
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.02.15





【Kai】I guess when I was younger, to pass time, um…so being from Hawaii, we often really did go to the beach.


【Kai】I think every weekend we went.


【Kai】Like, without fail we would go.

【Kristen】Wow. Mm hm.

【Kai】Um, so I played baseball. So I had baseball games on Sundays. And then after the baseball games we would go to the beach, like with the whole team. And then we would go every—every Sunday.


【Kai】And I would, like bodyboard, or I would surf, or just, like lay in the sand.

【Kristen】Yeah, wow.

【Kai】So I got really dark at that time. (laughs)

【Kristen】Yeah. (laughs) So the beach was a really big part of your childhood.

【Kai】It was a really big part and I guess being from there, like…and like, moving to different places around the world, I didn’t realize how beautiful Hawaii beaches really were.

【Kristen】Mm. Yeah.

【Kai】And so I…like I had taken it for granted and I kinda (kind of) miss it now.

【Kristen】Yeah, yeah, I get that, ‘cause (because) I also, like—I remember like, the…of course, like New Hampshire is—there’s nothing there but trees and mountains and stuff.


【Kristen】But like, back then I didn’t like living there. I was like, “Oh, it’s so boring.” But like, when I, like look back on it now, I’m like, “Oh, it was really pretty.” Still boring. I wouldn’t wanna (want to) go back there.


【Kristen】But it’s really pretty and I do miss having that greenery around me, so…


【Kristen】Living here, it’s kind of like—sometimes I get, like, “Oh, I need some trees.”

【Kai】Yeah, yeah.

【Kristen】Some real trees. Not these little ones that they plant on the street, like I need real ones. But…

【Kai】So we would often go hiking too.


【Kai】Like with my family.


【Kai】Like, there’s so many different mountains in Hawaii.

【Kristen】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Kai】And we were often outdoors. I was always outdoors.


【Kai】We would go, like biking.


【Kai】We would, like skateboard. We would, like rollerblade. I don’t know if you guys had rollerblades. (laughs)

【Kristen】Wow. (laughs) Yeah, we do.

【Kai】Like, we would do everything…


【Kai】…like, outside.

【Kristen】Mm, yeah. I mean, even though I lived there, I never went outside. (laughs)


【Kristen】I mean, when I was a kid, I would go outside and play, of course.

【Kai】Right, right.

【Kristen】But once I got, like older, I just kinda like, “Nah.” (laughs)

【Kai】(laughs) “Nah.”

【Kristen】The sun, I can’t deal with that, so…

【Kai】Oh, I’m the exact opposite.

【Kristen】Wow. (laughs)

【Kai】I love the sun.

【Kristen】Wow, I can’t.

【Kai】Like, if I’m not in the sun at least, like half an hour in the day, like I feel sad.

【Kristen】Really? ‘Cause I’m the type—I have UV cut, like…


【Kristen】…might’ve been an umbrella and like, mask and sunglasses…

【Kai】Right, right, right.

【Kristen】…like, don’t…don’t touch me sun. I can’t.

【Kai】You’re like, “UV ray, go away.” (laughs)

【Kristen】(laughs) Yeah.

【Kai】No, I like, soak up the sun.

【Kristen】Wow. SPF every day, so, wow.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What activity did Kai do on Sundays before going to the beach while he was living in Hawaii?
  2. What did Kristen miss about life in New Hampshire?
  3. What does Kai like that Kristen dislikes about the outdoors that is mentioned in this episode?



  1. He would play baseball before going to the beach.
  2. She misses the greenery and the trees that surrounded her.
  3. Kai likes, and Kristen dislikes, the sun and sunlight generally.



Kai and Kristen continue their discussion of ways they passed time in their childhoods. Kai began by talking about his childhood in Hawaii.

Kai loved the outdoors, and in Hawaii he often went to the beaches there. On Sundays, Kai played baseball before going to the beach.

Kristen too remembers good things from her childhood growing up in New Hampshire. Just as Kai felt he took some of Hawaii’s beauty for granted, and now misses it, Kristen also misses the greenery and trees of New Hampshire.

