
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.04.20





【Brian】So uh, what are your thoughts on dating around before settling down?

【Elaina】Um, I think in today’s day and age, that most people do date around a lot before getting married, and I think that’s what stops—not to sound totally sexist—a lot of men from being unhappy in their marriages later on, because they get to sow their wild oats as, you know, we like to say. (laughs)


【Elaina】Get it all out of their system in their twenties and when they’re married they can stay more committed. Although I think women are the same way in all honesty. Just, society doesn’t like saying that. (laughs)


【Elaina】But yeah, I think it is healthy, ‘cause you not only get to get all of that craziness out of your system when you’re young before marriage and you don’t regret anything when you’re older, but you also get to learn a lot about yourself and about what it’s like to be with a partner. You go from high school to being a child, and single, I mean…

【Brian】Mm hm.

【Elaina】…yeah we have boyfriends and girlfriends in high school, but do they really count?

【Brian】Yeah, no.

【Elaina】(laughs) And to go from, like, single children to adults, and all of a sudden, it’s like, “Oh, I have to think about another human being now? What do you mean?”

【Brian】Yeah. I think you’re right. I think that it is very important when you’re young to, uh…to meet a lot of people and get to know, like, uh…how other people are and uh, just have different experiences with…with other people. I think that is important.
And I think that, uh…I mean, a lot of people—myself included—uh, you know, we choose someone and maybe we uh…we think that we are old enough or mature enough to be in that relationship, but it is hard. And it’s important for you to, uh have a lot of experience to bring, and a lot of wisdom to bring to the relationship before you, uh get into a long-term relationship. Yeah.

【Elaina】Oh yes, when I was eighteen, I moved in with my boyfriend, and I thought he was the one, and this would be so great, and I was so mature and adult, ‘cause (because) I had a place, and I haven’t talked to the man in three years. (laughs)


【Elaina】And…but I did learn a lot. I’m very thankful for that experience, because I am now bringing what I learned from that into my new relationship, and we’ve been living together for three years now. And…and really, it helps me a lot with maturing.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Elaina think dating around is healthy before marriage?
  2. Do Brian and Elaina consider high school boyfriends/girlfriends to be true relationships?
  3. How old was Elaina when she moved in with her former boyfriend?



  1. She thinks it helps both men and women “get their craziness” out before committing to a long-term relationship.
  2. No, they don’t think those count.
  3. She was 18 years old.



Elaina and Brian continue their discussion of the subjects of relationships and marriage. In this episode they discuss the concept of “dating around” before settling down and getting married with a partner.

Both Brian and Elaina think dating many people before getting married is healthy. Elaina thinks it’s a good way for people to “get their craziness” out of their systems before settling down with a partner.

Brian thinks that dating around gives people the chance to gain experience and wisdom that they can take with them into long-term relationships. For Brian, sometimes one thinks they can handle the demands of a relationship, only to realize how difficult it is to maintain one.

Elaina discussed an example from her own life. When she was 18, she moved in with her now former boyfriend. She explained how at the time she thought he was the one for her, but they eventually broke up. Still, this experience gave Elaina knowledge that she has brought into her current and ongoing relationship of three years.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Settle down(落ち着く)

Settle downは「落ち着く」を意味する日常表現です。日本語と同様、興奮状態から落ち着いたり、結婚して身を固めたり、ある場所に住居を定めたりする場合など、幅広い意味合いで使われます。

  • You guys! Settle down and behave yourselves. We’re in the train.
    (ねえ。電車の中だから落ち着いて行儀よくしなさい。 )
  • Do you plan on settling down and starting a family anytime soon?
  • I’m living in Tokyo right now but I want to eventually settle down in the countryside.

2) Get out of one’s system(追い払う・捨て去る)

Get out of one’s systemは本来、細菌やウイルスのような有毒物質を体外に排出することを意味しますが、 日常会話では、やりたいことを飽きるまでやり尽くすといった比喩的な意味合いで使われます。例えば、学生時代にパーティーやクラブや合コンに頻繁に行ったり、たくさんの人とデートをするなど、落ち着く前に欲を満たすといったニュアンスがあります。

  • また、ストレスを発散したり、不満や抑圧された感情を晴らす意味でも使われます。
  • I got partying and clubbing out of my system in my early twenties.
  • You’ve been talking about traveling the world for years now. Maybe you should just do it and get it out of your system.
  • If something is bothering you, don’t hold it in. Just get it out of your system.

3) Count(〜に入る)

Countは元々、「数える」を意味する単語ですが、日常会話では様々な意味で使われます。今日の会話では、何かが全体や合計に「含まれる・入る」ことを意味します。例えば、これまで交際した人数を聞かれた時に、 「Do high school relationships count?」と聞き返せば、「高校時代の恋愛も含まれるの?」という意味になります。

  • Does volunteer work count as work experience?
  • I walk to work every day. Does that count as exercising?
    (毎日、歩いて仕事へ行ってるよ。それも運動に含まれる? )
  • In the U.S., class participation counts towards the final grade.

4) Mature(大人の振る舞い)


  • He’s only 14 years old? He’s very mature for his age.
  • I think she is mature enough to make her own decisions about her future.
    (彼女は、自分の将来について自分で決断できるくらい大人だと思うよ。 )
  • My brother is turning 30 this year but he’s still pretty immature.

5) Move in(入居する・引越しをする)

Move inは入居することを意味し、一般的に2つの状況で使われます。
1つ目は、友達や恋人などと同居することを表し、 「move in with_____」の形をとります。

  • I’m moving in with my girlfriend next month.
  • I heard you found a new apartment. When are you moving in?
  • I’m going to move in with my buddy for a few months.



  • Sexist・・・性差別的な
  • Wisdom・・・分別


  • Date around・・・いろいろな人とデートする
  • Day and age・・・現代では
  • Sow one’s wild oats・・・若い時に道楽をする
  • All of a sudden・・・急に









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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