
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.11.30





【Miki】Uh but also there’s—there’s also interesting, like ways that technology has helped with that too, because, uh for example, like I would use this, uh bank of physics questions where you can assign homework problems to students and it will change the numbers forevery single student, so every student will get a different answer.
And so, that was one way to help so that they couldn’t copy the homework. Um so there’s—I guess technology has solutions for problems that it initially created, but I agree that academic integrity is a big problem.
And I’m also wondering, what’s your cellphone policy?

【Ken】Um they’re not supposed to have their cellphones out in class, but, you know, it’s…it’s hard to be a policeman and, you know, constantly be on their case about it all the time.
So, you know, I am a little bit lenient as a teacher. (laughs) Little bit lenient, but um, yeah. They’re not supposed to have it out in class, but they invariably…yeah, they do bring it out in class from time to time.

【Miki】Right. I mean, I have also seen teachers use, um like have the students use their cellphones in a positive way. Like use it as, like when—when you’re doing a short quiz in class, just to assess the students and see what they think about a problem, they’ll like, answer using their cellphones or things like that.


【Miki】So that’s one way to get, like quick feedback from students. Like, so, it’s…I guess, I’ve seen people try to be—try to have students use their cellphones for good instead of evil, but…

【Ken】Yeah, there’s a…uh, I use Kahoot! it’s called. And yeah, you can put quizzes up there, um and they’re using their cellphones to answer, so.

【Miki】Mm hm.

【Ken】Uh, that’s another way technology helps, for sure.


【Ken】So there’s the good and the bad. But overall I think it’s for the better.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What did Miki use to assign homework to her physics students?
  2. What is the cellphone policy in Ken’s chemistry class?
  3. What in-class quizzing application does Ken use in his class?



  1. She used a question bank that randomized the numbers in homework problems, ensuring students couldn’t copy their answers on homework.
  2. Students are not supposed to have their cellphones out in class. However, Ken sometimes relaxes the rules.
  3. He uses Kahoot!, a class-wide small quiz application that students can integrate with their cellphones.



Miki and Ken continue their discussion of technology’s uses and abuses in the classroom in this episode. Miki acknowledges that technology can have positive uses.

In Miki’s physics class, she used a physics question bank to assign homework problems. The question bank would randomize the number values in physics problems, so no students in her class could copy homework answers from each other.

The cellphone policy in Ken’s chemistry class requires students to not have them out in class. However, Ken is a bit relaxed when it comes to enforcing this rule.

Ken uses a quizzing program called Kahoot! that allows him to make quick class-wide quizzes. Students can use their phones to take quizzes and submit answers in a class-wide quiz and Kahoot! can turn the quizzing process into a light-hearted game. This for Ken was an example of technology doing good things in the classroom.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Bank of questions(前もって用意された質問)

Bankと聞くと、真っ先に「銀行」が思い浮かぶと思いますが、bank of questionsの組み合わせで使うと、「事前に準備された質問やクイズ」という意味になります。教科書や参考書に載っている練習問題のようなもので、クイズや小テストとして使用されます。

  • Test bankやquestion bankとも言います。
  • I have a bank of grammar questions that I use for quizzes.
  • You can download the test bank from this link.
  • Question banks are really useful. You should use them for your class.

2) Assign(〜を割り当てる)

Assignは、状況に応じて意味が多少異なる単語です。今日の会話でミキはassign homeworkと言いましたが、これは先生が生徒に「宿題を出す」ことを意味します。他にもassignには、会社や学校などで誰かに「役割や任務を割り当てる」、「座席を指定する」といった意味があります。

  • Did our teacher assign us any homework today?
  • My coworker was assigned to do a presentation in English.
  • Before we get started, we need to assign a role for everyone.

3) On one’s case(〜を非難し続ける )

On one’s caseは、誰かを非難し続けたり、うるさく口出しして相手を困らせることを表す口語表現です。1回切りではなく、干渉し続けることがこの表現のポイントです。例えば、ニートの息子に親が仕事をしろといつも干渉したり、お酒を飲みすぎだと妻が夫にしつこく注意するような状況で使えます。

  • My dad has been on my case all month to get a job.
  • I don’t mean to get on your case but you have to be on time.
  • My wife has been on my case about drinking too much lately.

4) Lenient(大目に見る )


  • Mr. Smith is a pretty lenient teacher.
  • You only got a warning? What a lenient punishment.
  • Are you strict or lenient when it comes to grammar?

5) From time to time(時々)

From time to timeは「時々」という意味の口語表現です。Sometimesと似ていますが、頻度が若干低いニュアンスがあります。

  • I’m not big on sushi but I do eat it from time to time.
  • I crave a hamburger from time to time. I haven’t had one in a while though.
  • I think about moving back home from time to time.



  • Academic integrity・・・学問の品位
  • Cellphone policy・・・携帯電話のルール
  • Invariably・・・いつも


  • Every single・・・一人一人の
  • Not supposed to・・・本当は〜だめ



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ノエル より:

    そこで希望としては、①なるべくゴニョゴニョしゃべってほしい。②もちろんナチュラルスピードで ③トピックは身近な世間話 つまり普段の休憩時間のおしゃべりをこっそり録音した感じがよいです。 リスナーからの希望もさまざまかと思いますが、可能な範囲でよろしくお願いします!

    • Jun より:



  2. Masami Styles より:

    Hi Jun!
    It’s been a while!
    How have you been? As for me, I’m alive so far :).
    To be honest, I’ve been swamped with work these past 3 weeks, but other than that I’m good!
    I’ve always wanted to leave a comment, though….

    And I had really nice time listening to your seminar and I was really happy seeing tons of participants at that seminar.
    I got a chance to meet and talk with a lot of Hapa learners. It made me happy . Especially, this time, I felt Hapa learners who were their first time taking part in it. At first, I got the vibe that some of them were so nervous, so it was quieter than ever before, right?
    That’s why I’m sure that Kahoot! must have been loosened their tense ( nervousness ) My score was terrible by the way!

    And it comes to technology, I can’t catch up with it. I barely use my iPhone.
    It’s really handy for me but….
    Every now and then, it drives me crazy, though.
    This episode is amazing like always!!
    Thanks a million.
    Have a good one!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masami!

      It was really nice seeing you at the seminar! You looked great. I’m glad you were able to met other participants and Hapa learners. I think the best part of the seminar is the chance to meet with other English learners. Kahoot! is a great app! I’m glad you enjoyed the ice breaker!

      Try not to work too hard 😉 Hope to hear from you again soon!

  3. Masami Styles より:

    I made a mistake.
    It should be ‘ They must’ve been loosened their nervousness by the Kahoot!’
    It was reversed word order.
    Is that correct?

    Have a nice day!

  4. Takuma より:

    質問させていただきたいのですが、今回紹介された“be on one’s case”の“one’s”のところが特定の人の場合どのようになるのでしょうか。
    例えばI’ve been on Tom’s case about being late.という風に表現するのが正しいのでしょうか。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。インスタでアウトプット始めたんですね!フレーズは頭で覚えるだけではなく、使うことによって身につきますのでこれからもどんどんアウトプットの練習をしてください。Be on one’s caseはTakumaさんが書いてくれた例文でOKです!Great job 👍

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