an Anglican church.

Vicki took many classes outside of her double major, such as history and science classes. Sam compares the American system, with its flexibility in courses, to that of the UK system, which is more rigid.

Vicki describes one class she enjoyed called “The Art of Japanese Folding Screens,” or byobu. In that class, she studied the various styles, motifs, and subjects commonly depicted on byobu.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) End up(結局〜になる)

end upは「最終的に〜になる」や「結局〜になる」を意味する口語的な表現で、物事が最終的にどうなったかを伝える時に使われます。この表現は結果を伝える時に使われるため、I ended upのように一般的に過去形で使われ、ended upの後には「動詞+ing」が続きます。

  • I ended up moving to LA after graduating from college.
  • What did you end up doing yesterday?
  • We ended up going to karaoke and stayed out all night.

2) In addition to(〜に加えて)

additionは「追加」や「付け足す」を意味することから、in addition toは「〜に加えて」や「〜の他に」を表します。例えば、「彼女は英語の他に韓国語も勉強しています」は「In addition to English, she also studies Korean.」と言います。in addition toは若干フォーマルな響きがありますが、日常会話で使っても全く違和感はありません。

  • In addition to accounting, I also majored in psychology.
  • She can play the piano in addition to the guitar.
  • In addition to my salary, I also get commission every month.

3) Stick to(〜から離れない)

stickは本来「くっつく」を意味することから、日常会話では「〜から離れない」を意味します。今日の会話でビッキーは「I wasn’t stuck to my majors.」と言いましたが、ここでは専攻していた学問だけに専念していたのではなく、他の学問も色々勉強したことを意味します。stick toは様々なシーンで使うことができる表現で、例えば「スケジュールを守る」はstick to the schedule、「ルールを守る」はstick to the rules、「信念を貫く」はstick to one’s beliefと表します。

  • Let’s stick to the plan and make adjustments along the way.
  • If you want to lose weight, you have to stick to your meal plan.
  • No matter what others say, she sticks to her beliefs.

4) Mix and match(様々なものを組み合わせる)


  • Feel free to mix and match these colors.
  • It’s 5 for $20. You can mix and match any of these items here.
  • At Trader Joe’s, you can mix and match your beers and create your own six pack.
    (Trader Joe’sでは好きなビールを組み合わせて、自分だけの6本パックを作ることができます。)

5) Get into(〜に入る)

get intoは「〜に入る」を意味し、特に高校や大学に入学したり、クラスを取ったりする状況で使われます。この表現は、入学試験や審査に合格して高校や大学に入ったり、人数制限のある人気クラスに入るような状況で使われるため、誰でも入れる学校やクラスに対してget intoを使うと違和感があります。

  • I heard Hiro’s son got into Tokyo University.
  • It’s hard to get into that class. I’m on the waiting list.
  • She’s working towards getting into med school.



  • Double major・・・2つの分野を専攻する
  • Choir・・・合唱団
  • Curious・・・好奇心
  • Motifs・・・モチーフ
  • Moss・・・苔


  • Music scores・・・楽譜
  • Plum blossom・・・スモモの花









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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