
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.09.06





【Christian】So Jason, uh, what are your thoughts on workaholics and why do you think they work so hard?

【Jason】Uh, so for personal experience, my older sister is the definition of a workaholic. She…she gets—if she’s not working, she gets sick in a weird way.


【Jason】So she has to constantly be doing something. If she’s at home, and her body’s not—and if she’s not physically really doing anything, she starts getting a cold, which is really weird. And so…she is a doctor in the navy right now.


【Jason】She’s doing her, uh—what do they call it? The…rotations, right now. And so she’s on call 24/7, so that’s basically, you know…that—that is her job. That is her life. And that’s what she thrives on. Why she does it? It was, I think, for her, it started when she was, like going to, like middle school. She wanted to take all those, like Honor classes.


【Jason】You know. She—she herself said that she’s not very smart but she works very hard. So she’d stay up, even in middle school, ‘til (until) 2, 3 in the morning, just studying.


【Jason】And then that carried off into high school. And that definitely carried off into college and things like that. So she has to constantly be doing something either academically or through a job, that she feels comfortable. And for me, you know, looking at that. She’s working 60, 70, sometimes 80 hours a week, I’m like, “You’re gonna (going to)…your gonna kill yourself.”


【Jason】You know? “You’re gonna die from exhaustion.” She’s like, “No, I absolutely love it.” You know? And…there’s no real explanation on why she, you know…she likes to do it and why she gets sick if she doesn’t do it. It’s really—it’s a weird, like, I don’t know…not really a personality thing, but a weird physical reaction


【Jason】…to not working.

【Christian】Yeah, I think, um…I can only say for, like Americans. Um, I think the only logical reason maybe is because, uh the reason you’re a workaholic is because, either: 1) you really like your job…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…or um, 2) you need the money.


【Christian】And then, uh I guess another reason would maybe be the concept of, like you are your career, you know?

【Jason】Mm hm.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What happens to Jason’s sister if she stops working or becomes physically inactive?
  2. What job is Jason’s sister currently working?
  3. What two reasons does Christian give for why some Americans work a great deal?



  1. His sister develops a cold or becomes generally sick from lack of work.
  2. She works as a doctor in the navy.
  3. He says many Americans who work a great deal either love their job or seriously need the money.



In this episode, Jason and Christian discuss the concept of a “workaholic” and talk about reasons why some people work exceptionally hard. Jason began by offering the example of his sister, whom he referred to as the “definition of a workaholic.”

Jason’s sister has almost a physical need to work. She becomes physically ill and even develops colds if she is neither working nor physically active.

Currently, Jason’s sister is working as a doctor in the navy. In this job, she often finds herself working anywhere from 60 to 80 hours per week. Jason himself has expressed concern about her working too hard, but his sister insists that she enjoys the hard work.

Christian thinks there are two major reasons why some Americans work exceptionally hard: either they love their job, or they need the money that comes from hard work. Christian also cites the adage that “one is one’s career,” and that working hard is often beneficial for career development.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Workaholic(仕事中毒者/ワーカホリック)


  • There’s no question he’s a workaholic. He’s constantly thinking about work.
  • He’s a gambaholic that needs serious help.
  • You bought another purse? You’re such a shopaholic.

2) Get a cold(風邪を引く)

「風邪を引く」ことをget a coldと言います。「風邪を引きかけている」は「I’m getting a cold.」、「風邪を引いた」は「I got a cold.」、「風邪が治った」は「I got over a cold.」です。

  • 因みに、「風邪を引く」をcatch a coldと表現するのも一般的です。
  • I think I’m getting a cold. I have a sore throat and I feel feverish.
  • I caught a cold. I think I got it from my coworker.
  • It took me about two weeks to get over this cold.

3) On call(自宅待機/オンコール)

On callは、呼び出しにすぐに対応できるよう待機している状態を表します。医師や看護師が夜間診療や緊急事態の呼び出しに備えて待機している状況で使われるのが一般的です。

  • I can’t go out this weekend because I’m on call.
  • I’m on call a couple times of month. It’s just part of the job.
  • We have doctors that are on call around the clock.

4) 24/7(いつも)

24/7はtwenty four hours a day, seven days a week(1日24時間、週7日)を略した表現で、「いつも」、「しょっちゅう」、「常に」を意味する口語表現です。意味はalwaysと同じですが、より強調した響きがあります。常に仕事をしている人や携帯をいじっている人に対して使うこともあれば、「24時間年中無休」で営業しているお店などを指して使うこともあります。24/7は一般的に文末に置きます。

  • He talks about work 24/7. That’s all he ever talks about.
  • She never leaves the house. She just stays in and plays video games 24/7.
  • Most convenience stores in Japan are open 24/7.

5) Logical(論理的な)


  • That seems like the most logical thing to do.
  • My teacher is easy to understand because he explains things logically.
  • Do you consider yourself a logical or an emotional person?



  • Navy・・・海軍
  • Rotation・・・交替勤務
  • Thrive・・・生きがい
  • Middle school・・・中学校
  • Honor class・・・上級者クラス
  • Academically・・・勉強
  • Exhaustion・・・過労


  • Definition of・・・〜の定義
  • Stay up・・・夜遅くまで起きている
  • Carry (off)・・・繰り越す・続く
  • No real explanation・・・本当の理由は
  • Physical reaction・・・身体的な反応



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  1. とみー より:





  2. cat person より:

    25:24あたり、「It’s definitely both a gift and XXXX. 」の最後の単語がどうしても聞き取る事ができないので教えてくいただけますか。

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