
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.04.30





【Nate】All right Marina, if there is one thing that you could change about the US, what would it be?

【Marina】Oh man! (laughs) So it is—this actually kind of ties back to something we were talking about a little bit earlier. It’s something that I, like, like and dislike about the US in the same breath. But basically, just, like the individualism…


【Marina】…in the US—not Japan, in the US—because I feel like…like, to a certain degree, it’s okay because you need to, like acknowledge that each person is important in different—in different ways.
But I think it’s gone to—like, there’s this overwhelming sense of individualism that kind of has, like bled into all different, like corners of American society. So, like also, like personal success and, like the economy—just, like, “I…” like, “I made—I succeeded. I was able to make it. Why can’t you, like pull yourself up on your…”


【Marina】…by your own bootstraps?” Like, “I was able to do this.” Like, “Why can’t you?” And not, like recognizing that the experiences—the lived experiences of everyone is slightly different. And the advantages that they were given are slightly different. So just like that, the very—the too individualistic, the too…


【Marina】…I think that’s kind of, like gone on to a little bit too much of an extreme and to the detriment of the whole American society.

【Nate】Yeah, I would have to agree. We have to be a little bit more collective, especially in this time and age.

【Marina】Definitely. Yeah, just also kind of, like the whole international community ideas and that what affects us affects everyone else. And I think we’re…


【Marina】…we’re seeing that now more than at any other time because there are—there is, like hard data that our actions are having influences on people in our communities; and when we leave our communities, like people outside of our communities as well.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What aspect of American society does Marina think is both good and bad?
  2. Why does Marina think we shouldn’t be saying, “I succeeded in life. Why can’t you?”
  3. What does Marina feel we now have hard data on?



  1. She feels American culture’s tendency toward individualism is both good and bad.
  2. She feels statements like that don’t take into account all of the advantages and disadvantageous people are given throughout life which influence how successful they become.
  3. She believes there are now hard data to show that our actions influence the larger communities we are a part of, implying that pure individualism can sometimes be harmful to those around us.



Nate asks Marina what aspect of American society she would like to change. Marina answers with something she regards as both positive and negative in American culture; America’s inclination towards individualism.

Marina believes that while it is important to acknowledge that everyone is unique and different in many ways, American individualism has gone too far. She references the American saying of “pulling oneself up by one’s own bootstraps,” and sentiments like, “I succeeded, so why can’t you?”

She feels that these views don’t take into account the many advantages and disadvantages that people inherit through birth, circumstance, or other ways, that influence how successful they become.

Nate too agrees with this, feeling that America should include more community-mindedness into its culture. Marina also feels that there are now hard data supporting the idea that an individual’s actions can affect that individual’s entire community for good or bad, and so pure individualism in that sense can lead to negative consequences.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Tie(関連する)

tieは本来、紐などを結ぶことを意味することから、日常会話では二つのものが関連したり、結び付いていることを表します。例えば、食生活と健康が結びついていたり、文化と言語が関連してたり、ある話題が次の話題に繋がったりするような状況をtie を使って表すことできます。

  • I heard that diabetes is tied to lack of sleep.
  • The point you’re making ties back into what I was saying earlier. You can’t be afraid of making mistakes.
  • I believe that language and culture are closely tied together.

2) In the same breath(〜と同時に)

直訳で「同じ息で」となるこの表現は、何かを言った直後に、それに反する発言をすることを意味し、日本語の「舌の根の乾かぬうちに」ということわざに似た表現です。例えば、今日の会話でマリナは、「It’s something that I like and dislike about the U.S. in the same breath.」と言いましたが、これは「アメリカの個人主義は好きであると同時に嫌いでもある」ことを意味します。

  • He complimented and criticized her in the same breath.
  • He said he wants to be successful but in the same breath he said doesn’t want to work hard.
  • She said how broke she was yet in the same breath she talked about buying a new Louis Vuitton bag.

3) All corners of(世界中、全国各地)

直訳で「すべての角」となるこの表現は、「世界中」や「全国各地」を意味します。「世界中に」はin all corners of the world、「全国各地に」はin all corners of the countryのように表現します。allの代わりにeveryを使ってin every corner of the worldと表現してもOKです。

  • People from all corners of the world gathered at that event.
  • Unfortunately, the coronavirus spread into all corners of the world.
  • There are convenience stores in every corner of Japan.

4) Make it(成功する)

make itは状況によってさまざまな意味を持つ表現ですが、今日の会話では「成功する」という意味で使われています。特に仕事で成功する意味合いが強く、例えば、「She made it as singer.」は「彼女は歌手として成功した」を意味します。

  • He made it as one of the top sushi chefs in Japan.
  • I want to open a restaurant in the U.S. one day. What does it take to make it in the U.S.?
  • If you can make it in Hollywood, you can make it anywhere.

5) In this time and age(現代では)

in this time and ageは「現代では」を意味する表現で、一般的にはin this day and ageと表現します。these daysと意味は似ていますが、過去と比較して現代の様子を語るような状況ではin this day and ageを使うといいでしょう。

  • In this day and age, you can’t live without a smartphone.
  • In this day and age, working from home is becoming the norm.
  • I can’t believe some companies are still using fax machines in this day and age.



  • Overwhelming・・・極端な
  • Bleed into・・・浸透する
  • Collective・・・集団意識


  • To a certain degree・・・ある程度
  • Detriment of・・・マイナス・損害をもたらす



Nathan (Nate)






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Yuri より:


    too much of an extream and …のところが私には
    too much of an extream end に聞こえるのです。文法的にも内容的にもextream endでも合っているような気がしています。どうでしょう?

    あと、make it のフレーズの例文に
    she made it as singerとあるのですが
    she made it as a singerではないのはどうしてか教えて頂きたいです!


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