
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.12.13





【Deanna】So Kai, tell me, how do you spend your money, generally?

【Kai】Honestly, I would say a good chunk of my salary goes to food.


【Kai】And I try to cook at home.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】Or, like make lunch for work as often as possible. But, I’m not gonna (going to) lie. I probably…five out of the seven days of the week, like I’m going out for, like a lunch or a dinner.

【Deanna】Uh huh. Mm hm.

【Kai】And then I usually have some beer…


【Kai】…or wine.

【Deanna】So beer, food, drinks…

【Kai】Pretty much. I would say at least a good 80%…

【Deanna】Yeah, okay.

【Kai】…of my money-spending is on food…


【Kai】…and drinks. And then, besides, I don’t usually buy a lot of items. I tend to be more of a minimalist.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】But if I want to spend money, it’s usually on experiences.

【Deanna】Oh, okay. That’s good.

【Kai】Yeah, so I did Escape.

【Deanna】Oh, an escape room?

【Kai】Yeah—uh, no, no, no.


【Kai】Escape, the um, EDM festival…

【Deanna】Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. I’ve been there.

【Kai】…in San Bernardino. Yeah, I just went to that. And then um, I also do, like amusement parks.

【Deanna】Oh, okay. Those are expensive.



【Kai】So if I’m gonna spend, like big money, it’s not gonna be on luxury items. It’s gonna be on experiences.

【Deanna】Okay. I see. I’m kind of the same way, yeah.

【Kai】So tell us. How do you like to spend your money?

【Deanna】Um, I used to be like that. I used to spend a lot of money on, like Escape…


【Deanna】…and like, um a lot of raves. Like I had that—a phase. (laughs)

【Kai】Right, right.

【Deanna】Where I went to a lot of those events. Like, EDC, and stuff.

【Kai】Right, right, right.

【Deanna】Um, but nowadays, I realize they cost too much.

【Kai】Right. (laughs)

【Deanna】So, my money goes to food, too. (laughs)


【Deanna】But I actually try to save my money for, like travel. So most of it goes towards, like flights. Um, so lately, like I’ve just been eating my parents’ food at home and saving all my money. Like, so for my next trip, it’s gonna be to Japan in two weeks.

【Kai】Oh, nice!

【Deanna】So…yeah, I saved up for that. And…what else do I spend my money on? Mm…drinks, too.

【Kai】Right, right, right.

【Deanna】Like, wine. (laughs) And beer, I think.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How many days out of the week does Kai find himself going out for lunch or dinner?
  2. What is “Escape” and where does it take place?
  3. What country has Deanna saved money to visit roughly two weeks from the time of this episode?



  1. He usually goes out for lunch or dinner five days out of the week.
  2. Escape is an EDM festival that takes place in San Bernardino, California.
  3. She will be visiting Japan in two weeks.



Deanna and Kai talk about the various ways in which they spend their money in this episode. Kai begins by citing food as a usual expense he puts his money towards.

Kai tries to make homemade lunches for work and cooking his own meals. But he admits he usually finds himself going out to eat for either lunch or dinner around five days out of the week.

In addition, Kai likes spending his money on experiences, such as amusement parks or festivals. Recently, he attended the EDM festival “Escape,” held in San Bernardino, California.

Deanna also enjoyed visiting raves and EDM festivals in the past, however she has stopped going due to their expensiveness. She enjoys saving her money for traveling, and in two weeks, she will be visiting Japan using money she had saved over time.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Good (かなりの)

Goodと言えばまず「良い」が思い浮かぶと思いますが、日常会話では時間や量を強調する際にも使われます。その場合、a good amount ofの形をとり、「かなりの額」はa good amount of money、「かなりの時間」はa good amount of timeなどと表現します。

  • A good amount of my salary goes to rent.
  • A good amount of time and effort went into this project.
  • It takes a good amount of time to become fluent in a foreign language.

2) Chunk (大きい塊・かなりの量)

Chunkは「大きな塊」や「肉や野菜などのぶつ切り」を意味し、例えばchunk of meatで「肉の塊」となります。しかし日常会話では、「かなりの量」という意味でも使われ、例えばchunk of moneyは「かなりの額」となります。

  • 量が多いことを強調する場合は、a good chunk of…、a big chunk of…、a large chunk of…といった表現が可能です。
  • That’s a huge chunk of meat. Where did you get that?
  • He spends a good chunk of his day in front of the computer.
  • Can you cut these vegetables into large chunks?

3) A out of B(BのうちA)

「〜個のうち〜個」はout ofで表現します。「10個中5個」は5 out of 10、「10人中7人」は7 out of 10 peopleとなります。英語と日本語で先に来る数字が逆になるので注意しましょう。

  • ちなみに、nine times out of tenは「大抵」を意味する口語表現です。
  • 10 out of 20 people RSVP’d.
  • 4 out of my 5 friends are single.
  • Nine times out of ten, he shows up late.

4) Minimalist(ミニマリスト)


  • Do you consider yourself a minimalist?
  • She’s trying to become a minimalist. She decluttered her entire house.
  • What’s it like being a minimalist? Has your quality of life improved?

5) Save up(貯金する)

Save upは「貯金する」ことを意味する表現で、特に目的のためにお金を貯めるニュアンスがあります。そのため、日常会話ではsave up for/to…(〜のためにお金を貯めている)の形でよく使われます。また、saveだけで目的の有無を問わず貯金していること全般を表します。

  • What are you saving up for?
  • I’m saving up for a car. I’m putting aside a few hundred bucks every month.
  • I want to study abroad next year. I need to start saving up.



  • Amusement parks・・・遊園地
  • Phase・・・時期
  • Nowadays・・・最近


  • I’m not going to lie・・・正直言うと
  • Luxury items・・・ぜいたく品
  • (Money) go toward(s)・・・お金を〜に使う



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. tulip より:

    「a lot of rave」、

    • Masa より:

      EDMはElectronic Dance Musicの事のようです。

    • Jun より:



  2. とみー より:


    Kai:Yeah, so I did Escape..
    Deanna:Oh, an escape room?.
    Kai:Yeah—uh, no, no, no..
    Kai:Escape, the um, EDM festival…

    escape roomは「脱出ゲーム」、EDM festivalは音楽フェスの一種であると、検索すると出ましたが、なぜKaiは最初EDM festivalのことをEscapeと言ったのでしょうか?
    EscapeはEDM festivalのようなものを指すこともあるということでしょうか?


    • Jun より:



      • とみー より:


  3. うち〜 より:

    Summaryのラスト、She had saved〜ですが、なぜ過去完了で表現されてますか?
    have savedも使えますか?

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


