
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2024.06.14





【Raya】Well—so I did want to ask you about your homeschooling. So what is homeschooling?

【Nathan】Yeah, so there’s a lot of different ways that it can—there’s a lot of different ways that it can play out. But essentially it’s that you are—that your primary education essentially is happening away from the school context. So, like you’re not…


【Nathan】…like, in public school or private school necessarily. Your parents are kind of usually in charge of it, or some permutation of that. But that’s, like the—the general—the general…yeah.

【Raya】 Okay, okay. And why did your parents decide to homeschool you?

【Nathan】Yeah, so—my parents—so I’m a twin.

【Raya】Okay, awesome.

【Nathan】And my—yeah, it’s…we’re nothing alike, but that’s okay.


【Nathan】(laughs) Which, I like him. He’s very nice.

【Raya】That’s good! (laughs) I’d hope so! He’s your brother. (laughs)

【Nathan】No—so…but anyway, so my twin is very bright.


【Nathan】And so he learned how to read when he was 2 years old.


【Nathan】And so my mom—and then I learned how to read when I was, like 3 or 4. We’re just going to say “3” because it makes me sound better.

【Raya】Exactly. (laughs)

【Nathan】I was, like 5 months and I just popped open Shakespeare and it was great. Now…

【Raya】Oh that’s—I was going to say, “What?” I was like, “Oh man. I need to, like brush up on mine. What’s going on?” (laughs) That’s amazing.

【Nathan】Yeah, we—we did both go on to be Literature majors after that, so I guess…

【Raya】That’s so cool.

【Nathan】…I guess it worked out in the end. But…much to my mom’s chagrin because she’s like, “You can’t do anything with an English major!”


【Nathan】(laughs) Here we are. So anyway, so she wanted to—she never—she never thought about it. She never planned on it.


【Nathan】Although, funnily enough, she actually…she was in I guess it was—would’ve been the early 80s at that point…she was actually homeschooled, which was very rare back in the early 80s.


【Nathan】So—and that was just because she hated school and so she made her mom homeschool her.

【Raya】Fair, fair. (laughs)

【Nathan】Her older siblings were not and her younger sibling was not, but she was because she wanted to be. So…


【Nathan】…very…but—so basically my—my mom was just like, “Well, I don’t want them to hate school because if they go to school, you know, they’ll still be learning how to read for the next couple of years.”


【Nathan】“So let’s just, like do it for this year and then we’ll go from there.” And then every year just, kind of became, like a “Oh, we’ll just do it for one more year. We’ll do it for one more year.” Basically my entire life it was like a conversation every year.


【Nathan】Like, “Oh, do you want to go to school here?” And you’re like, “Yeah, no. Still working.” So, you know. “Okay.”


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. According to Nathan and his experience, who is usually in charge of a child’s homeschooling?
  2. At what age did Nathan’s twin learn how to read?
  3. Which one of Nathan’s parents was homeschooled?



  1. Nathan said the child’s parents are usually in charge of a child’s homeschooling.
  2. Nathan’s twin brother learned how to read at the age of 2.
  3. His mother was homeschooled in the 80s.



Nathan shares his experience being homeschooled growing up. Based on what he learned from that experience, he says that it’s typically a child’s parents that are in charge of a child’s homeschooling education.

Nathan has a twin brother that he described as very bright. For example, this twin brother began reading at the age of 2. Nathan himself believes he began learning how to read at age of 3.

Both he and his brother eventually went on to major in English in college, which their mother disapproved of because she thought it wouldn’t lead to good job prospects. But she believed it was important for her sons to learn how to read and to enjoy school, or at least not hate it.

She herself was homeschooled in the 80s because she hated school and asked her mom to homeschool her rather than send her to a traditional school. And so she offered the same choice to Nathan, and each year, Nathan kept choosing homeschooling until he finished most of his early education through homeschooling.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Play out(展開する)

“play out”はある状況や問題、出来事が展開することを意味する表現です。特にある出来事が「~な結果に終わる」の意味として使われることが多く、例えば、「この状況がどのように展開されるか様子を見よう」は“We’ll see how this situation plays out.”、「期待していた展開にならなかった」は“It didn’t play out the way I expected.”という具合に使われます。

日常会話では、“We’ll see how it plays out.”や“Let’s see how things play out.”のように“see how ~ play out”の組み合わせで使われることがよくあり、「どのような展開になるのか様子を見よう」を意味します。

  • Before we make a decision, let’s see how this situation plays out.
  • We’ll just have to wait and see how things play out.
  • I’m curious to see how this story will play out.

2) In charge of(〜を担当している)

“in charge of”は、「~を担当している」「~の責任者である」を意味する口語的な言い方です。この表現はビジネスの場で使われることが多く、仕事やプロジェクト、特定のタスクなどに対して責任を持っている状態を指します。例えば、「私は経理を担当しています」は”I’m in charge of accounting.”と言い、be動詞と組み合わせて使われます。

  • I work for Hapa Eikaiwa, and I’m in charge of marketing.
  • Jason is in charge of organizing the event.
  • I’d like to speak to someone who’s in charge of customer service.

3) Bright(賢い)

“bright”は本来、「明るい」を意味する単語ですが、「賢い」や「頭の良い」の意味としても使われます。特に知性や理解力が高いニュアンスが含まれ、単に知識があるだけでなく、新しい情報や複雑な概念を素早く理解し、適用できる能力を持っていることを表します。例えば、クラスに飲み込みが早い生徒がいた場合、”She is a bright student.(彼女は賢い)”と言います。

  • Brian is bright, charismatic, and has a good sense of humor.
  • Our new employee is bright. She catches on quickly.
  • Our team is full of bright and creative members.

4) Brush up on(〜の能力を磨き直す)

“brush up on”はある知識やスキル、能力を磨き直すことを意味します。特に以前に学んだことや習得したスキルを学び直すニュアンスがあります。例えば、最後に英語を本格的に学習したのが5年前で勉強し直さないといけない場合、“I need to brush up on my English.”と言います。一般的に“brush up on one’s ~”の形で使われ、後ろに磨き直さないといけない対象が入ります。

  • I need to brush up on my English before I go to LA.
  • I’ve got to brush up on my guitar skills. They’ve gotten a bit rusty.
  • I haven’t coded in years. I need to brush up on it.

5) Work out(上手くいく)

“work out”は状況に応じて様々な意味を持ちますが、今日の会話では「うまくいく」の意味として使われ、計画や問題が予想通りに進展し、良い結果が得られることを表します。例えば、「良い結果になるといいですね」と相手の幸運を祈る場合は“Good luck. I hope it works out.”、「最終的には全てがうまくいきました」は“Everything worked out in the end.”と言います。日常会話では、“Everything worked out in the end.”は結構よく使われる組み合わせです。

  • Don’t worry. I’m positive everything will work out.
  • Despite a few setbacks, everything worked out in the end.
  • I was worried I was going to run into problems, but everything worked out.



  • Essentially・・・基本的には
  • Chagrin・・・不服


  • Primary education・・・初等教育
  • Some permutation of that・・・別の人
  • We’re nothing alike・・・私たちは全然似てない
  • Literature major・・・文学専攻





  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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