Kai generally enjoyed any outdoor activity, including hiking, skateboarding, rollerblading, among others. Kristen on the other hand disliked the outdoors because she disliked the sun. Kai however loves the sun and that he feels sad without at least a half hour of sunlight every day.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Without fail (必ず)

Without failは、直訳すると「失敗しない」ですが、「必ず」、「確実に」、「欠かさず」という意味の口語表現です。確実に約束を守ったり、欠かさず行う習慣などについて話す際によく使い、alwaysと置き換えることができます。

  • My cat wakes me up at six every morning without fail.
  • He sends me a New Year’s card every year without fail.
  • The trains in Japan are amazing. They arrive on time without fail.

2) Take for granted(当たり前と考える)

Take for grantedは、人や物事の存在や価値を、「当たり前だと思っている」という意味の表現です。大切な人や物の存在に慣れすぎて、感謝の気持ちが欠けているニュアンスが含まれます。Takeと for grantedの間に、当たり前だと思っている対象が入ります。

  • You have to be grateful about everything. You can’t take anything for granted.
  • Sometimes, you take your parents for granted. I’m guilty of it too.
  • In retrospect, I took everything that I had for granted. I didn’t realize it until I lost it all.

3) Back then(当時は)

Back thenは、「当時は」や「あの時は」に相当する表現です。At that timeより口語的な表現で、文頭もしくは文末で使われます。

  • Back then I wasn’t scared of anything.
  • Nobody had cellphones back then. It was really important to be on time.
  • Back then I hated my English class. I didn’t study at all.

4) Go away(消える)

Go awayは状況によって意味が多少異なりますが、基本的には、何かが消えたりなくなったりすることを意味する表現です。痛みがなくなったり、染みが取れたり、または問題が消滅するなど、様々な場面で使われます。

  • 「あっちに行け」と言う場合も、「go away.」と言います。
  • If your pain doesn’t go away by tomorrow, you should go see a doctor.
  • This coffee stain won’t go away. What should I do?
  • Ignoring your problems isn’t going to make it go away.

5) Soak up(吸収する)

Soak upは本来、スポンジが水を吸収するように何かを吸収することを意味します。実際に水分を吸収する状況で使われることもあれば、知識を吸収したり、ムードに浸るような状況でも使うことができます。今日の会話でカイが言ったsoak up the sunは「日光浴をする」ことを表します。

  • Woah, there’s so much oil on that bacon. Use this paper towel to soak it up.
  • She’s a fast learner. She soaks up everything I teach her.
  • I’m planning on relaxing on the beach and soaking up the sun.



  • Lay・・・寝そべる
  • Greenery・・・緑
  • UV ray・・・紫外線


  • A big part of・・・大部分の
  • I get that・・・(それは)分かる
  • Look back on・・・振り返ると
  • Even though・・・〜でも/〜にいても
  • Can’t deal with・・・〜は無理



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. SEIJI より:


    Really? ‘Cause I’m the type—I have UV cut, like…
    …might’ve been an umbrella and like, mask and sunglasses

    と言っていますが、might have been だと過去の可能性のことを言っているように思えるのですがどうなんでしょうか?


    • Jun より:

      Hi Seiji

      いつもありがとうございます!ここは、クリステンがちょっと興奮してて、文法がおかしくなってますね(笑)ここは、「本当に?私は紫外線カットが基本だから、日傘にマスク、サングラスが必要だわ。」と訳すのが適切だと思います。忠実に直訳、「日傘だったかな?でも、マスクとサングラスが必要だわ」になります。might have been は umbrellaにかかっています。

  2. Nobu より:



    So we would often go hiking too.

    のように would go が よく使われていますが、
    単純に We went と表現する場合と どう違うのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      ありがとうございます!wouldは過去によくっていたことを表す時に使われ、used toと似たような表現です。We wentだと過去の一回きりになるので、ここではwouldを使うのが適切です。以前、wouldの使い方について記事を書いたので、こちらを参考にしてください〜 → http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=12755

  3. あさ より:


    Go away の3つの例文の中のwillについて質問です。



    3つ目の例文でwillではなくbe going toが使われているのはなぜなのでしょうか。
    willとbe going toの使い分けは解説を読むとわかったつもりになるのですが、やはり理解できていない為、このような時に戸惑います。

    If your pain doesn’t go away by tomorrow, you should go see a doctor.

    ◦This coffee stain won’t go away. What should I do?

    ◦Ignoring your problems isn’t going to make it go away.

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


