
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.08.02





【Jason】So Christian, do you think it’s important to get along with your coworkers? And then also do you, like…do you like to socialize with your coworkers outside of the office?

【Christian】Okay. Uh, so generally I think, yeah you should get along with your coworkers. Uh, not only for yourself to, uh…’cause (because) for me, personally, uh work environment is very important. Um, I don’t wanna (want to) be around uh, kind of like a toxic work environment.


【Christian】It’s like, kind of bad for my mental health.


【Christian】Um, so I think we’re, uh you know, being friendly to your coworkers is a good thing and can boost morale in the company. I think maybe like, managers are…you know, probably care about that. Or HR. That’s why we have HR. Um, so I think it’s—it’s an—and just as a worker, you want to get along with your coworkers because you’re gonna go there every day, basically.


【Christian】So you want to have a…


【Christian】…a good experience or at least make the best of it.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】Um, whether it’s important, uh…or like, it’s required, um I guess it depends on the job.


【Christian】I guess it depends on daily—daily job that you’re doing. Um, and if I socialize—I mean, I like to socialize, but honestly like, for work, I haven’t really socialized too much with my coworkers.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】Um…’cause I’m usually, like focused more on just the job…


【Christian】…and then like, you know, when after I’m done, I kinda (kind of) just want to go home or do something else.

【Jason】Yeah, yeah. For me, I…usually at every workplace I tend to gravitate—you know, gravitate towards like one or two people in particular. And then so if I go…they’re usually the first people I ask. Like, you know after work, “Hey, you know, let’s go grab dinner.” You know, maybe, “Let’s go get some drinks,” or something. Usually those two people are the first people I ask.
And then, I might open it up to everyone else in the office. Just like, “Hey, I’m gonna (going to) go…go out to eat, go out to drink. You know, who wants to come with me?” type of thing. But um, when it comes to relations with—within the office, like being friendly and things, I kind of live by the motto of “Do unto others as done unto you.”


【Jason】So, if I treat them kind—you know, kindly and respectfully, I kind of—I wish they would do the same. I don’t wanna come to work basically already hating the job because of the people.

【Christian】Right, right.

【Jason】You know? It makes my work environment very uncomfortable and it makes everybody’s work environment uncomfortable. There’s no morale or anything like that. So I think it’s—if you just treat people with respect and kindness, you know, you might not have to really like them, per se, but, you know, if you just treat it professionally I think—it’ll go a long way, definitely.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Does Christian socialize often with his coworkers?
  2. When Jason begins a new job, what usually happens to him in terms of socializing with coworkers?
  3. After inviting particular coworkers out to dinner or drinks, what does Jason do?



  1. No. Christian enjoys friendly relations with his coworkers but typically doesn’t socialize with them too much beyond work.
  2. He tends to gravitate towards one or two of his coworkers, who may then become people he socializes with outside of work.
  3. He usually follows specific invitations with office-wide invitations for anyone interested in joining them.



Christian and Jason spend this episode talking about relations with coworkers at their jobs. Good workplace relations are important to both, and both approach relations with their coworkers differently.

Christian likes fostering good relations with his coworkers so as to avoid work environments that become unpleasant or toxic. However, beyond work, he doesn’t socialize much with coworkers, preferring instead to go home after work.

Jason also likes to develop and maintain good workplace relations. In Jason’s case, whenever he starts a new job, he often gravitates towards one or two coworkers in particular. These coworkers then become people he often socializes with outside of work.

When Jason invites the one or two people he usually socializes with outside of work to an outing, he often follows these particular invitations with office-wide invitations for any other coworkers interested in joining. Jason believes in the motto “do unto others as done unto you,” and believes that even if one doesn’t like one’s coworkers, one should nevertheless always treat them with kindness and respect.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Get along with (〜と仲良くする)

Get along withは、友達や家族、職場の上司や同僚との人間関係が良好であることを意味する表現です。Have a good relationship withも同じ意味ですが、get along withの方がより口語的です。Get along withの後に、仲良くしている対象が入ります。

  • Do you get along with your coworkers?
  • I get along with my siblings. We are actually very close.
  • I’m having a hard time getting along with my boss.

2) Socialize(人と交流する)


  • Do you socialize with your coworkers outside of work?
  • I’ve always been bad at socializing. I get nervous when I go to social events.
  • Let’s go meet other people and socialize.

3) Toxic(有害な)


  • Why are you afraid of him? It sounds like you’re in a toxic relationship.
  • My workplace is really toxic. I don’t know how much more of it I can handle.
  • How do you deal with a toxic team member?

4) Make the best of(最大限に活かす)

Make the best ofは、不利な立場や困難な状況を受け入れ、その中でベストを尽くすことを表します。

  • This isn’t the ideal situation but let’s make the best of it.
  • I know you’re going through tough times but you have to make the best of it.
  • We encountered a lot of problems on our trip but we tried to make the best of it.

5) Go a long way(大いに役立つ)

Go a long wayは、何かが大いに役立つことを表し、日々のささいな努力や言動の積み重ねが報われるニュアンスがあります。例えば、常に感謝の気持ちを示すことは人生にとって大いに役立つ、といった場合に使用できます。

  • You’ll go a long way if you learn never to give up.
  • I really appreciate your donation. I’m positive it will go a long way.
  • Being respectful and showing appreciation goes a long way towards building a relationship.



  • Generally・・・一般的に
  • Morale・・・やる気・ 士気
  • HR (Human Resources)・・・人事部
  • Gravitate・・・引きつけられ・引き寄せられる
  • Per se・・・正確な意味において


  • Work environment・・・職場環境
  • Mental health・・・精神的健康
  • Grab dinner・・・食事に行く
  • Type of thing・・・〜のようなこと
  • When it comes to・・・〜に関しては
  • Live by・・・〜に従って生きる
  • Do unto others as done unto you・・・自分が相手にしてほしいように、相手に接する



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. A.K より:

    to get along with は「仲が良い」ですが、これを否定文にした
    場合には、下記のどちらが better ですか?

    ① They have not been getting along with each other.

    ② They have been not getting along with each other.

    • Jun より:


      ① They have not been getting along with each other.が正しい表現の仕方になります!

  2. A.K より:

    Trump 大統領は米露の関係について

    We have been not getting along for the past few years
    と記者会見では、not の位置は後の方で否定していますが、これも

    • Jun より:



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