
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.01.16




【Alyssa】If you could live in any period of history, why, and what is it?

【Brad】It would be a period that I…lived—already lived through but I wasn’t old enough to enjoy. I want to live in the late Eighties (1980s) and early Nineties (1990s), but be twenty-one years old or older…because I’m a huge fan of the dance music of that time but I wasn’t old enough to go to the clubs. So…I’d love to be able to dance to, like the freestyle music like Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam, and…the Michael Jackson songs that came out at that time, and some of the, like really corny, like Bobby Brown and New Edition stuff, and I just wanted to see what…the way that the fashion, and the dancing, and the music…I…I would love to go a club at night here, but it would always be kind of retro. I want to be there, like when it was, like really alive and people were really into it.

【Alyssa】And like, everybody was all up in smoke about it.


【Alyssa】Or whatnot.

【Brad】Yeah, I wanna (want to) wear, like a leather jacket with, like way too many zippers on it.


【Brad】And have, like a flat-top, and…

【Alyssa】So like…so what’s your favorite, like music video? Dance?

【Brad】I’m…the one that comes to mind right now is, uh…Michael Jackson’s “Bad” because it had, like the dude that did the splits on the roller skates.

【Alyssa】Uh huh.

【Brad】And, like again, the leather jackets.


【Brad】And the jerry curls, and…it was ridiculous. And like, leather and, like denim jeans with holes in it, like the first time around.

【Alyssa】Uh huh, that was a good answer. You threw me off.


【Alyssa】I would like to be in the future, maybe, but I feel like there might be a lot of pollution in the future. This is where my mind’s going, is just to all the…

【Brad】There’s definitely gonna (going to) be a lot of pollution.

【Alyssa】Yeah, there’s definitely gonna be a lot of pollution, so maybe, like…mine’s a little bit further back into the Sixties.


【Alyssa】Cuz (because) I, kinda (kind of)…dig the whole, like hippie look.


【Alyssa】And the big jeans, and the long hair…feel like that’s good, but there was no sunscreen, so I feel like that’s bad.


【Alyssa】So, this is where I’m at.

【Brad】Yeah, I wonder, in this question, like could we bring something from the modern day? Like if you could back to the Sixties (1960s), but have sunscreen, like that’d be pretty cool.

【Alyssa】Oh, that would be solid. I’d be at Woodstock for sure…just dancing my little heart out, in the little mud or whatever.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What time period in history did Brad want to travel to, and why?
  2. What was Alyssa worried about in the future?
  3. What did Alyssa say she would do if there was sunscreen in the Sixties?



  1. He wanted to travel to the late Eighties/early Nineties because he wanted to experience the music and the fashion of the time.
  2. She was worried about how much pollution there would be in the future.
  3. She would be going to Woodstock and dancing.



Brad began by talking about how he wanted to travel back in time to the late Eighties. He loved the music and fashion of that time, but he wasn’t old enough to go to the clubs to experience the music when it was popular.

Brad also talked about some of the music he liked from that time. He enjoys Michael Jackson songs from the Eighties, as well as Lisa Lisa and the Cult Jam, Bobby Brown, and New Edition. Brad said he wanted to go to clubs that played that music when it
was new and not retro like it might be today.


Alyssa would want to visit the future, but was concerned about the amount of pollution there would be. She chose the Sixties as the period of history she would like to visit because she enjoys hippie culture and fashion.

Alyssa thought it was a bad thing that sunscreen wasn’t around in the Sixties, and Brad asked her what she would be doing if it was. Alyssa replied that she would be going to Woodstock and dancing.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Come out(公開する)

◎ “Come out”は様々な意味を成すフレーズですが、今日の会話では、映画やテレビ番組の初公開、または歌手が新曲を発表する意味として使われています。英語では“Debut(デビュー)”とも言いますが、“Come out”の方が日常的に使われる口語的な言い方です。因みに日本語の「デビュー」の意味として“Come out”を使うことは出来ないので注意しましょう。

  • I wonder when the new season is going to come out.(新しいシーズンはいつ公開されるんだろう。)
  • That movie you wanted to watch is coming out next week.(あなたが見たかった映画は来週公開されますよ。)
  • I heard she is coming out with a new album.(彼女は新しいアルバムを出すらしいよ。)

2) Corny(ダサい)

◎ “Corny”は、「古臭い」や「つまらない」を意味し、オリジナリティーがなく使い古された言動に対して用いられます。今日の会話でブラッドさんが言ったように、「くだらないのですが」と前置きで使われることが多いです。

