
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.12.06





【Kai】So tell me about your morning routines.

【Deanna】Okay, so, my morning routine is pretty long. I get up—I’m a morning person


【Deanna】…so I get up around, like 6 or 7, and I tell myself I’m not gonna (going to) use my phone, but I usually, like pick up my phone, (laughs) scroll on it for, like…I don’t know, twenty minutes. Um, and then I do like, some stretching or yoga in the morning. Um, and then I study some Japanese or I listen to music.
Yeah, I have a long morning routine. (laughs) He’s looking at me like I’m crazy! But I have a long morning routine. And then, I make breakfast, and then get ready for work. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Kai】That’s pretty amazing. Mine is just the complete opposite.

【Deanna】Uh huh.

【Kai】 I wake up at the very last minute


【Kai】until my alarm goes off.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】I get ready for work. No breakfast.


【Kai】And I just go.

【Deanna】I wish I could do that. I can’t, like, honestly, I wake up at 6, and then it’s just, like…I can’t go back to sleep. So…

【Kai】I literally take five minutes, and then I leave.

【Deanna】But you’re lucky, because…

【Kai】(laughs) Right.

【Deanna】…you don’t have as much hair.

【Kai】Right, right.

【Deanna】Like, you don’t have to do as much to get ready, yeah.

【Kai】Brush my teeth, use the bathroom, I’m like, “Oh…”

【Deanna】I forgot to mention that I brush my teeth, too. That’s…

【Kai】Right, right.

【Deanna】…that’s important.

【Kai】I mean, if you’re gonna go through the routine, I’m pretty similar, like you. Like, I’ll wake up, and I’ll check my phone.


【Kai】And that’s probably a habit I’m trying to break

【Deanna】Me too.

【Kai】…because the first thing I check isn’t the news or anything.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】It’s, like Instagram.

【Deanna】I know.

【Kai】And like, social media.

【Deanna】Um, I’ve tried, like moving my phone to, like…so I’ve tried moving my phone to, like a corner of my room. But then I’ve found that I would just wake up and walk over to my phone anyways and scroll on it for a while, so.

【Kai】I usually just get up out of bed any brush my teeth…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…use the bathroom. And I change my clothes…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Kai】…and I’m out of there.

【Deanna】Wow, no breakfast, huh?

【Kai】No breakfast.

【Deanna】Hm. I make, like a full-on, like…egg breakfast, or sometimes, like pancakes, like…yeah. But then I’m in bed by, like 8 p.m., so that’s my morning.

【Kai】That’s why. (laughs)

【Deanna】Mm hm. I’m a grandma.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Roughly, at what time does Deanna wake up in the mornings?
  2. What is Kai’s morning routine?
  3. What activity do both Deanna and Kai wish to reduce their time on in their morning routines?



  1. She usually wakes up around 6 or 7 a.m.
  2. Kai generally wakes up at the last minute, brushes his teeth, puts on work clothes, skips breakfast, then immediately goes to work.
  3. Both want to reduce the amount of time they spend looking at their phones in the morning.



In this episode, Deanna and Kai share their morning routines with one another. Deanna describes herself as a morning person, waking up usually around 6 or 7 a.m.

Deanna’s morning routine is lengthy. She begins by scrolling through her phone, then doing stretches or yoga, then studying Japanese, followed by making herself breakfast, then going to work.


Kai’s routine is much shorter and simpler. He usually sleeps in until the last minute he can, waking up and promptly brushing his teeth and changing his clothes. He then skips breakfast and heads straight to work.

Both Kai and Deanna are trying to use their phones less in the morning. Deanna has tried to put her phone in a corner of her room to dissuade her from opening it in the morning, but so far she’s found she still goes to her phone anyway. Kai also uses his phone in the morning, primarily to scroll through social media.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Get up (起床する)

Get upは「起床する」ことを意味します。Wake upと意味は似ていますが、wake upが「目覚める」ことを意味するのに対し、get upは、実際にベッドから出て、1日の活動をスタートするニュアンスがあります。

  • What time did you get up today?
  • My alarm goes off at 6 but I usually don’t get up until 6:30.
  • What’s the first thing you do when you get up?

