
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.08.24





【Ken】How about Europe? Where in Europe have you been or where do you like to go in Europe?

【Deanna】Um I think…Croatia was beautiful but the most adventurous and fun place I went to was Barcelona, Spain. Uh, there—I remember…I was maybe ten years old or so…but there’s a cathedral called…I forgot the name, but the “Unfinished Church.” Have you heard about it?

【Ken】Oh, Sagrada Familia.

【Deanna】Oh yeah, yeah, that’s right. Yeah, so I went there and…it’s unfinished so you’re climbing this spiral staircase, and I remember we brought my grandma in to climb the spiral staircase as well and that was just a mistake, ‘cause (because) we were climbing for solid two hours.
Just straight incline, and…you know in the end, it ended up being pretty cool, but that was…Barcelona was beautiful. Architecture’s amazing.
And I guess…Greece? Uh, we saw glass blowing. Have you ever seen that?

【Ken】Um, only on YouTube.

【Deanna】Only on YouTube. Okay, yeah. Glass blowing. So they were these workers, you know, twirling their…I guess they’re this—the sticks and, um…he was making a glass horse, this worker. And he was showing the tourists how to—how to make this glass horse, and at the end is this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful little horse, like probably worth…probably worth a couple hundred U.S. dollars.
And he ended up—after he showed us, he ended up throwing it away with a bunch of other glass horses. And we were so upset, or like, wanted to buy it, but, yeah. I guess that’s what they did for their presentation. (laughs)
Is there anything kind of interesting that you’ve seen that’s different from U.S. culture?

【Ken】Um…well, I mean, just getting back to Europe, though, I mean I have been to Barcelona as well.

【Deanna】Oh, uh huh.

【Ken】And it’s, like you said, it’s just a very beautiful city. It’s right on the coast.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】Um…um, I’ve been to Madrid as well, the capital of Spain.


【Ken】And there’s just a big difference there. I mean Madrid’s sort of more of a…it feels a little bit more working class. Barcelona just feels, uh, like, it’s just very special, very artistic city. Um…um, but yeah. The Mediterranean I like is very beautiful.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】Um…I’ve been to Italy as well…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】…and my favorite place in Italy is Positano.




【Ken】Positano is a little small village on the Amalfi Coast.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】So central Italy. Um, it’s basically these big huge rock cliffs, where these, uh little tiny villages are built into them.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Ken】So, you can see these little tiny hotels, little tiny houses, just sort of built into the cliffside, and it’s right there on the ocean, and it just—or right there on the Mediterranean Sea, and it—just very, very beautiful.

【Deanna】Wow. Mm hm.

【Ken】And, yeah, it’s incredibly beautiful. I went there two years in a row, actually. So…

【Deanna】Really? You liked it that much. (laughs)

【Ken】I liked it that much. I had to go back twice and hopefully I’ll get to go back again, but I would highly recommend that place.

【Deanna】Amalfi Coast.



【Ken】Amalfi Coast.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What religious structure in Barcelona did Deanna and her family visit that she mentioned in this episode?
  2. What artistic practice did Deanna witness while in Greece?
  3. What is Ken’s favorite place in Italy?



  1. They visited the Sagrada Familia, or the “Unfinished Church,” a large cathedral in Barcelona.
  2. She watched Greek glass blowers create art, specifically a glass horse.
  3. His favorite place in Italy is Positano, a village located on the Amalfi Coast.



Ken and Deanna spend this episode discussing their travels throughout Europe. Deanna began with discussion of her travels in Barcelona, Spain.

When she was a child, she and her family went to visit the Sagrada Familia cathedral, the so-called “Unfinished Church.” She described the two-hour climbs through the cathedral’s spiral staircases with her grandmother accompanying them.

Deanna then described witnessing glass blowing in Greece. She saw artists create glass horses as part of their demonstrations.

On the subject of Mediterranean destinations, Ken discussed his favorite place in Italy: Positano. Positano is a village built into the steep rock cliffs of the Amalfi Coast, overlooking the Mediterranean Sea. He loved Positano so much he visited two years in a row, and hopes to visit a third time in the future.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) A solid(少なくとも )

Solidは本来「個体」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では様々な意味を持つスラングです。今日の会話では、「少なくとも〜」や「まるまる〜」のように、合計の数などを強調する意味で使われています。時間を表す時に使われることが多く、例えば、ロスからラスベガスまで車で行くと最低4時間はかかることを 「It takes a solid four hours.」と言うことができます。

  • a solid____の他に、 a good____も同じ意味合いで使われます。
  • It took me a solid hour to get here. There was so much traffic.
  • We were walking for a solid 30 minutes in this heat. We were drenched with sweat.
  • I slept a good 10 hours last night. I feel refreshed.

2) Twirl(くるくる回す)

バトンや旗をくるくると回したり、ダンサーがステージでくるくると回る動きを twirlと言います。速いスピードで回す(回る)ニュアンスがあります。

  • How do you twirl a pencil around your finger?
  • She tends to twirl her hair when she’s nervous.
  • When my dad is thinking about something, he always twirls his mustache.

