
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.04.23





【Marina】Okay Nate, so how do you think Americans are viewed from the rest of the world?

【Nate】I think one of the ideas that people have about Americans is that we are outgoing, we are energetic, we are friendly…

【Marina】Mm hm.

【Nate】…we’re independent people, kind of on our own. We’re talkative, probably a bit loud at times. And kind of going back to some of the other topics we’ve talked about, I would say in general, people think we’re not as hardworking, a little bit more overweight…


【Nate】…a little bit more lazy with our time. So I would say those are the general views of us around the world. I agree with a lot of them. I think it’s—it’s fairly accurate


【Nate】across the board. You know. How ‘bout (about) you, Marina? What—what were you thinking about with this question?

【Marina】Oh yeah—oh, definitely the same. It’s, like a lot of…like, it’s—it’s very easy to think of, like…that, like basically, like that Americans are viewed from a very negative perspective around the world. Just kind of selfish and ignorant. And…

【Nate】Mm hm.

【Marina】…also—yeah, like…all Americans are overweight and unhealthy. And that was something they—that people like to comment to me a lot. And I was like, “I don’t—you don’t need…people come in different sizes.”

【Nate】That’s true.

【Marina】“Just, like look around.”

【Nate】Everyone’s different. Everyone’s different.

【Marina】Everyone’s different. Everyone’s different. Everyone’s beautiful in their own way. (laughs)

【Nate】Maybe that’s an American thing, too. Like…

【Marina】I think…

【Nate】…everyone has the right to be different. (laughs)

【Marina】Yeah, very good.

【Nate】Do you agree with me?



【Marina】And also, just like, this, like idea that, like…yeah, like this kind of, like the individualism thing. That, like everyone has, like their own way of doing things and a little bit, to a certain degree, is like, respecting that, or acknowledging that. Maybe not—respect is…maybe we’re not quite there yet.


【Marina】But, yeah. The—I think, like definitely, like when you think of, like how American tourists are, like perceived—or, like portrayed in Hollywood and, like different, like TV shows. How they’re portrayed when they’re foreigners or tourists in other countries.
I mean, just like…like, just, like, we’ll meet the, like—the fat tourist family that are, like taking—are going around the, like…taking pictures of, like the Pyramid of Giza and they kind of, like…the—the parents are, like selfish and ignoring their child, and their child is, like—ends up, like…you know, like running around and destroying everything.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What does Nate believe that people from around the world think of Americans as being, both good traits and bad traits?
  2. What negative traits does Marina believe people from around the world view Americans as having?
  3. What negative stereotype of Americans does Marina give in this episode?



  1. He thinks people from around the world view Americans as energetic and outgoing, but also overweight, lazy, and loud.
  2. She thinks people from around the world view Americans as often selfish and ignorant.
  3. She gives the example of the ignorant, disrespectful American tourist stereotype, evoking the image of a family of overweight tourists oblivious to the culture around them and only caring about themselves.



Marina and Nate share their thoughts on how they think Americans are viewed by people from around the world. Nate believes foreign opinions of Americans include both good and bad traits.

Among the good traits, Nate believes people from around the world view Americans as being energetic and outgoing. However, he also believes people from around the world view Americans as overweight, lazy, and at times loud.

Marina agrees with these negative stereotypes, but feels that “overweight” is a trait that shouldn’t be as stigmatized as it is. She also thinks part of what causes these negative stereotypes about Americans is the individualistic culture of America.

One such negative stereotype of Americans that Marina cites is the ignorant family of American tourists in a foreign country. This stereotype imagines a family of Americans, possibly overweight, touring a country while oblivious to others around them and overly concerned about themselves.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) At times(時々)

at times は「時々」を意味し、sometimesの言い換え表現として使えます。sometimesより多少フォーマルな響きはありますが、友達同士の会話で使っても特に違和感はありません。この表現は一般的に文頭、または文末で使われます。

  • At times, I crave a bowl of ramen right before I go to bed.
  • I consider myself a pretty optimistic person but I worry about my future at times.
  • He’s usually a nice guy but he’ll say mean things at times.

2) Across the board(全体的に)

across the boardは、「全体的に」や「全体にわたって」または「一律に」を意味します。ビジネスの場でもよく耳にする表現で、一部のグループだけではなく、全ての部署、全ての従業員に関わる意味合いが含まれ、特に会社の方針や進め方を全面的に変える時によく使われる言い回しです。

  • Improvements need to be made across the board.
  • Our company is planning on cutting budgets across the board.
  • Stock prices are going up across the board right now.

3) Look around(周りを見る)

look aroundは「周りを見る」を意味する日常表現ですが、特に何か探し物をしているときに「いろいろと見る・探す」といった意味でよく使われます。例えば、財布を失くした友達に「色々見たけど見つからなかったよ」と伝える場合は、「I looked around but I couldn’t find your wallet.」と言います。

  • I looked around all over the living room but I couldn’t find your keys.
  • Let’s look around and see if there is an Italian restaurant around here.
  • I’ll look around the train station. Maybe you dropped your passport there.

4) To a certain degree(ある程度は)

to a certain degreeは「ある程度」を意味し、ビジネスシーンでも使える便利な表現です。degreeの代わりにextentを使ってto a certain extentと表現したり、to some degreeと表現することもできますが、どちらも同じ意味になります。

  • I agree with what you’re saying to a certain degree.
  • Stereotypes are not 100 percent accurate but they are true to a certain degree.
  • Talking to yourself in English is effective to a certain degree. But if you want to become a good English speaker, you have to go out and talk to people.

5) Portray(描写する)


  • Why are Asian people always portrayed as doctors in American TV shows?
  • This documentary portrays him as a greedy person.
  • How are millennials portrayed in the media in Japan?



  • Outgoing・・・社交的
  • Energetic・・・活動的
  • Talkative・・・おしゃべり
  • Ignorant・・・無知な
  • Individualism・・・個人主義


  • Fairly accurate・・・結構合ってる
  • Negative perspective・・・ネガティブな目で見られてる



Nathan (Nate)






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Taro より:


    ジュンさんのpodcastやyoutube はいつも勉強になります。最近は、少しずつ英語が聞き取れるようになりました。これからも毎日見て、聞きます。


    • Jun より:


  2. Hayato Sekine より:

    Junさん お疲れ様です。
    Sub effectは “副反応” も良いと思いますが
    自分的には “副作用” の方が日本人の方には



    Hayato Sekine

  3. Hiro より:

    – Americans are overweight and unhealthy. And that was something they—that people like to comment to me a lot. And I was like, “I don’t—you don’t need…people come in different sizes.”

    2.Nateが”everyone has a right to be different”と言ったことに対してMarinaは”Yeah. Very good” と言っていますが、このvery good は何に対して言っているのですか?冗談(皮肉?)ぽくNateが言った事に対して、「おもしろーい」と冗談(皮肉?)に対して笑っている感じなのか、それとも「そりゃそうよ、みんな違うのよ!」とNateが言った内容自体に対して同意しているのか、


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