2) At the last minute (直前に)

At the last minuteは直訳すると「最後の1分で」ですが、「直前に」や「土壇場で」、「ギリギリになって」という意味の口語表現です。直前に予定を変更したり、土壇場で取引がダメになったりする状況で使われます。

  • The deal fell through at the last minute.
  • I’m sorry for changing the schedule at the last minute.
  • He’s not coming. He bailed out at the last minute.

3) Go back to sleep(再び寝る)

Go back to sleepは一度目覚めてから再び眠ったり、二度寝することを意味します。夜中に目が覚めて眠れない状況で使われることが多く、その場合は「I couldn’t go back to sleep.」と表現します。

  • I woke up at 3 and I couldn’t go back to sleep.
  • Once I wake up, I can’t go back to sleep.
  • I realized I had no work so I went back to sleep.

4) Forget to mention(〜を言い忘れる)

Forget to mentionは何かを言い忘れた時に使われる定番フレーズです。伝えておくべきことを伝え忘れるような状況で使われることが多く、「それを言い忘れました」は「I forgot to mention that」と表現し、mentionの後に言い忘れた内容が入ります。

  • I forgot to mention that Tom dropped by during lunch.
  • There’s something I forgot to mention. I’m going to be out of town next weekend.
  • I think that just about covers everything. Is there anything I forgot to mention?

5) Break a habit(癖を直す)

Breakは「やめる」、habitは「癖」を意味することから、break a habitは「癖を直す」や「習慣を捨てる」という意味の表現です。「〜の癖を直す」は、break one’s habit of …もしくはbreak the habit of …の形をとります。

  • 「悪い癖」と強調する場合はbreak the bad habit of…と言うといいでしょう。
  • Why are you always late? You have to break that habit.
  • I’m trying to break my bad habit of texting while walking.
  • I know what you mean. Old habits are hard to break.



  • Scroll・・・スクロールする
  • Full-on・・・徹底した


  • ~ person・・・〜派・〜型
  • Tell myself・・・自分に言い聞かせる
  • Alarm goes off・・・目覚ましがなる



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Chiaki より:



    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもHapa英会話で学習していただき、ありがとうございます。ベーコン巻きターキーは焦げるんじゃないかと心配していましたが、無事焼けました😅Deannaは確かに英語が聴きやすいと思います。言葉をはっきり言うだけではなく、張りのある声で、アメリカ人の僕でも聴きやすいと思います。英語学習している人には nice voice をしていると思います😃

  2. Hayato.S より:

    Because of your initial talk about bacon rapped turkey, I almost didn’t remember what Kai and Deanna were talking about today, … I’m dying for it!
    とりあえずコストコのロティサリーチキンで我慢します笑 またJunさんクッキングトーク聞きたいです!

    • Jun より:


      LOL!! I seriously thought the bacon was going to burn in the oven. But surprisingly the bacon-wrapped turkey turned out better than I thought. Maybe I shouldn’t talk about food before the episodes anymore. I need to make sure you can focus on the conversation!! 😅

  3. Pon より:




    “Like, you don’t have to do as much to get ready, yeah.”

    の「as much」の使い方がよくわかりません。

    髪のセッティングをしないから「as much」という表現が入ってるのかな

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!as much は状況に応じて色々な意味を持ちますが、ここではPonさんの解釈の仕方で間違いないです。カイはディアナと比べて髪の毛が短い(カイは坊主)ので、仕度をするにも大してすることがない、を意味します。

  4. かおる より:


    “What activity do both Deanna and Kai wish to reduce their time on in their morning routines?”

    とあるのですが、”reduce their time on”の”on”がなぜ入るのかな?と思っています。
    reduce + on の用法が調べてもよく分からなかったので、ぜひ教えていただけたら嬉しいです。


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