
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.11.21




【Dawnielle】The big part of our education system focuses on physical education as well. Do they focus on that in Japan? We, you know, we definitely make sure our children get recesses and physical education time and we actually test them. We make sure they can, you know, reach a certain…to a certain number of inches their feet to their you know their hands to their feet and so forth and we…it’s mandatory they take P.E., physical education in high school, running track, dancing whatever it may be. They’re in something.

【Steve】Yeah, um they do have P.E. in junior high level um but the one thing they have that they find is very strange in America that we don’t have at the junior high level is um they do all participate in a sport after school.

【Dawnielle】Oh really?

【Steve】And some of the sports, they’re practicing until the sun goes down.


【Steve】Um the school that I was at actually had a great year for baseball. They did some traveling but it was not unusual for them to practice every day for four hours.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.

【Steve】Um and sometimes come before school and practice and I mean this is junior high level and I remember junior high here there was like, you know, maybe we’d go play a little bit of basketball after school but it was definitely not organized.


【Steve】The other thing that was shocking was that the teachers, the academic teachers are actually doing the coaching.

【Dawnielle】Oh really?

【Steve】So um one of my English teachers, he was the low man on the totem pole, so he had…was given a sport so he had never done Kendo.

【Dawnielle】Oh what is Kendo?

【Steve】Kendo is with sticks.

【Dawnielle】Oh OK OK.

【Steve】Stick fighting.

【Dawnielle】Oh wow. Were you given a sport as a guest instructor?

【Steve】Um I would go and try to help with basketball or soccer um the kids were really good. I mean the junior high it’s amazing. Like um one thing that they…they just drill into them is uh the basics.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.

【Steve】So if you go out there and watch like the baseball team they are doing the same drills over and over and over and it’s…I could’ve probably trained, you know, ran a practice because I’d watch so many of them and I knew exactly what they were doing.

【Dawnielle】Mm hm.

【Steve】Um I’d go out and play soccer and of course I’m, you know, three times the size of them and so the only benefit I had was I can kinda (kind of) scare them off the ball. Um and you know I’m…I wasn’t used to playing on dirt.

【Dawnielle】Oh really?

【Steve】They don’t have grass.

【Dawnielle】Really? Oh that’s amazing.

【Steve】I mean it’s…if you think about grass I mean we waste water like crazy to keep it going.

【Dawnielle】Yeah. Very true.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. According to Dawnielle, what class must all high school students take in the U.S.?
  2. What two things about junior high sports shocked Steve?
  3. What’s different about the sports field in Japan?



  1. All students are required to take P.E.
  2. The number of hours junior high students practice and schoolteachers coaching the sport teams.
  3. Japanese sports field is dirt, not grass.



Dawnielle thinks physical education is a big part of the U.S. education system. Kids get tested to make sure they are physically fit and in high school it is mandatory for all students to take P.E.

In Japan, all junior high students participate in a sport after school. Steve found that it was not unusual for students to practice every day for four hours. Some students even came in before school to practice.

Steve was also shocked that schoolteachers were in charge of coaching the teams. One of his English teachers was assigned to coach the Kendo team even though he had no experience.

Steve helped out with the basketball and soccer team. He was surprised how much the coaches in Japan emphasized the basics. He saw the students doing the same drills over and over.

Steve also noticed the sports field in Japan was made of dirt instead of grass.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Amazing(素晴らしい)

◎ そのほか、“Amazing”は「すごい!」という意味でも使われます。

  • Really? Oh that’s amazing.(本当に?それはすごいですね)
  • This restaurant is amazing.(このレストラン素晴らしいですね)
  • He is an amazing person.(彼は素晴らしい人です)

2) Over and over(何回も繰り返して)

◎ “Over and over”は日本語の「何度も何度も」に相当する表現です。 “Over”を2回繰り返して言うのが一般的ですが、より「繰り返し」を強調したいときには3回使うこともあります。
◎ “Over and over”は文末で使われることが多いです。また、“Over and over”の後に“again”を加え、“Over and over again”と表現することもあります。

  • They are doing the same drills over and over.(同じ練習を何度も何度も繰り返しています)
  • He apologized over and over again.(彼は何度も繰り返し謝りました)
  • You have to listen to it over and over.(何回も繰り返し聞かないといけません)

3) Run something (〜を実施する/〜を率いる/〜を引っ張る)

◎ “Run something”は物事を率先して行うことを表します。使い方によって、意味が若干異なり、例えばビジネスの場合は「経営する」を表します。
◎ “Run”の後に率先する対象(物事/出来事)を入れましょう。

  • I could’ve ran a practice.(私は練習を引っ張ることができたと思います)
  • Who’s running the meeting today?(今日は誰がミーティングをリードするのですか?)
  • I run an English school in Los Angeles.(私はロスで英会話学校を経営しています)

4) Scare someone off(怖がせる)

◎ “Scare someone off”は誰かを怖がらせて追い払う、または遠ざけるニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、犬が吠えて泥棒を怖がらせて追い払うような感じで使われます。
◎ “Scare someone off”もしくは“Scare off someone”のどちらでもOKです。

  • The snake scared the kids off.(蛇が子供達を怖がらせて追い払いました)
  • Don’t scare off the cats.(猫を怖がらせないように)
  • Ebola scared off the tourists. (エボラ熱が観光客を遠ざけました)

5) Like crazy(ものすごく)

◎ “Crazy ”は日常会話で頻繁に使われる言葉で、ネイティブは文末に“like crazy”を加えて「ものすごく〜だ」と表すことがよくあります。
◎ 日本語の「めちゃくちゃ」に似たような表現で、必ず文章の最後に持って来ましょう。

  • We waste water like crazy.(私たちはものすごく水を無駄にします)
  • The new iPhones are selling like crazy.(新しいiPhoneめちゃくちゃ売れていますね)
  • Your English improved like crazy.(あなたの英語ものすごく上達しましたね)



  • Recess・・・休み時間
  • Mandatory・・・義務的な
  • Strange・・・変
  • Participate・・・参加
  • Not unusual・・・珍しくない
  • Academic・・・学業/教員
  • Stick・・・棒
  • Basic・・・基礎
  • Dirt・・・土
  • Grass・・・芝生


  • Whatever it may be・・・それが何であれ
  • Sun goes down・・・日が沈む
  • I mean・・・つまり
  • Low man on the totem pole・・・下っ端の人
  • Drill into・・・叩き込む
  • Three times・・・3倍
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. LAでバスケした男 より:

    HI There!こんにちはJunさん。


    • Jun より:

      Hey there!

      僕も留学した時に、日本のバスケ部に入部し、アメリカと日本の部活の違いを肌で感じることができました。練習の仕方など本当に違うなと最初はびっくりしました。特に練習後の反省会は、「なんのために反省会をしているんだろう」といつも疑問に思っていました(笑)四文字熟語は学校で教わるというよりは家族や友達、テレビなどを通して覚えると思います。The NBA trades this summer is crazy! Go Lakers 😎

  2. Mary より:



    1.Dawnielleさんの”We make sure they can, you know, reach a certain…to a certain number of inches their feet to their you know their hands to their feet and so forth”
    の状況がよくわからないのですが、何の長さ(a certain number of inches)なのでしょうか?

    2.Dawnielleさんの”They’re in something.”


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