
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.12.06




【Debbie】You know um, speaking of Christmas and shopping, I am really a last minute shopper. I always plan each year to start my shopping like around Halloween or at least a month in advance but I always end up like doing everything the week before so I really don’t plan things thoroughly. How about you?

【Willie】I think that’s most people. You know, you try to put it off to the last minute and um sometimes you wait on that perfect sale that comes or may not come.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】And then also like you said before it’s like you wanna (want to) try to get the right gift for the right person. And um and you put a lot of time, effort and energy into it and then at the same time you’re just like I don’t know if they’ll like it…

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】And so you put it off until the last possible minute but then when you put it off for so long there aren’t as many choices and so you’re twice as (laugh) stressed out so…


【Willie】But it’s … I mean either way it’s like the expression that you see on their face when you know… even if it’s not something that you really really wanted, you know it’s really not so much the gift but the…

【Debbie】The giving!

【Willie】The intention and the giving. Yeah yeah.

【Debbie】The giving. The intention behind the gift is the main thing and it is…when it all comes together at the end on Christmas day and everyone’s opening their gifts, it’s a good feeling.

【Willie】It is.

【Debbie】Yes. When I was a child though we didn’t get gifts. Um my grandparents…I have vivid memory of each year my grandparents coming to our house for Christmas and they would give us money, which is similar to maybe the Japanese “shougatsu” when the children get money. What was your childhood like?

【Willie】Um my grandparents, I lived with my grandparents for a good while. And so my grandparents um they doted on me, they spoiled me.

【Debbie】Mm hm.

【Willie】And it’s like anything that I wanted, I got. And it was cuz (because) I was the only child you know.

【Debbie】Oh that’s even better (laugh).

【Willie】(Laugh). So as an adult I’m expecting all these gifts and they just don’t come as quickly as you know, I would like them. But it’s something that you learn early on that it’s a sacrifice for some parents. And some kids don’t really even know the sacrifice some parents are going through to get them the gifts that they want and you take it for granted. And then as you get older you see what the true true true meaning of (what) Christmas is all about. It’s about family, it’s about friends, it’s about reconnecting and um enjoying each other’s company and the gifts are just the icing on the cake.

【Debbie】Exactly. Mm hm.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. When does Debbie usually go Christmas shopping?
  2. When Debbie was a kid, what kind of Christmas presents did she get?
  3. What does Willie think the true meaning of Christmas is?



  1. Debbie usually goes Christmas shopping one week before Christmas.
  2. She received money instead of presents.
  3. Willie thinks the true meaning of Christmas is about spending time with family and friends.



Every year, Debbie tries to start her Christmas shopping around Halloween but she always ends up waiting until the week before Christmas to do her shopping.

Willie feels that most people put off Christmas shopping until the last minute. However, when you wait too long, it becomes difficult to find gifts and can cause a lot of stress.

Willie and Debbie both agree that the act of giving and putting thought into choosing a gift is the most important thing. They both get excited when they see people open gifts.

When Debbie was a kid she didn’t receive any Christmas presents. Her grandparents came over to her house and gave her money instead.

Because Willie was an only child, his grandparents used to spoil him and bought him whatever he wanted for Christmas when he was a kid. However, as he got older he realized that the true meaning of Christmas is not about exchanging gifts but spending time with your family and friends.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Speaking of(〜といえば)

◎ “Speaking of”は、会話の中で相手が発言した内容によって何かを思い出し、その話題を持ち出す際に「あ、それで思い出したんだけど」の意味として使われるフレーズです。例えば、兄弟から友達の誕生日会に行った話を聞いたあとに、「Speaking of birthday, it’s mom’s birthday next week.(誕生日と言えば、来週お母さんの誕生日だよね)」といった具合で使います。

  • Speaking of Japan, I’m actually going to Tokyo next week.(日本といえば、実は来週東京に行きます。)
  • Speaking of Jason, I ran into him last week.(ジェイソンで思い出したけど、先週ばったり彼に会ったんだよね。)
  • Speaking of Hawaii, did you book your flight yet?(ハワイで思い出したけど、飛行機はもう予約したの?)

