
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.12.04





【Mary】So, it’s not even Thanksgiving here yet. It’s not even Halloween. But there’s already Christmas trees out…


【Mary】…and opportunities for shopping. So, how’s—how does Christmas shopping work for you? Like, have you gotten started already?

【Chris】I have not gotten started. It’s not that I’m, you know, going to do it last minute, but something in between, maybe in the month of December. I don’t really feel the urge to shop for Christmas in October and November. Although, you totally can, like you said.


【Chris】So, yeah. Sometime in December—it’s not a very long list of people that I shop for. So, for example, my sister, who’s 2 years older than me, and we’re pretty similar…we kind of came to an agreement. We talked maybe, like 5 years ago and said, “Hey, so I’m not going to get you exactly what you want unless you tell me exactly what you like.”

【Mary】Mm hm.

【Chris】“So what if we just come to an agreement where we don’t get each other a gift and we just, like wish each other a ‘Merry Christmas?’ We’re saving each other the time of shopping for the gift.”

【Mary】And the money. (laughs)

【Chris】“That could be our gift to each other.” Yeah, exactly. So, not everyone would be on board with that, but it seems to work really well for us, and I certainly appreciate that gift… (laughs)

【Mary】Yeah, I think…

【Chris】…of one less person to shop for.

【Mary】My husband and I actually decided that not long after we got married, 10 years ago.

【Chris】Oh, really?

【Mary】That we spend money on each other and ourselves all year.


【Mary】So, let’s save a little around Christmas…

【Chris】Yeah, teamwork.

【Mary】…because it’s already…it’s already stressful enough trying to figure stuff out for family.


【Mary】So, yeah. But now we have a baby and I do kind of go crazy getting stuff for her.

【Chris】As you do. You have to. (laughs)

【Mary】I will admit…yeah. (laughs) Last year was her first Christmas, so she didn’t know what was going on much. But this year, I think I’m not going to go crazy, but I’m definitely going to buy stuff for her.

【Chris】Yeah, totally. Have you started?

【Mary】But probably—I have not started.


【Mary】I started thinking about it. But my family is super practical. We all just keep an Amazon list that we update throughout the year of exactly what we want. And it’s not exciting and there are no surprises but you get exactly what you want. (laughs)

【Chris】Yeah, I love that. Practicality.


【Chris】Big fan of practicality.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What agreement did Chris reach with his sister regarding Christmas shopping?
  2. Who does Mary really enjoy buying gifts for?
  3. How do the members of Mary’s family keep track of the gifts they’ll be buying their other family each year?



  1. Neither of them would buy Christmas gifts for each other so their overall Christmas shopping would be less stressful each year.
  2. She loves buying gifts for her baby daughter.
  3. They all use Amazon lists that are updated with what each family member wants for Christmas.



Mary and Chris discuss how they both approach Christmas shopping each year. Chris isn’t a last minute Christmas shopper, but he tends to wait until December to begin shopping.

Chris and his sister reached an agreement with one another on Christmas shopping. Since neither of them know exactly what the other wants for Christmas, they have decided not to buy gifts for each other and spare themselves the extra worry of looking for each others’ gifts.

Mary reached a similar agreement with her husband roughly 10 years ago. Still, she really enjoys buying gifts for her baby daughter. Last Christmas was her daughter’s first, and while she doesn’t think she’ll buy as much for her baby this year as she did last, she still plans to buy a lot.

Mary and her family keep track of what they will buy each other through Amazon lists. Her family members update the lists with what they want so it is easy for everyone to do Christmas shopping when the time comes.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Urge to(無性に〜したい)

urgeは名詞で「衝動」を意味することから、突然チョコレートが食べたくなったり、買い物がしたくなったりなど、急に何かをしたい衝動に駆られるときはhave an urge to ____と表現します。ここではhaveをgetやfeelに置き換えて使ってもOKです。また、より強調したい場合はhave a strong urge to ____と言います。

  • Do you ever have an urge to eat donuts?
  • I haven’t smoked in over a year but I still feel an urge to smoke every now and then.
  • I had a strong urge to go shopping and went on a shopping spree yesterday.

2) Come to an agreement(合意する)

come to an agreement は合意をしたり、話がまとまることを意味します。特にビジネスの場で耳にすることが多く、意見が合致して交渉がまとまった時や、取引が成立した時に使われます。日常会話では come の代わりに reachを使い、 reach an agreement と表現するのも一般的です。

  • Are you guys still negotiating or did you guys come to an agreement?
  • After weeks of going back and forth, we finally reached an agreement.
  • Unfortunately, we failed to come to an agreement.

3) On board(賛成する)

boardは本来、船や飛行機、電車など乗り物に乗ることを意味する単語ですが、日常会話では「賛成する」や「同意する」、「参加する」を意味し、特に提案に賛成する時や、何かに参加する意思表明をする時に使われます。またこの表現は、会社やグループ、チームなどの一員になることも表し、新しく加わったメンバーに対してよく使われる「Welcome on board.」は「ようこそ我が社へ(我がチームへ)」という意味になります。

  • We’re planning on getting a cabin and splitting the cost. Are you on board?
  • Everyone’s on board except for Kevin.
  • Welcome on board. Looking forward to working with you.

4) Not long after(〜から間もなく)

not long after は「〜から間もなく」を意味する表現です。例えば、「私たちは結婚してから間もなくシンガポールへ引っ越しました」と言いたい場合は「We moved to Singapore not long after we got married.」と言う具合に使います。long afterは「〜してからかなり後に」を意味しますが、この表現は一般的に否定形で使われる傾向があります。

  • He found a job not long after he got laid off.
  • Not long after that, she moved back home.
  • A tsunami occurred not long after the earthquake.

5) Go crazy(やり過ぎる)

go crazyは「気が変になる」や「頭がおかしくなる」を意味しますが、日常会話では「やり過ぎる」を意味し、必要以上に大量に何かを買ったり、料理をしたりすることを表す時などに使います。例えば、ホームパーティーに招待してくれた友人が、招待客のために半端ない量の食事を作って待っていた時に「You went crazy!(やり過ぎだよ!)」と言うことができます。

  • I went crazy and bought 10 pairs of jeans.
  • This is so much food! You went crazy. Why did you order so much?
  • He went crazy with the Christmas decorations. His office looks like Santa’s house.



  • Totally・・・そうだね
  • Practical・・・実用的な


  • Not even・・・まだ〜でない
  • Last minute・・・ギリギリになって
  • Work well for us・・・僕たちには合ってる
  • Big fan of・・・〜が大好き



Mary L






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