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食レポ in ロサンゼルス!

今回はロサンゼルスのダウンタウンにあるグルメスポット「グランドセントラルマーケット」に行き、地元でも人気のレストランでちょっとした食レポをしてみました。今回訪れたのは、オイスター(牡蠣)が堪能できる「The Oyster Gourmet」、卵好きにはたまらない「Eggslut」、日本にも進出しているハンバーガーショップ「Shake Shack」の3店舗です。お楽しみください!

1) The Oyster Gourmet


2) Eggslut


3) Shake Shack


I apologize for the poor audio quality! I promise to pick up a new microphone for Christmas this year 😉

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  1. Rachel より:

    Hi, Jun! I liked this Video. I really want to know about trending spots in LA. And I also want to know some information about country side of LA,like Malibu, beaches and mountain side. I like going hiking. So I am really glad if you make videos about outdoor activities. Thank you for sharing the lovely video!! I feel like going to LA. Have a great day!! ヽ(^。^)ノ

    • Jun より:

      Hi Rachel,

      Thanks for leaving a comment! Glad to hear that you enjoyed this style of video lesson. I love to hike too! I haven’t been hiking in a while but this might be a good opportunity for me to explore some cool hikes in the Southern California area. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

  2. orio より:

    Hi,nice to meet you!
    My mame is daisuke orio and I start to study
    Engrish just from this year.
    This kind video report is fun and interesting,so please plan and upload this kind of cotents!
    I’ll try to go shake shack in Tokyo!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Daisuke

      I’m glad you enjoyed this video! I’m in Japan right now and noticed that they have a Shake Shack in Ebisu now! You should definitely try it out!

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