
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.04.03





【Chris】Do you use Android or iPhone for your, uh…

【Christian】I use, uh…Apple iPhone…


【Christian】…for, uh my phone needs.


【Christian】And uh, I know you use Android, right?

【Chris】I do. It’s uh…

【Christian】So we’re like, mortal enemies.

【Chris】We’re mortal enemies. We hate each other, really.

【Christian】Yeah, and I… (laughs) …and I think your intelligence level is lower because you’re… (laughs)

【Chris】That’s true, that’s true.

【Christian】That’s the means, right now.

【Chris】Unfortunately, um the research doesn’t show that. Um, you know, I like…I think they’re both great phones. Um, I think the iPhone is just so gimmicky, and they rely so much on their high…I mean they got them, let’s face it…Apple got where they are by good marketing and copying, um, you know, other people. They didn’t get there by too much innovation.
Okay great, they’ve got good batteries. Super. But—and they’ve got good pictures. They’ve got good cameras. I’ll give you that. Um, but I just can’t buy into the whole Steve Jobs sales pitch of coming out wearing all black…


【Chris】…and he’s out there, and he’s, “Guys…”

【Christian】You don’t like the sleek turtleneck?

【Chris】“…I have this special…you know, we’re here on this, you know…we’re on the precipice of, you know, great things in humanity.” And it’s just a bit much for me. It’s a bit of a cult, a bit of a religious cult for me.

【Christian】(laughs) I disagree on, uh some of the things. Like I think Apple’s very innovative


【Christian】…when it, uh…when it comes…

【Chris】You would. (laughs)

【Christian】Uh, yeah, yeah. I would, I would. I like the whole, uh you know, Apple touch. That was—the first one was, like Apple, right? I mean, they did steal some stuff—I think from, like Linux or something.

【Chris】Let’s—let’s not gloss over that.

【Christian】Not really steal but, like…anyway, they’re really innovative, and they’re very, like…

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】…the design is very sleek and simple.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】…and I think the use is just very easy for anybody to learn.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】Like, even, like the older generation. Whereas I think, like for the Android, it’s very difficult to, uh kind of learn.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Between Chris and Christian, who uses an iPhone and who uses an Android?
  2. What does Chris dislike about Apple in general?
  3. What advantage does Christian claim the iPhone has over the Android with regard to the older generations?



  1. Christian uses an iPhone, and Chris uses an Android phone.
  2. He dislikes the gimmicky features of the iPhone and of the general marketing strategies and public image of the company.
  3. Christian feels iPhones are easier to learn than Androids for the older generations.



Chris and Christian spend this episode talking about the differences and their own personal preferences between Apple iPhones and Android phones. Chris uses an Android phone and Christian uses an iPhone.

Chris admits that both phones are quality products and are of use to many people. However, he prefers the Android because he finds the iPhone to be too gimmicky.

Chris also dislikes the public image of Apple and its various marketing campaigns. To him, Apple’s marketing and the image of Steve Jobs that is intimately tied to its products represent something of a cult.

Christian nevertheless likes his iPhone and Apple products in general. To him, the company has been innovative with its designs, and has made the iPhone easy to learn. This to Christian makes it preferable to the older generations of customers.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Gimmick (からくり)


  • Gimmickが名詞、Gimmickyが形容詞です。
  • He tried every gimmick to attract customers but nothing worked.
  • In my opinion, it seems like a cheap marketing gimmick.
  • It might just be me but the campaign seems too gimmicky.

2) Let’s face it (現実を見よう)

Faceが「直面する」ことを意味することから、let’s face itは「現実を見よう」「現実を認めよう」「率直に言おう」という意味の表現となります。Let’s be honestのより口語的な表現です。

  • Let’s face it. We can’t afford to take a trip right now.
  • Let’s face it. Things aren’t going well right now. We have to do something about it.
  • Let’s face it. I screwed up and I have to take responsibility for it.

3) I’ll give you that(それは認めよう)

I’ll give you that は「それはその通りだ」や「それは認めるよ」という意味の表現で、相手の考えや発言が正しいことを認める時に使われます。しかしこの表現のポイントは、相手の発言を全面的にではなく「一部は認める」場合に使われます。そのため、I’ll give you that but ____(確かにその通りだが〜)の形を取るのが一般的です。

  • Yeah, he’s a hard worker. I’ll give you that. But he’s not efficient.
  • It looks nice. I’ll give you that. But the quality is really poor.
  • The food at that restaurant was good. I’ll give you that. But it’s way overpriced.

4) Buy into(〜を信じる)

この表現は、何かしらの考え方やアイデアに対して賛成すること、認めること、信じることを意味する表現で、believeよりも口語的な響きがあります。「I don’t buy into that.(私は信じません)」のような否定文、もしくは「Do you buy into that?(それを信じてるの?)」のような疑問文で使われるのが一般的です。

  • Do you buy into that? It sounds too good to be true.
  • I never bought into the idea that you’re too old to start something.
  • I don’t buy into all the stuff they show on TV.

5) Gloss over(隠す)

Gloss overは都合の悪いことを隠したりごまかしたりすることを意味する口語表現です。間違いや失敗を取り繕ったり、不都合なことに触れるのを避けたりする状況で使われます。

  • 「間違いをごまかす」はgloss over one’s mistake、「問題を軽く扱う」はgloss over the problemのように使われます。
  • Did you notice that she was trying to gloss over her mistake?
  • He barely mentioned about the problem at the meeting today. He just glossed over it.
  • He glossed over the fact that he got fired.



  • Intelligence・・・知能
  • Sleek・・・しゃれた
  • Precipice・・・断崖・絶壁
  • Humanity・・・人類
  • Cult・・・カルト
  • Innovative・・・革新的
  • Steal・・・盗む


  • Mortal enemies・・・天敵
  • Sales pitch・・・セールストーク・売り文句



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Ricky より:

    That’s the means, right now

  2. 66B より:



    英語ではすべて “Question” かもしれませんが、

  3. Machiko より:

    クリスの発言You wouldと
    クリスチャンの続くI would, I wouldの意図する全文が知りたいです。

    I think Apple’s very innovative…
    (間に…when it, uh…when it comes…が入っているので違うのかな?とも思いました。)

    It’s one of my dreams to catch words of native speakers and understand perfectly …I find It’s difficult though.
    Would you mind helping me, Jun-san??

  4. 金欠ゴリラ より:


    lower because you’re… (laughs)
    【Chris】That’s true, that’s true.
    【Christian】That’s the means, right now.
    you’re…の後に何を言おうとしていたのかというのと、that’s the means, right nowの意味がよく分かりません。

    • 金欠ゴリラ より:

      もしかしたらyou’re…の後には using android等が入るのでしょうか?追加の質問ですが、ジュンさんはいつもレッスンに入る際、let’s get startedとおっしゃいますが、let’s startと意味は違うのでしょうか?getを使う理由が知りたいです。

  5. Hori より:

    文中の“you would”の後には何が省略されているのですか?

  6. Suzy より:


    He barely mentioned about the problem at the meeting today. He just glossed over it.

    barely を使うとギリギリ出来たという意味になるのでは?


  7. Kei より:

    Hi, I might be a bit pedantic, but is it okay to say “mention about ~” like the second example sentence of “gloss over”?

  8. Yas より:



    【Chris】 You would. (laughs)

    【Christian】 Uh, yeah, yeah. I would, I would.

    ここでの「would」はどういう意味で, どのような訳になるのでしょうか??


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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


