
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.08.02




【Jansen】Let me ask ya (you). Growing up, were you um responsible for any chores in your house?

【Margaret】Nope (laugh).

【Jansen】None at all huh?

【Margaret】No it’s only now um that that’s the case um you know cuz (because) living in the Philippines where…you know there are other people who need a job so I grew up with uh someone else who did the chores for me.

【Jansen】Oh oh a maid?



【Margaret】Yeah which is not I mean not like, not like a maid in the American sense but it’s just that every person on the block had someone else living with them.


【Margaret】So that they needed to earn money in order to feed their families.

【Jansen】Right right.

【Margaret】So they would pick up the chores and things like that.

【Jansen】Oh wow, that’s interesting.

【Margaret】But now you know um, I actually live with my…with my folks so um in the house the way we do the chores is my father is the one who actually takes out the trash.


【Margaret】Cleans, washes the car.

【Jansen】Uh huh.

【Margaret】My mother washes the dishes or cleans up the table. I cook and I wash dishes and make my bed, laundry and things like that yeah. What about you and your wife Jansen?

【Jansen】Ah well yeah we split the chores kind of in a similar way. You said that your dad takes out the trash and um he washes the car. I don’t wash the car but I do take out the trash and um do the dishes and things like that.

【Margaret】Mm hm.

【Jansen】We try…I try as much as I can to uh, to do some chores around the house. Though my wife does admittedly a majority of them. I just uh, yeah I don’t know I think she’s a little bit more traditional in that sense cuz (because) she feels like you know she should be the one to take care of all that stuff. But um maybe yeah I think a little bit more I don’t know I guess you can say modern but I want to help out as much as I can.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why didn’t Margaret have to do any chores when she was a kid?
  2. What chores do Margaret’s father and Jansen both help out with?
  3. Who does most of the chores in Jansen’s household?



  1. She didn’t have to do the chores because she had a maid.
  2. They both take out the trash.
  3. Jansen’s wife does most of the chores.



Margaret wasn’t responsible for any chores growing up because she had a maid.

In the Philippines it’s common to hire someone to do the chores because there are many people looking for jobs.

Margaret lives with her parents right now. Her father takes out the trash and washes the car, her mother washes the dishes and cleans up the table and Margaret makes the bed and does the laundry.

Jansen helps out with chores around the house. He takes out the trash and does the dishes.

Jansen tries to help out as much as he can but his wife usually does most of the chores. She is a little bit more traditional in that sense and feels like it is her responsibility to take care of the house.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Let me ask you(ちょっとお聞きしたいのですが)

◎ 相手に質問をする前に使われるフレーズです。特に個人的な質問を尋ねる時にこのフレーズが使われることが多いです。
◎「Let me ask you a question」「Let me ask you something」も同じ意味合いで使われます。「Let me ask you」は省略された言い方になります。

  • Let me ask you. Do you help with chores?(ちょっとお聞きしたいのですが、家事の手伝いはしますか?)
  • Let me ask you a question. Why are you studying English?(質問があるのですが、何故英語を勉強しているんですか?)
  • Let me ask you something. What’s your favorite food?(ちょっと聞きたいのですが、一番好きな食べ物は何ですか?)

2) Things like that(〜ようなもの・こと)

◎「And things like that」は会話の最後によく使われるフレーズで、漠然とした意味で「そのようなもの・あのようなこと」を表します。
◎ 例えば「これをやったり、あれをやったり」とリストをしている時、会話の最後に「and things like that」と終わらせることがよくあります。

  • I take out the trash and do the dishes and things like that.(私はゴミを出したり、皿洗いのような家事をします)
  • I like to go to the beach, hiking, things like that.(私は海に行ったり、ハイキングしたりなどそういうことが好きです)
  • You shouldn’t say things like that.(そういうことは言わない方がいいですよ)

3) Folks(親)


  • I live with my folks.(親と一緒に住んでいます)
  • How are your folks?(両親は元気ですか?)
  • Please say hi to your folks.(親によろしくお伝えください)

4) Split(半々にする)

◎「Split」は「半々にする」「分ける」を意味する便利な単語です。今日の会話では「Split the chores(家事を分担する)」と使われました。
◎ その他にも「割り勘」は「Split the bill」、「費用を折半する」は「Split the cost」「食べ物を分ける」は「Split the food」など様々な状況で使えます。

  • We split the chores in a similar way.(似たような感じで家事を分担しています)
  • Let’s split the bill.(割り勘をしましょう)
  • Do you want to split the pizza with me?(私とピザを分けて食べますか?)

5) As much as I can(出来る限り)

◎ このフレーズは「〜を出来る限りする」「〜を出来るだけする」を表します。「As much as I can」の前は動詞が来ます。
◎「As much as I can」は文末で使われることが多いです。

  • I try as much as I can to help with chores.(家事の手伝いは出来るだけするようにしています)
  • I try to exercise as much as I can.(出来る限り運動をするようにしています)
  • You need to speak English as much as you can.(あなたは出来る限り英語を話した方がいいです)



  • That’s the case・・・今がそういう状態である
  • On the block・・・近所
  • Take out the trash・・・ゴミ捨て場にゴミを出す
  • Similar way・・・同じような
  • In that sense・・・そう言う意味では



  • Chores・・・家事
  • Maid・・・お手伝いさん
  • Earn・・・稼ぐ
  • Admittedly・・・自分から〜をする


  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Mika より:


    (1) It should be a great weekend.
    IntroductionでJunさんがこう言っていましたが、would と should ではニュアンスはどう変わってくるのでしょうか?

    (2) split
    「家事を分担する」の意味で devide the chores と split the chores の両方が使われていましたが、ニュアンスは同じですか?
    また、「ピザを分けて食べる」は split the pizza with me でも share the pizza with me でも通じると思うのですが、この場合 split と share ではニュアンスは変わりますか?