2) Last minute(土壇場で)

◎ “Last minute”は直訳すると「最後の1分」となり、日本語の「土壇場」や「ギリギリ」、「直前」などに相当する表現になります。日常会話では“at the last minute” がよく使われるセットフレーズです。

  • It was a last minute change.(土壇場の変更でした。)
  • He bailed out at the last minute.(彼はドタキャンをしました。)
  • Don’t wait until the last minute. Do it now!(ギリギリまで待たずに今やりなさい!)

3) Put off(後回しにする)

◎ “Put off”は、今すべきことを後回しにすることを意味します。外的要因ではなく、自分の都合で先延ばしする時に使われ、「今やりたくないから後でする」といった、ちょっとネガティブなニュアンスが含まれます。

  • Why do you always put things off?(なんでいつも後回しにするの?)
  • Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.(今日できることは明日に延ばさない。)
  • She always puts important things off until the last minute.(彼女はいつも重要なことをギリギリまで後回しにします。)

4) Take for granted(〜を当然と考える)

◎ “Take for granted”は、人や物の価値や存在を当たり前だと思うことを意味し、それらに対する感謝の気持ちが欠けているニュアンスとして使われます。特に自分にとって大切な人や物に対して用いられます。
◎ “Take for”と“granted”の間に、当たり前だと思う対象が入ります。

  • You can’t take anything for granted.(どんな事も当たり前だと思ってはいけません。)
  • I took my success for granted. This experience was humbling.(自分の成功は当然だと見なしていました。今回の経験は屈辱的でした。)
  • I took my job for granted. Sometimes you don’t appreciate what you have until it’s gone.(仕事があって当たり前だと思っていました。そのありがたさは、失うまで気付かないものですね。)

5) Icing on the cake(さらなる楽しみ)

◎ “Icing on the cake”は直訳すると「ケーキの上にかける砂糖ごろも」となり、「さらなる楽しさ・喜び・幸運」など、良い出来事にさらに拍車をかけるといった意味として使われる口語的な表現になります。

  • The baseball game last night was so much fun and getting an autograph from my favorite player was the icing on the cake.(昨日の野球の試合はとても楽しかったですが、大好きな選手からサインをもらえたので喜びもひとしおでした。)
  • I stayed at a hotel with a beautiful ocean view and the icing on the cake was they upgraded my room to a suite for free.(海の見える素敵なホテルに泊まったのですが、さらに良いことに、無料でスイートルームにアップグレードしてくれました。)
  • I love doing seminars and meeting everyone in person is the icing on the cake.(セミナーをするのは大好きですが、みんなと直接会えることがさらなる喜びです。)



  • Thoroughly・・・十分に
  • Intention・・・意図
  • Dote・・・甘やかす
  • Sacrifice・・・犠牲にする


  • End up・・・最終的に
  • Either way・・・どちらにしろ
  • For a good while・・・しばらくの間
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. applepie より:

    質問なのですが、デビーさんが they would give us money と言っていますがここはどうしてgaveじゃないんでしょうか。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。いつもPodcastを聴いていただき、ありがとうございます!「They would give us money」ですが、「They gave us money」でも間違いではありません。しかし、「would」は過去にあった習慣的な行為を示すときによく使われます。「Gave」は一回だけの出来事と解釈されますが、「Would give us money」は「子供のときにいつもお金をもらっていた」という意味合いが込められます。


  2. Kamechari より:

    Willie さんの最後の言葉”The gifts are just the ice on the cake”はまさしくその通りと思います。商業的なクリスマスの雰囲気に流されてしまう事無く、パートナー、友人と一緒の時間を過ごす事に感謝ですね!

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