
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.05.08





【Ken】Umm, so guys… have you been seeing any T.V. shows, movies recently that you’re into?

【Lawrence】Uh, recently I watched Deadpool 2 which came out a couple weeks ago. I saw it twice in theaters and right before that I had seen Avengers Infinity War twice… in theaters.

【Ken】Twice… Big fan huh?

【Lawrence】Uh… yeah you could say that.

【Ken】But uh, why were you, uh you know, so excited to see these movies twice?

【Lawrence】So actually, for Infinity War I had made plans with a friend to watch it the Friday the week after it came out. So I already had plans to watch that. But umm, ‘cause I’ve seen all the Marvel movies I’ve been looking forward to this. Umm, the weekend when it came out there was a lot of people talking about it – A lot of spoilers and stuff like that I was trying to avoid, so Monday night I was hanging out with some friends and one of my friends, he also watches movies, or… is into movies, and so he said, “Do you want to watch Infinity War?” And so I knew I would have to wait almost another week before my original plans with my friend so I was like, “Okay I’ll go watch it now”. ‘Cause I want to not have to keep worrying about spoilers in the movies or anything so I watched it that Monday with a friend and then that Friday with my original plan.

【Deanna】Nice… How was it? Did you like it?

【Lawrence】Yeah, I was more than happy to watch it again.

【Deanna】Okay, out of like all the Avengers movies, would you say it’s your favorite or…?

【Lawrence】Out of the avengers… yes.

【Deanna】Okay, okay… and are you a DC or Marvel…? I always get this question and I don’t know how to answer. Like, are you a DC or Marvel fan?

【Lawrence】Umm, pretty much Marvel.

【Deanna】Marvel, how about you, Ken?

【Ken】Umm, I don’t really watch those movies so I’m pretty much clueless I’m in the same boat as you. I really don’t know too much about this so…

【Deanna】Okay, yeah, don’t ask me about, Marvel or DC but…


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Which film did Lawrence see twice in the theater?
  2. Does Lawrence prefer Marvel or DC when asked “are you a Marvel or DC fan?”
  3. How do Deanna and Ken respond to the question “are you a Marvel or DC fan?”



  1. Lawrence saw Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War twice in theaters.
  2. Lawrence prefers Marvel.
  3. Neither of them know much about either superhero universe and so don’t have opinions one way or the other.



Deanna, Ken, and Lawrence discuss comic book films in this episode. Lawrence begins by sharing that he recently saw Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War.

Lawrence saw both Deadpool 2 and Avengers: Infinity War twice in theaters. Originally, he had plans to see Infinity War with one of his friends roughly one week after it was released to theaters.

But Lawrence was trying so hard to avoid spoilers when it came out that he went even earlier with another friend, then seeing it again on his original plans. For Lawrence, Infinity War was his favorite out of all the other Avengers films.

When asked the question “are you Marvel or DC?”, Lawrence easily answers that he is Marvel by preference. Ken and Deanna however don’t know how to respond to the question, because neither of them know much about either Marvel or DC.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Come out(~が公開される・発売される)

Come out は様々な文脈で使用される汎用性の高い表現です。「〜が出る」という意味が元となり、今回の会話の中で使われた「公開する・される」という意味にもなり、新作映画の公開、新番組のスタート、新作アルバムや新商品の発売、新サービスの開始といった状況で使われます。他にも、試験結果や新しいニュースや情報が発表される際にも使われます。

  • When does that movie come out? I really want to see it!
  • His new album came out last week and it already has poor reviews.
  • The results for the exam should be coming out tomorrow.

2) You could say that(そうかもしれない)

You could say that は、相手の考えが完全ではないが概ね正しいと判断される状況で、その考えを「まぁ、そうかもね」や「そうとも言えるね」と遠回しに認める表現です。ポイントは、canではなく could を使うことです。日常会話では I guess を加えて、 I guess you could say that. とも言います。

  • Am I a die hard Lakers fan? Yeah, you could say that.
  • Do I prefer cats over dogs? I like dogs too but I guess you could say that.
  • Am I getting cabin fever? Yeah, I guess you could say that.

3) Spoiler(ネタバレ)

Spoilerは「ネタバレ」を意味する単語です。「台無しにする」という意味の動詞spoilが元となり、ネット上で 映画やテレビ番組、小説などについて「ネタバレ注意」と伝える際に、spoiler alert や spoiler warningと表現されるようになりました。

  • You’ve seen Titanic right? I hope that wasn’t a spoiler for you.
  • Spoiler alert! The main character gets killed at the end.
  • I’m so excited to see that movie! I’m trying my best to avoid spoilers.

4) More than happy to(喜んで〜する)

More than happy to ____ は「喜んで〜する」という意味の表現です。「喜んで手伝います。」は 「I’d be more than happy to help you.」 、「喜んでアドバイスします。」は 「I’d be more than happy to give you advice.」のように、more than happy toの後に動詞を入れるだけでOKです。I’d be happy to ____も「喜んで〜する」を意味しますが、more thanを加えることでより快く何かをするニュアンスが出ます。

  • また、I’m more than happy to ____よりもI’d (I would) be more than happy to ____の方がより丁寧で親切な響きがあります。
  • I would be more than happy to show you around Tokyo.
  • I’m more than happy to help you with your presentation.
  • I’d be more than happy to join the event tomorrow.

5) Be in the same boat(同じ立場にいる・同じ状況である)

Be in the same boatは直訳で「同じ船に乗っている」となることから、この表現は互いに同じ境遇にいることを表します。「小さな船に乗って航海をする船客全員が同じリスクを負い、同じ困難に立ち向かう」ことが由来となり、ネガティブな状況において使われる表現です。同僚や友達と同じ問題に直面している時や、相手の苦労話や愚痴に対して「私も同じ立場である」と共感する際に使える表現です。

  • I know what you mean. I’m in the same boat.
  • Since we’re in the same boat, we should help each other out.
  • We are all in the same boat right now. Let’s get through this together.



  • Clueless・・・全然分からない


  • The week after・・・翌週の
  • Hang out・・・遊ぶ
  • Out of・・・〜の中では



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. やす より:

    Cause I want to not have to keep worrying about spoilers in the moviesとローレンスが言っているように、want to not do something と言えるのでしょうか? don’t want to do something と同じですか?

    • Jun より:


      not want to でも表現できますが、don’t want to の方がシンプルですっきりした言い方だと思います。

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