  • I know it’s corny but I sent her roses and chocolate.(古臭いけど、彼女にバラとチョコレートを贈りました。)
  • Does this birthday message sound corny to you?(この誕生日メッセージじゃつまらないかな?)
  • My dad always tells corny jokes.(私の父親はいつも古臭いギャグを言います。)

3) And whatnot(などなど)

◎ “And whatnot”は、日本語の「〜など」に相当する表現です。“And so on”や“And so forth”と全く同じ意味と使い方で、 日常会話ではインフォーマルな言い方として用いられます。

  • I bought hamburgers, hot dogs and whatnot.(ハンバーガーやホットドッグなどを買いました。)
  • I like to go to the beach, go hiking and whatnot on the weekends.(私は週末にビーチやハイキングなどに行くのが好きです。)
  • They sell stationeries like pencils, pens, staplers and whatnot.(あのお店は鉛筆やペン、ホチキスなどの文房具を販売しています。)

4) Way too(〜過ぎる)

◎ “Too hot”は「とても暑い」、“Too easy”は「とても簡単」など“Too”は「とても〜だ」を意味しますが、“Too”の前に“Way”を加えることで「とても」がより強調され、「〜過ぎる」という表現になります。よって、「Way too hot」は「暑過ぎる」、「Way too easy」は「簡単過ぎる」になります。

  • It’s way too cold in here. Can someone turn on the heater?(この部屋寒すぎるよ。誰か暖房を入れてくれない?)
  • It’s a 10 hour drive? That’s way too far.(車で10時間もかかるの?遠すぎるよ。)
  • He speaks way too fast. I can’t understand anything he’s saying.(彼は喋るのが早過ぎます。何を言っているのか全く理解できません。)

5) Throw someone off(狂わせる)

◎ “Throw someone off”は予測していたことや予定していたことと現実が一致せず、人を狂わせたり、混乱させたりする状況で使われます。「Confuse」をより口語的にした言い方です。
◎ その他、「気が散る」という意味でも使われます。

  • The interviewer’s question completely threw me off. I didn’t know how to answer it.(面接官の質問に混乱させられました。どう答えていいか分かりませんでした。)
  • The delayed flight threw off my entire schedule.(飛行機の便が遅れたせいで、私の予定は完全に狂いました。)
  • That fire alarm threw me off. Can I redo my speech?(火災報知器のせいで気が散りました。スピーチをやり直してもいいですか?)



  • Flat-top・・・フラットトップの髪型
  • Splits・・・大股開き
  • Dig something・・・〜が好き
  • Solid・・・いいね


  • Period of history・・・歴史上の時代
  • Come to mind・・・思い浮かぶ
  • Where my mind’s going・・・私の頭の中は〜を考えている
  • That’s where I’m at・・・それが私の考え
  • Dance one’s heart out・・・楽しんで踊る
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Mao より:

    Hi. I love your English movies and website!
    And I’ve been enjoying your email lessons every morning:)
    By the way, I have a question for you.

    でも、それをヒーローの名前にしたら、”I’m Kick-ass.(私は、やっつけるだ)”になりませんか?
    その他の登場人物も、”I’m hit girl.(私は打つ女の子よ)”と考えてしまいます。

    • Jun より:

      Hi Mao,

      I’m so happy to hear that you are enjoying all the lessons! “Kick ass”、二文字の場合は「やっつける」や「負かす」になりますが、「Kick-ass」のように一文字になると、「強い」「格好いい」や「優れている」を意味します。なので、ヒーローは「強くて格好いい」キャラになります。「Hit-Girl」は「Hit-Man(殺し屋)」から成り立った表現だと思います。映画を観ていないので実際どんなキャラなのか分かりませんが、参考になるといいです。

      • Mao より:

        That makes sense.
        Please try to watch it someday and keep it up 🙂 I always support you.

  2. ニニサ より:

    I just don’t want to back in European middle age, and the reason is I found it dreadful 😉

  3. hilo より:

    dig についての質問なのですが、動詞のlike と意味も使い方も同じと思って大丈夫ですか?わたしが気がついてないだけで、映画とかのセリフでもdigは頻繁に使われているのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:



  4. MarylandResident より:


    Sunscreen wasn’t around(日焼け止めがなかった)
    She is not around today (今日は彼女を見かけない)

    • Jun より:



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