
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.03.20





【Christian】How far is too far to walk?

【Chris】Um, well you know…that’s a great question. I, um…I like to walk, and I like to walk a lot. So for me, you know, maybe too far to walk would be…six miles. Like, no joke

【Christian】That’s pretty good.

【Chris】…I love to walk. And it’s a strange thing. Around here in California and in LA, everybody has a car. I have a car too, but I enjoy walking, and if…if I’m going to the beach or something, you know, I’m five miles away…a lot of times I’ll walk, just ‘cause (because) I—I feel great. Maybe I’ll Uber my way home, or my girlfriend can come pick me up, or meet me there. Um, so I really enjoy walking.

【Christian】For me it’d be like, maybe uh, four to six miles. I’m pretty lazy I guess. (laughs)

【Chris】Well, that’s great.

【Christian】That’s too far for me. But I think it’s funny ‘cause, like in Los Angeles, we have a huge, like car culture.


【Christian】Right? Or in America in general, but especially Los Angeles. We’re like…if, you know, it’s kind of funny, like if you go into more the Hollywood area or Beverly Hills or something—like, if you’re walking you kind of look like a loser.

【Chris】Yeah, true!

【Christian】(laughs) That’s like the thought process.

【Chris】Exactly, one hundred percent. Yeah, you don’t want to walk. Who walks?

【Christian】Yeah. Who walks? Like, like… (laughs)

【Chris】I know.

【Christian】Are you poor?

【Chris】I blast through that shame. Exactly.


【Chris】I blast through that shame and I’ll just go right through and I’ll be like, “I don’t care. I’m walking.” ‘Cause I love to walk and I think it’s really good for you. It’s really good for your health. Um…

【Christian】Yeah, it’s funny. If you hike, you’re like, “Oh, that’s fine.”

【Chris】Oh, you’re right.

【Christian】But if you’re walking to, like your, you know…

【Chris】Yeah, exactly

【Christian】…maybe a restaurant or whatever, like, “What are you doing?”

【Chris】Exactly. “What are you…what are you walking for?” Yeah. “You must be poor.”

【Christian】“Are you a hippie, or…?” (laughs)

【Chris】Yeah, exactly. “What’s wrong with you?”

【Christian】Yeah, so that’s kind of funny.

【Chris】Shame. (laughs)

【Christian】Yeah, you know in other countries too, it’s like…they don’t have such a car culture and they walk—like, especially in Europe, they walk everywhere, and I’m sure in Japan as well. And maybe that’s also why they’re not so obese.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】Because they are like—you know, it’s part of their culture to walk around…

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】…you know, they don’t—like, they have a good transportation system.


【Christian】In Los Angeles, we have the worst transportation system.

【Chris】We get the worst. Yeah.

【Christian】Like somewhere—maybe like, San Francisco but like, other than that, like, you can’t—you can’t rely on the buses.

【Chris】Can’t rely on them.

【Christian】You can’t rely on the trains. Like they—they’re late all the time.

【Chris】Yeah, there’s like two trains.

【Christian】Yeah, exactly.


【Christian】So you gotta (got to) depend on cars for all your needs and that’s probably one of the reasons, like people don’t walk as much. And as well as not, like…it’s just not cool to walk.

【Chris】Yeah, exactly. It doesn’t sound cool. It’s not cool to walk. I’m trying to change that, man.


【Chris】Trying to change that. One-man army out here.


【Chris】Trying to make it cool.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How far is Chris willing to walk to a destination?
  2. How is walking along the streets viewed in the wealthier areas of Los Angeles, like Beverly Hills and Hollywood, according to Christian and Chris?
  3. Where in the world does Christian identify as more of a walking culture?



  1. Chris is usually willing to walk up to six miles to any destination.
  2. Both feel walking is looked down upon by those driving cars in the wealthier areas of Los Angeles.
  3. Christian says that European countries have more of a walking culture, in part because of their good public transportation system.



Chris and Christian discuss walking for pleasure in this episode. Chris in particular really enjoys walking to his destinations when he can.

Chris is usually willing to walk six miles to any given destination. As he is within five miles of the beach, he will often walk there, either taking an Uber home or waiting for his girlfriend to pick him up.

