
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.01.12





【Becca】So if you had to describe your 2017 in three words, what would they be?

【Mary】I would say, “cornfields…” …does that count as one word, or two words?

【Becca】We could take that, yeah.

【Mary】(laughs) “Cornfields,” “afternoon walks.”

【Becca】Mm hm.

【Mary】It’s a very, like peaceful description of what’s going on here, but I think that pretty much summarizes my new life here in Nebraska.

【Becca】Mm hm.

【Mary】Um, what about you? What’s this year been like for you?

【Becca】Definitely “travel,” and “writing,” and then I would say “remembering.”


【Becca】And then remembering things that I used to be passionate about or used to enjoy, and…and re-finding them, and enjoying them again.

【Mary】Oh, that’s awesome. Uh, what kind of writing are you doing?

【Becca】Uh, it…kinda (kind of) nonfiction. I’ve always been into it.

【Mary】Okay. Like, about what subject, then?

【Becca】Or…oops, fiction. I mean, fiction. (laughs)

【Mary】Oh, fiction.

【Becca】Yeah, I know.

【Mary】Got it. Yeah I like, um…I like your “remembering” one, because I’ve actually—I feel like I’ve spent a lot of time doing that this year too.

【Becca】Mm hm.

【Mary】Um not knowing anyone, I’m spending a lot more time, like internally rediscovering myself, so like going back and finding old video games I used to like or books I used to read when I was young. Yeah, I think that resonates with me too. (laughs)

【Becca】Yeah, or almost—I’ve been thinking too about what hobbies I actually enjoy doing.

【Mary】Like starting new ones or remembering ones you used to enjoy?

【Becca】I think both. Things that I’d like to start, and then things that I enjoyed in the past, like you said. Reading or things like that. Discovering books that I read in the past that I enjoyed.

【Mary】Yeah. I guess, um…finding new hobbies could—could be something to start for the New Year, too.


【Mary】I definitely found that I have to intentionally set goals for hobbies. I know that sounds, like really over-the-top organized. But if you don’t actually do that, you never get started with anything, so I always try to pick up something new every year, so. I like that. I don’t know what it’s going to be for next year, yet, but…(laughs)

【Becca】Yeah? Not sure?

【Mary】It’s a good thing to do, yeah.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What three words did Mary use to describe her 2017?
  2. What three words did Becca use to describe her 2017?
  3. When beginning a new hobby, what practice does Mary adopt?



  1. She used “cornfields” and “afternoon walks.”
  2. She used “travel,” “writing,” and “remembering.”
  3. She feels she needs to proactively set goals for herself before starting a new hobby, otherwise she’ll never get started.



In this episode, Becca and Mary try to describe what 2017 meant for them in three words. Mary’s three words were “cornfields” and “afternoon walks.”

For Mary, these three words reflect her new life in Nebraska. When she asked Becca about her three words for 2017, Becca replied with “travel, writing, and remembering.”

When it comes to writing, Becca enjoys writing fiction. For both Mary and Becca, remembering things, moments, and hobbies from their pasts was an important part of 2017.

Mary likes to start a new hobby each year, and doesn’t know which new hobby she’ll start next year. She has discovered that if she doesn’t set goals for her new hobbies, she’ll never actually start them.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) What’s going on(何が起きているのか)

What’s going onは「何が起きているのか」、「どうなっているのか」を意味する表現で、状況が把握できない時に使われます。 What is happeningと同じ意味ですが、より口語的な響きがあります。
また、 「What’s going on?」は、あいさつとして使われることもしばしばあり、「どうしてた?」、「最近どう?」に相当する表現です。

  • What’s going on between Josh and Lisa? Are they fighting or something?
  • I’m not exactly sure what’s going on but I think he made reservations for the wrong date.
  • It’s been a while, Joe. What’s going on?

2) What has _____ been like?(〜はどんな感じですか?)

「What has _____ been like?」は 「What is _____ like?」の現在完了形で、場所や食べ物、天候や人の性格、相手の経験などについて「どんな感じなのか?」と聞き出したい時に使われる表現です。 「How is _____?」や 「How has _____ been?」と同じ意味ですが、より口語的なニュアンスがあります。

  • What has the weather in Japan been like recently?
  • What has it been like moving back home with your parents?
  • What’s John like? Is he a nice person?

3) Resonate(心に響く)


  • That was an excellent documentary. It really resonated with me.
  • We have to come up with a concept that resonates with the younger generation.
  • He delivered a powerful speech. It resonated with a lot of people.

4) Over-the-top(やり過ぎの)


  • Don’t you think you went a little over-the-top with the decorations?
  • That comedian can be over-the-top at times but he’s really funny.
  • Do you think my outfit is over-the-top for the event tonight?

5) Pick up(習得する)

技術や技能を「習得する」ことを Pick upと表現します。「外国語を習得する」は Pick up a foreign language、「新しい趣味を始める」は Pick up a new hobbyと言い、 Learnの代わりに使える便利な表現です。

  • I picked up English when I was studying abroad in Australia.
  • I want to pick up a new skill this year.
  • I picked up snowboarding when I was in college.



  • Describe・・・表す
  • Internally・・・内面的に
  • Intentionally・・・意図的に


  • Pretty much・・・大体
  • Take that・・・それでいいよ
  • That’s awesome・・・それはいいね



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. momo より:

    が・・今回の10週間の英語レッスン 締め切りが14日だと思って居て 申し込みに送れちゃいました(T_T)ショック!!

  2. Aki より:

    What’s going on とWhat’s up withの違いを教えてください。

  3. Rene より:

    私もインフルエンザにかかっていて申し込みを逃していました😭 すごくショック、次回機会があればぜひ参加したいです☺️

  4. HISAE より:

    Happy New Year!Jun先生
    I’ll study English enjoying Hapa英会話 again this year.(^^)

    “What has ~ been like?” and “What is ~ like?” は、同じ意味のニュアンスとして

  5. Ray より:

    ところで、Beccaがfictionとnonfictionを言い間違えた後の“yeah I know”は、どういった意味にあたるんでしょうか?

  6. Pisces より:

    Could you tell me the difference between “proactively “ and “actively”?

  7. Yoshi より:

    What’s going on についてですが、今後、未来に”どうなるかわからないとい” という場合は
    I am not sure what’s going on in the future. とい表現で良いでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。What’s going onは基本、未来の出来事ではなく、今起こっていることを表す時に使われます。なので、未来の話をする場合、”I’m not sure what’s going to happen in the future.”のように表現する方がナチュラルです。

Yoshi へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


