
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.03.05





【Nate】Marina, what do you think about the service in the U.S. and the service in Japan, and what would you consider as being “good service?”

【Marina】I—I—so, I guess, like consider service more in terms of, like restaurant service, if that was I think the general, like direction that we are going in. Like, in the—I was thinking in that frame of mind, like at restaurants. Like, I think of the—like U.S. wait staff as just, like being, like very attentive.
That’s just, like the name of the game, that they’re always there checking—checking in on you, like giving you water, asking you how the food is, and then, like seeing if you, like need the check. Just basically, like constantly making sure that your service is okay.
But with, like Japan, there’s, like the set thing of, like you—you go in, you get seated, you call them over. You have to—you have to, like beg for attention almost. And then—but then, like you’re left to enjoy your food.
But I do kind of like just, like being left alone to enjoy my food and not have someone, like constantly coming over to, like ask me how I am and then also feeling awkward if I’m in the middle of a conversation with someone…


【Marina】…like, to continue—like, to continue talking. Do I ignore the person? Do I acknowledge them? And also, do I want them to hear this maybe potentially embarrassing story that I’m telling my friend. So, it’s, like that awkward trail-off that you do as they approach the table. That’s…

【Nate】That is true. I didn’t think of that. They do kind of come in and check up on us a lot, huh?



【Marina】Just, like the, “Hey, how are you?” But yeah. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Nate】I can—as far as food thing goes, as you were sharing, I was kind of thinking that in Japan, one of the services they have is—they have, like the push button. Like, you can literally push a button and someone will come…


【Nate】…and check what you need. Whereas here, it’s like, you have to, like raise your hand. You have to try to get the waiter’s attention. In your case, like you were sharing, like sometimes they come and check on you.
But many cases, I felt like, “Okay, I need something now.” And the waiter’s, like halfway across the room, having to get their attention, and you can’t really. Like, you literally just have to wait for them to notice you. So, in that sense, I feel like Japan has a really good system where you can, you know, get service when you need it.
Whereas U.S., you’re kind of dependent on your waiter or waitress to kind of notice you. And, you know, some of them are doing a good job. You know, like you said, they’re checking up on you pretty frequently. But, you know, maybe they’re having a bad day and they’re not going to check up on you.
So, I would say overall, I prefer the service in Japan.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is the difference between the U.S. and Japanese restaurant waiting staff that Marina highlights at the beginning of the episode?
  2. What does Marina dislike about the American style of restaurant waiting staff?
  3. Why does Nate prefer the Japanese waiting staff style over the American style?



  1. In the U.S., waiting staff comes up to customers’ tables frequently to check in on them, whereas in Japan, the staff generally waits until called on by the customers.
  2. She dislikes being interrupted by the staff while in the middle of a conversation.
  3. He likes being able to simply call over a waiter or waitress when needed in Japan as opposed to waiting for one to arrive in the U.S.



Marina and Nate discuss the American and Japanese styles of restaurant waiting staff. They also share their thoughts on which styles they prefer.

Marina says that the main difference between the two styles is that American restaurant staff will frequently check in on customers to see how they are doing, whereas Japanese staff will usually wait to be called on by the customers themselves. While she appreciates the attentiveness of American staff, she enjoys the opportunity to enjoy her food in peace that the Japanese style better allows for.

For example, if Marina is in a conversation with her friend at a restaurant and an American staff comes up to check in on her, she sometimes feels awkward about how she should react.

Nate appreciates both styles of waiting on customers at restaurants. However, he prefers the Japanese style because he can call on them only when he needs their service.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Attentive(気配りができる)


  • We should leave a big tip. Our waiter was friendly and attentive.
  • All of the participants at the seminar were attentive and took notes.
  • To be a good communicator, you must be an attentive listener.

2) The name of the game(最も重要なこと)

直訳で「ゲームの名前」となるこの表現は、本来はゲームの目的を指しますが、日常会話では物事の「最も重要なこと」や「肝心な点」を意味します。サッカーやバスケなどスポーツは点を取ること、ビジネスは利益を出したり、人脈を作ることなどがthe name of the game と言えるでしょう。

  • You have to engage with your audience on social media. That’s the name of the game.
  • It’s not what you know but who you know. That’s the name of the game in business.
  • You have to make as many shots as you can in ten seconds. That’s the name of the game.

3) Check in on someone(確認する)

この表現は誰かの様子をうかがったり、安否を確認したりすることを意味します。例えば、地震が起こった地域で暮らす友人の安否を確認するために連絡をしたり、風邪を引いて休んでいる同僚の具合をチェックするためにメッセージを送ったりするような状況で使われ、「I’m just checking in on you. Are you OK?」という具合に使われます。

  • ちなみに、似たような表現でcheck up on someoneもよく使われます。
  • I should check in on my grandma and see how she’s doing.
  • I’m going to check in on Hiro and see if he’s getting better.
  • How’s everything going? It’s been a while since we talked. Just checking up on you.

4) Call someone over(人を呼び寄せる)

call someone over は誰かを自分のいる場所に呼ぶことを意味します。お客さんがレストランで店員を呼んだり、職場で上司が部下を自分のデスクの近くに呼び寄せたりするような状況で使われます。

  • Let’s call the server over and get the check.
  • What do you think Steve is up to right now? Let’s call him over.
  • Do you guys know what you want? I’ll call the waitress over.

5) Left alone(独りでいる)

left alone は独りになったり、放っておかれることを意味します。例えば、そっとしておいて欲しい時や干渉されたくない時に「I just want to be left alone.」

  • ちなみに、 leave someone alone も「人を独りにしておく」を意味し、イラッとした口調で「Leave me alone!」と言うと「ほっといて!」という意味になります。
  • Sometimes I just want to be left alone.
  • That poor dog was left alone in the car for hours.
  • Can you leave me alone? I’m working on my speech right now.



  • Wait staff・・・レストランの店員
  • Acknowledge・・・応じる
  • Trail-off・・・小声になる
  • Whereas・・・一方
  • Dependent on・・・〜次第


  • In terms of・・・〜と言うと
  • Frame of mind・・・〜のような考え
  • Get seated・・・席に着く
  • In that sense・・・そう言う意味では



Nathan (Nate)






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. mitsu より:

    今回のエピソードでcall onという表現が何度か使われていますが、この表現に「人を呼ぶ」という意味があるのですか?
    call someone overと同じニュアンスなのでしょうか?
    call onを辞書などで調べると「人に何かを頼む」や「訪問する」という意味は出てきますが、「人を呼ぶ」という意味は見つけられませんでした。

  2. Kei より:


mitsu へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

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