    (3) 手伝う
    「手伝う」と言うと help が思い浮かびますが、help, help out, help with, help out with の違いを教えてください。

    (4) as much as I can
    I try as much as I can to help out with the chores とありましたが、as much as I canを文末に持ってくるとニュアンスはどう変わるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:



      1) ShouldとWouldの違い
      「Should」と「Would」使い方や状況により多くの違いがあるのでここでは具体的に説明できませんが「It should be ◯◯」と使う場合将来の事に対して、
      「◯◯になるであろう」というニュアンスになります。「It should be a great weekend(良い週末になるでしょう)」、「It should be a fun night(楽しい一晩になるでしょう」のようになります。ここでは、「Would」を使う場合「It would be a great weekend if ◯◯」のように「もし◯◯であれば良い週末になる」になります。

      2) Split
      ・「Split the chores」と「Divide the chores」の意味とニュアンスは同じです。
      ・「Share the pizza with me」もオッケーです。意味とニュアンスは同じです。

      3) 手伝う
      「Help out」は「Help」と意味はほぼ同じですが、会話でよく使われる言い方になります。
      「Help/Help out with」は「〜に役立つ」「〜を手伝う」を意味します。

      4) As much as I can
      「I try to help out with chores as much as I can」
      「I try as much as I can to help out with chores」

      • Mika より:

        Hi Jun,
        Sorry for not replying sooner. Thank you for the quick reply. Podcast which covers American culture is very interesting. I hope you post more about this theme.
        I have to work today and tomorrow and y Obon holiday is between 14th – 17th. My office is near Haneda airport so the commuting trains are more crowded with people with luggages this week.
        Anyway, your reply really helps. Thank you.

  2. An より:

    Hi, nice to meet you! I’ve been studying English since last spring. Thank you for always uploading helpful topics.

    I fancied that I heard “potato” in your beginning talk. But you didn’t say kind of potatoes after that. So, I was sure I just misheard.

    But I found a column you newly uploaded to solve it! …Yes, it’s “Couch Potato” what an interesting idiom! That felt good!

    By the way, guess what am I doing today? Of course, I’m a couch potato! lol I will never forget this expression.
    Anyway, I can’t wait for you to come back and seeing new topics. Sorry for my poor English and enjoy your vacation!

    • Jun より:

      Hey An,

      Thanks for listening to my podcast! Isn’t “couch potato” a great idiom? It’s one of my favorites! It’s easy to use (especially if you’re a couch potato like me) and easy to remember! 🙂 You’re English is fantastic! Make sure you keep it up!

  3. hiroko より:

    My husband hardly does household chores. He grew up in a family where he was not responsible for it. Sometimes I really can’t stand to do all the chores while he is sitting on a sofa leisurely in the living room. I wish he was a man like you when it comes to doing house chores.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Hiroko,

      Thanks for the comment. The environment one grows up in really makes a difference. Maybe you can assign him some chores one of these days. 🙂

  4. Kosei より:

    Hi, Jun

    I’m really happy to know that your favourite Hiagashino’s books is ‘手紙’.
    I’m a big fun of him and like ‘手紙’ the best too.
    As I read it 3 years ago, I don’t remember in detail.
    However, I remember vividly that tears welled up in my eyes while I was reading.
    For the first time in 3 years, I wanna read this 🙂

    • Jun より:

      I love that book! I actually love all Higashino Keigo books! I just finished reading 「虚ろな十字架」on the plane ride back. It was really interesting 🙂

  5. Yu より:

    Hello, Jun. I’ve been studying English to study abroad. Thanks to Hapa, I enjoy studying English.

    I love Higashino Keigo and I have read “手紙” ,too. You said that there is a big cultural difference between America and Japan about people’s attitude to a family of a crimimal. I would like to know more about that in detail. What exactly is the difference?

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yu

      Happy to hear you are finding the lessons on Hapa useful! You’re a Higashino Keigo fan too? That’s awesome. I find it interesting that it is taboo in Japan to talk about family members and friends who have spent time in jail. Generally speaking, I feel that Americans tend to openly talk about their experiences in jail and people around them usually don’t jump to conclusions or make judgments based on that.

      I’ve read many more Higashino Keigo books since then but 「手紙」is still my favorite 🙂

  6. PUKUKO より:


    はじめまして!3か月ほど前にこのPODCASTを見つけてから、行き帰りの通勤電車で毎日聞いています。JUNさんのおかげで英語が大好きになり、まだまだ初心者ですが、つい最近CAFE TALKでのオンラインレッスンも始めてみました。 毎日簡単な英語でのdaily journal をつけることにも挑戦中です。

    grow up の使い方について質問です。

    第25回のエピソードでは、最初に Jansenさんが、”Growing up”,と言ってるのは、「子どもの頃に」 という意味で使われているのかなと思いますが、「大人になったら何になりたい?」というときに「when you grow up」といいますか?
    2017.3.16のコラムで幼馴染を「We grew up together」と、書かれていますが、
    grow up の使い方がいまいちしっくりきません。
    growing up がこども で grow up がおとな という意味になるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:



      grow upは本来、「成長する」を意味することから、growing up は「子供の頃に(成長している時期)」、When you grow up は「大人になったら(成長したら)」、We grew up together 「幼馴染(私たちは一緒に成長した)」を意味します。色々な意味で使われます!

  7. KAZUYA より:





    Though my wife does admittedly a majority of them. I just uh, yeah I don’t know I think she’s a little bit more traditional in that sense cuz (because) she feels like you know she should be the one to take care of all that stuff. But um maybe yeah I think a little bit more I don’t know I guess you can say modern but I want to help out as much as I can.


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