
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.04.24





【Christian】What are your thoughts on being a YouTuber? Is it a big thing? Uh, if your son was—wanted to be a YouTuber…I don’t know if you have a son. But if you did, yeah.

【Chris】Yeah, mm hm.

【Christian】What would your opinion be on it?

【Chris】Um, you know, I love YouTube. I watch a lot of YouTube. And I think there’s so many different opinions out there. Um, I think it’s—I think it’s a really cool thing. It’s a great thing to get, um…to be—to broadcast yourself. I think it’s a great thing.
However, I think that there’s some dangers in it. I think there’s a lot of, uh…nuts out there on YouTube. And I think, you know, people might, um…how do I say? I think—I think it can be dangerous if you’re, like a young kid. So if, like my son wanted to do it, I wouldn’t let him do it…


【Chris】…until he got older and he was, like, you know, out of the house or something. He was like, 18. I would be okay with it. But if he was younger, like maybe 14 or something, I would not allow it at all. I wouldn’t want his face on—online. I wouldn’t want any of that kind of thing. And I know that there’s a lot of kids out there now that have YouTube channels and they’re absolutely huge.

【Christian】Yeah, I’ve seen even babies.

【Chris】And even they can make a lot of money—yeah, right. And—and they’ll make a lot of money, but I just think there’s, um…there’s something to be said—just uh, you know…maybe not go that route at such a young age. I just think it can be, you know, detrimental to their health.


【Chris】You know, their social health, maybe. You know what I mean? ‘Cause (because) you get a lot of…you get a lot of response from YouTube. You get a lot of trolls out there. You get a lot of people saying bad things about you, or, you know, criticizing you.

【Christian】That’s true. If your self-esteem is not, like well-developed and they…


【Christian】…you know, that could cause some problems, right? For your—if you’re, like a 14-year-old kid.

【Chris】Yeah. Definitely is. I mean, some people, they can do it, and they can just blast right through it and they wouldn’t care.

【Christian】Yeah, you gotta (got to) have like, thick skin.

【Chris】You’ve gotta have thick skin, because you’re putting yourself out there, and you know, everyone has an opinion. Um…so, you know, it’s interesting. I think it takes a certain kind of person to, kind of be, like a good YouTuber. They gotta have thick skin, and they gotta, um…you know, they gotta really connect with people in order to be able to be, kind of successful at it.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How old would Chris want his son to be before he became a YouTuber?
  2. Why does Chris think becoming a YouTuber could be harmful to a young person?
  3. What do both Christian and Chris feel YouTubers should have, and why?



  1. Chris would not want his son to become a YouTuber until he was at least 18 years old.
  2. Chris feels becoming YouTuber can attract a lot of negative attention, which could harm a young person’s mental health.
  3. Both feel anyone becoming a YouTuber should have thick skin because broadcasting oneself online often brings negative attention.



Chris and Christian discuss their thoughts and feelings on becoming a YouTuber. Christian begins by asking Chris whether he would allow a son of his to become a YouTuber.

While Chris enjoys YouTube and feels it offers many benefits, he is wary of the idea of his son becoming a YouTuber. He would not allow his son to become a YouTuber until he was at least 18 years of age.

Chris believes that while being a YouTuber can be a lucrative career if one becomes successful, he also feels that it can be dangerous for a young person’s health. This is because being a YouTuber often means attracting negative attention and harmful criticism, which can hurt a person’s self-esteem.

Both Chris and Christian feel that anyone interested in becoming a YouTuber needs to have thick skin. The nature of the platform means popular personalities are often targeted by internet trolls or people interested in malicious harassment, and so a YouTuber needs to have the strength to weather such attacks.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Nuts (変な人・気が狂った)


  • 他にも、nuts about ____で「〜に夢中である」 、go nutsで「興奮する」という意味にもなります。
  • I can’t believe you ran an ultra marathon. You’re nuts.
  • You’re going to walk home? Are you nuts? It’s pouring outside.
  • He went nuts when he found out he won the grand prize.