3) Get back to (〜に戻る)

Get back toは状況によって様々な意味を持つフレーズですが、「〜に戻る」が根本的な意味となります。今日の会話でケンが言った Getting back to Europe(ヨーロッパの話に戻るけど)は、脱線した話を元に戻す意味で使われています。

  • その他、人に返事をしたり、折り返し連絡をする際にも使われます。
  • Getting back to what we were talking about, where should we travel to this summer?
  • Getting back to what you said, when are you planning on coming to Japan?
  • Let me give it some thought and get back to you by tomorrow.

4) Sort of (ちょっと、〜みたいな)

Sort ofは kind ofと同じ意味を持ち、何かを説明する時に「〜のような」や「〜みたいな感じ」など、“それらしい様”を表現する場合に用いられます。例えば、カエルの肉を食べたことのない友達にカエルの味を説明する時には 「It tastes sort of like chicken.(鶏肉のような味がします)」と言うことができます。

  • Have you been to Kanazawa? It’s sort of like Kyoto.
  • Try this beer. It tastes sort of like grapefruit.
  • Las Vegas is sort of like an amusement park for adults.

5) In a row (連続して)

Rowは「列」を意味し、何かが立て続けに起こることをin a rowと表現します。例えば、友達とじゃんけんをして3回連続して勝った場合、「I won 3 times in a row.」と言うことができます。Consecutivelyと同じ意味ですが、in a rowの方が口語的な表現です。

  • I went to the gym three days in a row.
  • He won the golf tournament three years in a row.
  • I lost to him 5 games in a row. He’s too good at bowling.



  • Cathedral・・・大聖堂
  • Incline・・・傾斜する
  • Architecture・・・建築物
  • Upset・・・がっかり


  • Spiral staircase・・・らせん階段
  • End up・・・結局は
  • Glass blowing・・・吹きガラス
  • Throw away・・・捨てる
  • A bunch of・・・たくさんの
  • Build into・・・組み込む



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ゆうじ より:

    とても楽しい会話でした。ヨ-ロッパは全然行った事ないですが、きっと素晴らしい場所なのですね。 質問です。ディアナさんがupsetって言ってましたが、がっくりの意味なんですね。怒るの意味で使っていましたが違いますか?両方意味有りますか?教えて下さい。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。旅行の話っていいですよね!2人の話を聴きながら、ヨーロッパに行きたくなりました。Upsetは様々な意味持つ単語で、怒る、悲しむ、失望するなど様々な感情を表します。簡単にいえば、happyでない気持ちを表します。以前、upsetの記事を書きましたので、こちらのリンクを参考にしてください → http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=11708

  2. SEIJI より:



  3. Shinzy より:

    Jun San,







    • Jun より:



      Thank you for your suggestion! これからも、楽しく英語学習を続けてください!

  4. 佐藤 より:

    今回出てきたsort of とkind ofがほぼ同じ意味ですがどう使い分けたらいいのですか?

    • Jun より:


      ありがとうございます!また、友人にも thank you とお伝えください。使い分けはほとんどなく、アメリカ人は kind of と sort of、どちらも使います。その時の気分で?使い分けてるのかな。しかし、ロスでは kind of の方がよく耳にすると思います。

  5. Kazu Hase より:

    4:25 Have you heard about it?が、びゅごのびっ。と聞こえます。全く聞こえません。なぜでしょうか?

  6. Kazu Hase より:

    4:33so you’re climbing this spiral staircase, ですが、進行形なのは、なぜでしょうか?

  7. Kazu Hase より:

    4:44 cause (because) we were climbing for solid two hours.の coz we were が、こじ びお。と聞こえます。we が聞こえません。なぜでしょうか?

  8. Kazu Hase より:

    6:00 And there’s just a big difference there. I mean Madrid’s sort of more of a…ですが、difference there. I mean Madrid’s が、でぃふぇれんさ あめどりず。と聞こえます。there とmean が、聞こえません。なぜでしょうか?

  9. Kazu Hase より:

    5:16 And he was showing the tourists how to—how to make this glass horse, and at the end is this beautiful, beautiful, beautiful little horse, like probably worth…probably worth a couple hundred U.S. dollars.のat the end is this beautiful little horseは、倒置だと思うのですが、当たってますか?ネイティブは、あっ、倒置だと思うのですか?

  10. Kazu Hase より:

    5:49 well, I mean, just getting back to Europe, though, I mean I have been to Barcelona as well.のwell,I mean わみ。と聞こえます。I が聞こえません。なぜでしょうか?

  11. Kazu Hase より:

    6:00 And there’s just a big difference there. I mean Madrid’s sort of more of a…ですが、And there’s just a あんそさ。とか、あんそそ。と聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  12. Kazu Hase より:

    6:43 it’s incredibly beautiful. I went there two years in a row, actually. ですが、いしんくれでび、びゅーてぃふふぉー、あもでる、ちゅういあずいん、あろう、あくちゅあり。と聞こえます。I went there が、あもでる。に聞こえます。なぜでしょうか?

  13. AI より:

    Let me give it some thought

    について、itはなにを指していて、thought はなぜ過去形なのでしょうか??

    thought の前のsomeもわかりませんでした。

    • Jun より:



  14. AI より:


    Let me give it some thought and get back to you by tomorrow.

    のセンテンスですが、なぜthought は過去形で、get backは現在形なのでしょうか?


    • Jun より:


      ここのthoughtはthinkの過去形ではなく、thought(考える)という名詞です。なので、get backは現在形になります。

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