Christian is usually willing to walk four to six miles. He notes that in the wealthier areas of Los Angeles, like Beverly Hills or Hollywood, walking is often looked down upon by those driving cars.

Christian observes that in many European countries, walking is an important part of the culture, partly because people can rely on the good public transportation system there. In Los Angeles however, public transportation is poor by comparison, and so people must either rely on their cars or, when possible, walk to their destinations.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) No joke(冗談抜きで)

No joke は「冗談抜きで」を意味する表現で、自分の発言が事実であることを強調する時、特に誇張がないことを強調する際によく使われます。

  • また、「何かを真剣に受け止めなくてはいけない」、つまり「笑い事ではない」という意味でも使われます。
  • It was the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life, no joke.
  • Drinking and driving is no joke. You have to stop that.
  • This coronavirus is no joke. It’s rapidly spreading around the world.

2) Uber (ウーバー)

「ウーバーに乗る」はtake an Uber、「ウーバーを呼ぶ」はcall an Uberのように使われ、日常会話では、「Uber home.(ウーバーで家に帰る)」、「Let’s Uber it.(ウーバーに乗ろう)」のようにUberを動詞として使うことも一般的です。

  • I’ll call an Uber. Got it. It’s coming in 5 minutes.
  • I don’t need a ride. I’ll just Uber home.
  • Let’s just Uber it. That way we can drink at dinner.

3) Loser(負け犬)


  • He’s in his thirties and he still lives off of his parents? What a loser.
  • Don’t call him a loser. That’s mean.
  • She threw a fit after she lost? What a sore loser.

4) Thought process(思考過程)

Thought process は「思考過程」、つまり物事を考えるプロセスを表します。例えば、誰かが下した結論に対して、その結論に至るまでのプロセスを尋ねる場合に、「Tell me about your thought process.」と言うことができます。

  • Would you mind sharing me your thought process?
  • Everyone’s thought process is different.
  • Can you tell me the thought process that led you to make that decision?

5) Blast(吹き飛ばす)

Blastは本来、「爆発する」「爆破する」という意味の単語ですが、日常会話ではホームランをかっ飛ばしたり(blast a home run)、超特急で仕事を終えたり(blast through work)、人を厳しくしかったり非難する (blast someone)など、様々な状況で使われます。また、「ロケットが発射する」はblast offを使って表現することから、blastには何かを「吹き飛ばす」というイメージがあります。

  • He just blasted a game-tying three-run home run.
  • She blasted her boyfriend in front of everyone.
  • I blasted through the to-do list and got everything done by noon.



  • Lazy・・・怠け者
  • Shame・・・恥
  • Hippie・・・ヒッピー
  • Obese・・・肥満の


  • One hundred percent・・・100%その通り
  • Transportation system・・・交通機関
  • Rely on・・・当てにする
  • One-man army・・・一匹狼



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. もりちゃん より:

    今日のフレーズの Thought process の Thought のヒアリングがむずかしいです。
    “ソウ” でよいでしょうか?
    発音も勉強したいので youtube動画でも教えてほしいです!

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます!thought の最後の t の音はほとんど発音しません。いつか動画で解説しますね!

  2. Ryoko より:



    − どのくらいの文章の長さにすればよいですか。ジュンさんのサマリーを聴く前に、自分で考えてみるのですが、比べてみるといつも短くなってしまいます。
    − サマリーを考えるのに、どのくらいの時間を費やせばよいですか?終わるまでなのか、時間制限をもうけるべきなのか。
    − スクリプトを見ながら書いても大丈夫ですか、それとも内容を思いだしながら考えたほうがいいですか。
    − サマリーを書くときになにか注意点などはありますか。
    − 自分のサマリーがあっているのかどうかわかりません。添削してもらうにはどのような方法がありますか?
    − サマリーで使える便利なフレーズや単語をまとめてほしいです。ジュンさんのサマリーでは discuss, share, talk about, state, say, mention など、同じこと言っているのですが、違う単語、言葉で表現していますね。これをまとめていただけるとこれからの勉強に役立ちます。


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