2) Detrimental(有害な)

Detrimental は harmful のよりフォーマルな言い方で、「有害な」を意味する単語です。Detrimental to____(〜に悪い、〜を害する)の形式で使われることが多く、例えば「喫煙は健康に悪い」は「Smoking is detrimental to your health.」と言うことができます。

  • You have to kick that bad habit. It’s detrimental to your health.
  • Plastic is detrimental to the environment.
  • Do you think spending too much time on smartphones and tablets are detrimental to kids’ development?

3) Troll (荒らし)

Troll は、インターネットやSNSのコメント欄で故意に反感を買ったり物議を醸すようなコメントやメッセージを残す人、いわゆる「荒らし」を指します。そしてそのような行為をtrollingと言います。

  • There are a lot of trolls on the internet, especially on YouTube.
  • Don’t worry about it. That person is just trolling you.
  • Ignore that comment. Don’t feed the troll.

4) Self-esteem(自尊心)

Self は「自分」、esteem は「評価」を意味することから、self-esteem は自分に対する評価や価値、つまり「自尊心」を表します。Self-esteem は high self-esteemとlow self-esteem、すなわち高いか低いかに分けられ、high self-esteemの人は自分の欠点を受け入れつつ自分の価値に自信がある人、low self-esteemの人は自己否定感が強く、自分には価値がないと思う人のことを指します。

  • You need to build your self-esteem and confidence.
  • People with low self-esteem are usually too hard on themselves.
  • Getting in shape and learning a new skill will help boost your self-esteem.

5) Have (a) thick skin(打たれ強い)

Have (a) thick skin は直訳すると「厚い皮膚」ですが、これは自分への批判や悪口に対して打たれ強いことを表す表現です。元々は批判などに対して鈍感であるというネガティブなニュアンスでしたが、今は打たれ強いというポジティブな意味でも使われます。有名人や人気YouTuberは必ず批判されるので、thick skinが必要だと言えるでしょう。日常会話では have a thick skin と have thick skin の両方が使われますが、意味は同じです。

  • The more popular you become, the more you’ll get criticize. You need to have thick skin.
  • If you want to become a YouTuber, you need to have thick skin.
  • She has thick skin. Little things like that don’t bother her at all.



  • Broadcast・・・配信する


  • Big thing・・・大ブーム/li>
  • Out of the house・・・家を出る/li>
  • At all・・・絶対に〜
  • Go that route・・・そんな道に進む



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. がんばるぼーい より:



    “Christian begins by asking Chris whether he would allow a son of his to become a YouTuber.”

    この文章の中で、”a son of his” となっているのはChrisに子供がいるかどうか不確実なためこのような表現になっているのでしょうか?

    he doesn’t allow his son to become a YouTuber.

    he doesn’t allow a son of his to become a YouTuber.



  2. yuko_hash_ish より:

    今日のフレーズの5)の例文でget criticize とありますが、淳さんはcriticizedと言ってるように聴こえました。細かくてすみません。

  3. hisako より:




    • Jun より:



  4. Kosei より:

    いつも英語教えてくれてありがとうございます!初めて続けられる教材見つけることができました。ちょっとした要望なんですが、道を尋ねられたときやホテルのチェックインのとき、空港での会話など場面ごとの英語表現も教えてほしいです!!! 本当にいつも元気もらっています。最高Hapa英会話!!

  5. […] Journaling(ジャーナリング)ってやったことある?(ジャーナリング:毎日10分与えられたお題で自由に英作文する)英会話の上達に効果がある、ってポッドキャストの前置きで説明されてたんだけど、ホントかな?と友人に質問されました。私は、このポッドキャストと全く同じ方法を使っているわけではありませんが、毎日書くことで、良い効果を実感しているので、具体的な方法について備忘記録を残しておきます。 […]

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