
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.06.29





【Tristan】So one of the differences in how you were raised and how I was raised is whether or not you wear shoes in the house.

【Mary】Right. When I was growing up, it was totally normal. You’d do yard work and then you just walk right into the house and wear shoes all day.

【Tristan】Right, and that’s—in my house that would be unthinkable. We took our shoes off as soon as we entered the house every single day, no matter what you were wearing. If you went to a formal event, you would take your shoes off and probably carry them to you room.
I guess if my father were tired after work, he might walk to his closet to take them off but you would never see somebody walking around the house doing things in anything other than socks.

【Mary】Well, why is that? Like, did your parents talk to you about it? Are they very conscious about dirt, or something?

【Tristan】Well it was never, you know, we never had a talk. It was just—you get to the door, you take your shoes off, and we had a…a rack by the door that had slots for all of our different shoes and…that was really common. But in general, it was just a—a cleanliness thing. You keep…you keep the house clean.


【Tristan】You take your shoes off.

【Mary】It makes sense to me now that I’m the person cleaning my own house. (laughs) But growing up, you know…unless you had muddy shoes, you know, visibly filthy shoes, didn’t really worry about it too much.

【Tristan】But I—I recognize that it was unusual that I took my shoes off because when I was young I would go play at a friend’s house, I would always take my shoes off when I came inside. Their parents would always exclaim at, “Oh, what a polite boy [I am]!”


【Tristan】“Oh, this is so wonderful.”

【Mary】Right. Well, it’s confusing. Like, me and you, we came back from Korea and just adopted that. Like, we don’t wear our shoes in the house anymore. And people, when they come over, kind of sense that…take their shoes off.
But, like when I go to other people’s houses, their floors are filthy, maybe I shouldn’t be taking my shoes off, you know? My socks will get covered in pet hair and…or dirt.

【Tristan】Right. I…having been raised taking my shoes off, I feel uncomfortable wearing shoes inside, ever. I’ll wear shoes inside an office. I’ll wear shoes inside somewhere for entertainment. Concerts or movies, or things like that. I wouldn’t take my shoes off anywhere but a house.

【Mary】That’s true.

【Tristan】But if I’m in a house…

【Mary】Yeah, I would never take my shoes off outside my home. I think most people in America are like my family was, though, growing up. You know, you don’t wear totally dirty shoes in the house, but it’s pretty normal to wear them all day.

【Tristan】Yeah. I would agree with that. I—I recognize it was unusual, and I’m not sure—I’m not sure why my family does that. I’ve never asked them about it.

【Mary】Yeah. (laughs)

【Tristan】It just feels normal, because that’s what you do.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What were the policies regarding shoes in the house for Tristan’s family and Mary’s family, respectively?
  2. What did Tristan do when he went to his friends’ houses as a child?
  3. What policy do Tristan and Mary use for their own home?



  1. Tristan’s family always asked that people entering their house take their shoes off at the door. Mary’s was more relaxed, allowing shoes to be worn inside unless they were exceptionally dirty.
  2. He would take off his own shoes at the front door of his friends’ families’ houses.
  3. They don’t wear shoes in their house, much like Tristan’s family.



Mary and Tristan talk about their different families’ lifestyles growing up. They discuss their families’ policies regarding whether or not it was acceptable to wear shoes in their houses when they were growing up.

For Mary’s family, it was normal to wear shoes in their house. For Tristan’s family, wearing shoes in the house was unacceptable. No matter what the occasion or what one was wearing, people in Tristan’s family were expected to remove their shoes upon entering their house.

When Tristan visited his friends’ houses when he was a boy, he naturally took off his shoes at the front door. His friends’ families were happy to see him do so, and commented on how polite Tristan was.

