
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.07.31





【revel】For you, what was—what was the most difficult thing you had to go through in the quarantine or the easiest? Is there anything that really was hard or easier for you?

【Kame】Yes. So, I will say in terms of what was easy. Uh, like I said before, I was able to keep my job and seeing the news about, um how many people were losing their jobs I…I felt very grateful, uh that I didn’t have to, uh kind of panic and worry about paying my rent.
Um and then another thing is I was quarantined with my fiancé, and then we had two roommates. And for New York standards, our apartment was quite big. And so we all had a place where we could go to be alone…

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】…but we also could completely be together. And um, I—I’ve talked to some of my students who were in quarantine, completely isolated and really struggling with the feeling of loneliness

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】…and so, um I mean, I felt really grateful that I was in this kind of situation where I had people around me and I still could kind of maintain, um a daily life…

【revel】Mm hm.

【Kame】…that I had before, um just, you know, without leaving my house. What about you? What’s been the most easy or most difficult part of, uh being in quarantine?

【revel】Well, uh the easiest probably is I’m not a particularly social person. So uh distancing myself…staying at home was wonderful.


【revel】Uh, I can say it like that. For me, it was wonderful.

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】I didn’t have to say “good morning” to anyone. I’m not—I’m not, uh a Mr. Scrooge.


【revel】I—I’m not a terrible person. I’m not…and I’m not a Sheldon Cooper either. But uh…


【revel】It was very easy for me to say, “Yes, I’ll lock the door. I’ll be with my dog. I’ll be in my vegetable garden and I’ll be doing my things…”

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】“…my—my little projects here and there.”

【Kame】Mm hm.

【revel】Okay, so that was very easy. I had no difficulty whatsoever.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What gave Kame a sense of relief and security at the beginning of the quarantine?
  2. How many people lived in Kame’s apartment?
  3. Why was adjusting to the quarantine easy for revel?



  1. She learned she would keep her full-time job and would not have to worry about paying rent.
  2. Four people lived in Kame’s apartment: herself, her fiancé, and their two roommates.
  3. revel is not typically a very social person so enjoyed the quiet time at home during quarantine.



Kame and revel continue their discussion of their lives under quarantine. This time they talk about what was easiest and what was most difficult for them during the stay-at-home periods they lived through.

Kame was relieved at the beginning of the quarantine when she learned she would be able to keep her job and not have to worry about paying rent. In addition, her living situation brought her comfort.

Kame lived in a large apartment with her fiancé and their two roommates. The apartment gave them the ability to spend time alone while also providing a space where they all could gather together.

revel did not have much difficulty adjusting to the stay-at-home restrictions where he lived because he typically is not a very social person. During the quarantine, revel spent time with his dog, his vegetable garden, and working on his various projects.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Lose one’s job(職を失う)

失業することを lose one’s job と言います。社員都合・会社都合など理由を問わず、失業全般を表す表現です。

  • Many people have lost their jobs during the pandemic.
  • Why did he lose his job? Did his company lay him off?
  • If I lose my job, I’ll probably go back to school and look for a new career.

2) Grateful(感謝する)

Grateful は「感謝している」を意味する単語です。 Thankfulも「感謝している」を意味しますが、grateful が相手の行為に対する感謝を表すのに対し、thankful は「悪いことが起こらなくて良かった」「良い結果になって良かった」など、自分の恵まれた環境に対する感謝の気持ちを表します。しかし日常会話では、そこまで厳密に区別されず置き換えて使われます。

  • What are you grateful for?
  • I’m grateful for everyone that has supported me so far.
  • I’m grateful for all the little things you do for me every day.

3) Struggle(苦労する)

Struggle は、対策をとっているにもかかわらず状況が改善せず悪戦苦闘しているニュアンスを含む単語です。必要な物資が足りずに苦しむ状況でも使われ、例えば、懸命に仕事をしているのにお金に困っている場合は「I’m struggling with money.」と言います。

  • I’m struggling with remembering words. I forget them right away.
  • My first year abroad was a struggle but things got better after that.
  • I should’ve prepared more for my speech. I really struggled today.

4) Mr. Scrooge(意地悪なおじいさん)

Mr. Scroogeは、チャールズ・ディケンズの小説、「クリスマス・キャロル」に登場する主人公です。非常にケチなキャラクターであることから、scroogeは自己中心的で「ケチな人」という意味で使われるようになりました。ケチであるだけではなく、「意地悪で無愛想なおじいさん」という意味合いも含まれます。日常会話では、Mr. を入れずに scroogeだけでも使われます。

  • I’m not Mr. Scrooge or anything but I think that’s a waste of money.
  • That old man that lives next door is a scrooge.
  • What a scrooge! I can’t believe he didn’t pay for his meal.

5) Whatsoever(全く〜でない)

Whatsoever は否定を強調する表現です。例えば、「I had no problem whatsoever.」は「私には一切何の問題もありませんでした」を意味し、問題がなかったことが強調されます。

  • I have no idea whatsoever. Maybe you should ask John.
  • Why would he do that? It makes no sense whatsoever.
  • I have no doubt whatsoever that you’ll become a great English speaker.



  • Isolated・・・孤立して
  • Loneliness・・・孤独感
  • Social person・・・社交的な人


  • Go through・・・(辛い)経験をする
  • In terms of・・・~に関して
  • Here and there・・・いろいろ









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  1. Akiko より:

    Whatover の例文で
    Hy would he do…..と有りますが、何故 dis he do …

  2. toru より:

    Hi, Jun sensei,

    I’m grateful for all the little things you do for viewers every lessons.

    I have a question.

    “what was the most difficult thing you had to go through in the quarantine or the easiest?”

    の”easiest”の考え方は、全文の”…the most difficult..”に対する対義文が省略されているという理解でよいのでしょうか?

  3. Take より:

    Hi Jun!

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