
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.02.14





【Christian】Chris, uh, what are your plans for Valentine’s Day?

【Chris】You know, I don’t have any plans yet. Um hopefully I’ll do something really romantic for my girlfriend, but I’m not sure. We’ll see. How ‘bout (about) yourself?

【Christian】Well, I might…I was thinking maybe—probably just Disneyland, if anything. But…“the happiest place on Earth.”

【Chris】Very cool, yeah. That’s very good, yeah.

【Christian】Got that, uh, Annual Pass, so—and I’m sure they’ll probably do some things. Yeah.

【Chris】And you have to use that Annual Pass.

【Christian】Yeah, yeah. Gotta (got to) get your money’s worth.

【Chris】Um, yeah. So I don’t know what I’m probably gonna (going to) do. I’ll probably end up just going to dinner around here. Maybe, like the day after or the day before, because usually on Valentine’s Day, the restaurants are packed, and everyone’s out. So I’ll try and do it maybe, like the weekend before, whatever it falls on, or something.

【Christian】So more important question: what are you gonna buy her? (laughs)

【Chris】What am I gonna get her? That’s a great question. Uh, I’m not sure. She likes the really good jewelry, and…

【Christian】Oh, expensive.

【Chris】…so she is, you know…

【Christian】What’s the good jewelry?

【Chris】She, like…I know. The good jewelry would be, yeah. Something with a lot of, you know, dollar bills.


【Chris】Something with a lot of, you know…that has a lot of flash. She doesn’t want any of the cheap jewelry.

【Christian】Oh, man.

【Chris】So whenever—whatever I get her, I gotta go to someplace good.

【Christian】So she can tell, like if you buy her…

【Chris】Oh, right away. She knows.

【Christian】…like—oh, wow.

【Chris】She can smell it.


【Chris】She knows, yeah. “Get that out of my face.” (laughs) But um…so, maybe something like that. How ‘bout you? Have you thought about getting anything, or spending a couple of bucks, or…?

【Christian】Um, either new—maybe like, new shoes or…

【Chris】Oh, good one.

【Christian】…uh, maybe like, a bracelet or some kind…

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】Um…dinner of course. Conclude it with that.


【Christian】Um…yeah. You know what’s weird, though? She likes, like…I know she likes pens.


【Christian】So maybe, like a really expensive, nice pen…

【Chris】Uh huh.

【Christian】…’cause (because) she—she knows. Some people have weird, like, quirks like that, so, you know, it’s more of like the…the like, um…you know, attention to detail.

【Chris】Yeah, oh yeah. Attention to detail is very important.



【Christian】So, something like that is probably better.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Where does Christian plan on taking his girlfriend on Valentine’s Day?
  2. What sort of gift does Chris’s girlfriend pay special attention to?
  3. What sort of gifts is Christian thinking of buying his girlfriend?



  1. He wants to take his girlfriend to Disneyland.
  2. Chris’s girlfriend is very particular about the quality of jewelry he buys for her.
  3. Christian is thinking of buying his girlfriend either a new pair of shoes or an expensive pen.



Chris and Christian discuss their plans for the upcoming Valentine’s Day holiday. Both of them are brainstorming where they want to take their girlfriends and what they want to buy for them as gifts.

Christian is thinking of taking his girlfriend to Disneyland, since he has the Annual Pass and expects there to be Valentine’s Day-themed events. Chris wants to take his girlfriend out to dinner either before or after Valentine’s Day, due to the usually heavy crowds on the day itself.

Chris’s girlfriend enjoys high-quality jewelry and is very particular about what Chris buys her. He says that she is able to tell just by looking what quality of jewelry he buys her, and so Chris expects to buy her more expensive varieties.

Christian has two ideas for gifts for his girlfriend. He is thinking of either buying her a new pair of shoes or an expensive new pen, as she generally likes pens as gifts.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Get one’s money’s worth(元を取る)

Get one’s money’s worthは「支払った金額に見合ったものを得る」、つまり「元を取る」という意味の表現です。「元を取った」は「I got my money’s worth.」、「元を取らなきゃ」は「I have to get my money’s worth.」と表現します。

  • It’s all-you-can-eat. Make sure you get your money’s worth.
  • I bought an annual pass again. I have to get my money’s worth this year.
  • That was an excellent tour. I felt like we got our money’s worth.

2) The day after(翌日)

The dayは「その日」、afterは「後の」や「次の」を意味することから、the day afterは「〜の次の日」、つまり「〜の翌日」を意味します。例えば、the day after Valentine’s Dayは「バレンタインデーの翌日」、the day after tomorrowは「あさって」となります。

  • 逆に「〜の前日」はthe day before ____と表現します。
  • Let’s grab dinner the day after your exam.
  • I’m going to go on a serious diet starting the day after tomorrow.
  • Are you busy the day before your birthday?

3) Fall on(〜に当たる)

祝日やイベントが「〜に当たる」はfall onを使います。例えば、「今年のバレンタインデーは金曜に当たる」は、「Valentine’s Day falls on Friday this year.」となります。Falls onの前に祝日やイベント、falls onの後に曜日や日付が入ります。

  • What day does Christmas fall on this year?
  • The first day of Golden Week falls on a Wednesday this year.
  • What happens when payday falls on a holiday? Do we get paid the day before or after?

4) Bucks(ドル)

Bucksは通貨の「ドル」を意味し、アメリカではdollarsの代わりによく使われます。例えば、「1ドル」はa buck、「5ドル」はfive bucks、「20ドル」は20 bucksと言います。Buckは本来「雄鹿」を指す単語で、昔、貨幣の代わりに雄鹿の皮が使われていたことが、この表現の由来とされています。

  • Can I borrow a buck?
  • Let’s all chip in 10 bucks and buy her a gift.
  • I left a few bucks for tip. That should be good right?

5) Quirk(変なクセ)


  • What quirks do you have?
  • I have a lot of quirks. For example, I like going to a yakiniku restaurant alone.
  • She’s a bit quirky but I find that charming about her.



  • Packed・・・混んでいる
  • Flash・・・輝く


  • Annual Pass・・・年間パスポート
  • Right away・・・すぐに
  • Get that out of my face・・・こんな物は私の前から消えうせて
  • Attention to detail・・・細かいところにこだわる



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Lemi より:

    ところで、例文で”The first day of Golden Week falls on a Wednesday this year.”と書かれていますが、なぜ曜日の前に”a”が必要になるかわかりません。

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。文法においての具体的な理由は分かりませんが、この表現は fall on a ~dayの形式で使われます。a がなくても問題はないのですが。aが入っているのが自然な感じがします。

  2. ゆか より:

    質問ですが、”She can smell it.”はどういう意味で使われていますか?

  3. Maho より:

    Hi Jun san,

    THis is the 6th comment to leave here!
    Could I share my happy story of the family trip to Malaysia last week?

    In my family, i only speak English, (my English is not perfect though) ,so I had to communicate with the local people during our trip. We had some troubles, such like my sister lost her iPhone, or transportation we had booked did not come on time.. something like that!! I had a lot of experiences to speak English to get through such troubles we had encountered.

    At first, I was very nervous to speak with them in English because i didn’t have confidence, but I got used to be speaking with confidence little by little! It was a just 3days trip! Adding to that, it was in South-easten Asian country, but I feel like I could improve my English a lot there!!
    I realized how important to experience trully again duaring this trip^^!

    Thank you so much for your good contents to learn Englich while having fun!
    see you again!

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