Mary prefers to keep her shoes on when visiting friends’ houses because she doesn’t know how clean their houses’ floors are. Still, within their own home, Tristan and Mary don’t allow shoes to be worn, adopting a policy similar to the one used by Tristan’s family.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Whether or not(〜かどうか)

「〜へ行くか、行かないか」、「〜をするか、しないか」のように、2つの可能性を示す時に使われる表現が whether or notです。日常会話では or notがなくてもOKです。
例えば、「戸締まりをしたか覚えていない」は、 「I’m not sure whether or not I locked the door.」、 「I’m not sure whether I locked the door or not.」、 「I’m not sure whether I locked the door.」のいずれの表現でも意味は同じです。

  • この表現には、「〜かどうかにかかわらず〜する」という意味もあります。この場合は必ず whether or notの形で使います。
  • I can’t decide whether to order dessert or not.
  • I’m swamped with work. I don’t know whether I can go to dinner tonight.
  • Whether or not it rains tomorrow, we’re going to have a BBQ.

2) Keep _____ clean(〜をきれいにしておく)

家やオフィス、キッチンやトイレなどを清潔にしておくことを keep_____cleanと表現します。「家をきれいにしておく」は Keep the house clean、「トイレをきれいにしておく」は keep the bathroom cleanのように、 keepと cleanの間に、目的語を入れます。

  • How do you keep your bathroom so clean all the time?
  • Everything gets moldy quickly during the rainy season. You have to keep everything clean.
  • You can stay here as long as you want. Just make sure you keep the house neat and clean.

3) Filthy(汚い)

Filthyは「非常に汚い」や「不潔な」を意味し、 dirtyと置き換え可能な単語です。
filthy shirt(とても汚いシャツ)や filthy bathroom(ひどく汚れたトイレ)のように物を指すこともあれば、 filthy language(下品な言葉遣い)や filthy lie(ひどいウソ)のようにそれ以外を指すこともあり、幅広い状況で使われます。基本的にネガティブな意味合いで使われますが、 filthy rich(超大金持ち)だけはポジティブな意味で使われます。

  • When’s the last time you took out the trash? It’s filthy in here.
  • That restaurant was filthy. There were cockroaches running up the wall.
    (あのレストランは本当に不潔だったね。 ゴキブリが壁をはい上がってたよ。)
  • He doesn’t look like it but he’s actually filthy rich.

4) Adopt(〜を導入する・取り入れる)

Adoptは、状況に応じて訳し方が変わる単語ですが、根本的な意味として、「何かを自分のもののように受け入れる」ことを表します。例えば、犬を adoptした場合、自分のペットとして責任を持って引き取ることを表します。同様に、 adopt a new methodは「新しい方法を取り入れる」、 adopt a customは「習慣を身に着ける」、 adopt a kind attitudeは「親切な態度で接する」など、 様々な状況で用いられます。

  • Sean bows all the time now. I think it’s a custom he adopted while living in Japan.
  • You’re turning 35 next month. Don’t you think it’s time to adopt a healthier lifestyle?
  • After living in Australia for a couple years, I adopted an Australian accent.

5) Sense something(感知する)


  • He sensed something was wrong with his dog right away.
  • Somehow I sensed you might say that.
  • I kind of sensed that I shouldn’t be there so I just left.



  • Unthinkable・・・考えられない
  • Conscious about・・・気にする
  • Rack・・・棚
  • Muddy・・・泥だらけ
  • Exclaim・・・大声で言う


  • Totally normal・・・当たり前
  • Every single day・・・毎日
  • Other than・・・〜以外
  • Makes sense・・・納得する
  • Come over・・・うちに来る



Mary L




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  1. Yuka より:



    webで書いてあったとおりディレクションを第1回から取り組もうと思っているのですが、「live conversation 」だとハードルが高いので「summary」をディレクションする勉強方でもアリでしょうか?


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもYouTubeを視聴していただき、ありがとうございます!Dictationは「Summary」から始めてももちろんOKです。逆に言うと、live conversationより、summaryからスタートした方が良いと思います。スピーキング力を伸びしたいのであれば、声を出して英語のセンテンスを言ったり、音読することをオススメします。文章を声に出して読み上げるのは良いトレーニングになります。あとは、Podcastの話題を元に自分なりの返答の仕方をノートに書き出すといいでしょう。例えば、第1回のテーマは「仕事について」なので、Yukaさん自分の職業についてノートに書き出すといいでしょう。そうすれば、次回誰かに「What do you do?」と聞かれたら返事ができます!頑張ってください!

  2. Yuka より:


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