今日のゲストは福岡在住の小児外科医Mishima Yasuhikoさんです。彼は10年以上英語の勉強をしており、様々な英語の本を読んだり、数多くの学習メソッドを試してきました。今日のインタビューでYasuさんは最も効果的だった学習法、英語を習得するにあたってぶつかってきた壁、どのようにHapa英会話を活用しているのか、英語を学習するにあたって受けた悪いアドバイス、モチベーションの維持の仕方など、幅広いトピックについてシェアーしてくれます。
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〜 インタビュー内容 〜
- 05:45
- Yashikoさんのバックグランド
- 08:05
- 英語に真剣に取り組もうと思ったきっかけ
- 10:35
- 初の海外生活:ロンドンで気づいたこと
- 14:07
- 最も効果的な学習法は?
- 18:10
- 間違える恐怖を克服するには
- 22:40
- 英語を話すと人が変わる?
- 26:05
- Hapa英会話をどのように活用しているのか?
- 33:52
- 「間違いを恐れるな」は悪いアドバイス?
- 38:30
- 英語学習を10年以上継続できた理由
- 44:38
- Yashikoさんが思う、英語の影響力
- 47:28
- Podcastリスナーへのメッセージ:「どんな専門家もかつては素人」
~Message from Yasuhiko~
Dear Hapa listeners,
I hope you enjoyed listening to this interview. Believe it or not, I was terrible at speaking English when I began to seriously learn it more than a decade ago. However, as you can tell by listening, I’ve learned to communicate without much difficulty, even though I made many mistakes in this interview.
I’ve tried and tested a bunch of different ways through my journey of learning English. Based on my experience, what matters in learning is persistence (whether you can keep studying), not the method (how you study), because there is no one-size-fits-all way for every learner. But when it comes to listening, Hapa Eikawa podcast is by far the best material, as you can listen to conversation between native speakers as if you were actively eavesdropping. I might praise it a bit too much, ha ha.
Anyway, it’s a long way to go until you achieve your own goals for learning English, like me. As the saying goes, persistence pays off. So let’s keep studying together!
Facebook : https://www.facebook.com/yasuhiko.mishima.9

Podcast interview企画への出場申し込み
Thank you for your grate interview.
In this interview, I could know about him, Mr.Mishima, like how to learn, how to keep his motive…and also I could know how the greatness of Hapa Eikaiwa!
Because he’s able to talk with Jun sensei in English fluently, I think! This interview is the evidence.
I agree with him wants his daughter to be bilingual and multicultural.
Now, the only one thing that I try to my children for that is reading some English picture books. In my case, I’ve reached the level which can speak daily conversation naturally yet, so I learn some phrases or words for parenting from the books with my children.
I would like to be like Mr.Mishima by using Hapa Eikaiwa and some methods what he said.