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【Eddie】Grammar is important in English, but when we speak conversationally, we kind of have categories…
【Eddie】…of grammar. So if we’re speaking for example to our boss…
【Eddie】…or to our professor at university, we’re going to be more careful with our spoken grammar than we are if we’re taking our bro to the beach to go surfing.
【Adam】Right. (laughs).
【Eddie】You know? (laughs).
【Adam】That’s true.
【Eddie】And, um slang plays into that a lot as well, because, um we develop slang around activities. Surfing again is a great example, where there’s all of this, um language that is grown around the activity which is specific to…to surfing. And, so, the grammar that you might use with your surfing buddy is going to be different than the grammar you might use with your golfing partners.
【Adam】Oh, very true, very true. Sure.
【Eddie】And so grammar is situational, which is wonderful. Um, your “situational English,” as you said. It’s…it’s very much choose who it is you’re speaking with, to choose how important the grammar level in your speech is.
【Adam】That’s exactly right, and you hit on so many terrific points. So, uh you mentioned the Internet provides so much material, and people who are listening right now, they’re going…
【Adam】They’re nodding their heads right now in agreement. There’s so much free language development material, it’s incredible and it’s wonderful, and grammar can play a big part of that. Free grammar tests online, uh and just the wealth of material that’s available. Now if you’re sitting at home and thinking you can speak…you can learn a language just in a room without talking to another person, then that would be, uh incorrect.
【Adam】And so therefore, talking with others, finding someone else, uh to communicate with is just so important to test what you’ve learned.
【Adam】You don’t need to spend a million dollars, and just take, uh live classes all the time. You can learn so much…at home. You can practice writing, do things yourself and then share that with someone else. Whether it’s someone who…speaks your own language and can explain things to you, or if it’s a native speaker through the Internet. All of these things can help adjust and improve your language. And when I talk to my boss, I definitely speak and write differently than when I’m texting, uh my friends to meet up for some basketball.
Questions of the day(今日の質問)
- Eddie described grammar as “situational,” and said a type of language plays a role in that. What type of language did she mention?
エディーさんは、文法は状況に応じて変化すると、その一例を紹介しましたが、何を例に挙げましたか? - According to Adam, where can students find free language learning resources?
アダムさんによると、生徒たちは無料の英語教材をどこで入手できますか? - What does Adam say one needs to do when learning a language?
- She mentioned slang as playing an important role in situational grammar.
エディーさんはスラングを例に挙げました。 - He says students can find a lot of free language learning materials on the Internet.
アダムさんはインターネットで無料の英語教材をたくさん入手できると言っています。 - He says one needs to find conversational partners to practice the language.
Eddie thinks that grammar can be situational. She believes that people speak English differently depending on who they are talking to. For example, people are usually more careful with grammar when they are talking to their boss but are more relaxed with grammar when they are talking to their friends.
She also mentioned that slang forms around certain activities and brought up surfing and golfing as an example. Eddie said that people use different expressions and grammar with surfing friends than they would with golfing friends.
Adam pointed out how useful the Internet can be when learning a language. He said that it offers tons of free English learning materials such as free grammar tests.
But Adam stresses that one cannot learn a language simply by sitting at home and never talking to another person. In order to truly acquire a language, one must take their language skills and practice with another person who speaks that language.
Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)
1) Buddy(友達・仲間)
◎ “Buddy”は「友達」や「仲間」を意味し、“Friend”の代わりに使われるとてもカジュアルでフレンドリーな言い方です。特に仲の良い友達を指し、男性に対しても女性にも対しても使えます。因みに「Hey buddy!」は定番の挨拶フレーズの一つです。
- This is my buddy Brent. He’s visiting from L.A.(友達のブレントです。ロスから遊びに来ています。)
- Do you mind if my buddy tags along?(私の友達も一緒について行っていいですか?)
- Hey buddy! What have you been up to?(よっ!最近、どうしてたの?)
2) Hit on(〜に触れる)
◎ “Hit on”は、話題や問題に触れることを意味し、特に相手が述べたことに対して「良いこと言うね」、「良い点を指摘したね」といった相槌のセリフの中でよく使われます。「You hit on a good point」はお決まりフレーズです。
◎ その他、「ナンパする」や「口説く」などの意味もあります。
- You hit on a great point. I totally agree with you on that.(いい指摘だね。私もその点においては賛成です。)
- My boss hit on a touchy subject at the meeting today.(今日のミーティングで、私の上司は厄介な問題について触れました。)
- I think he’s hitting on you.(彼はあなたを口説こうとしているんじゃない?)
3) Nod in agreement(同意してうなずく)
◎ “Nod”は首を縦に振る動作、つまり「うなずく」ことを意味します。うなずきながら同意している様子を表したい場合に“Nod in agreement”と言います。
◎ また、相手に何かを許可したり承諾したりすることを「Give someone a nod of approval」と言い、逆に自分が許可を得た場合は「get a nod of approval」と言います。因みに、日常会話では“of approval”はよく省略されます。
- All the students nodded in agreement.(生徒全員、うなずいて同意しました。)
- My boss gave me the nod of approval.(私の上司は承諾してくれました。)
- I got the nod to start the project.(そのプロジェクトをスタートする許可を得ました。)
4) Wealth of(大量の・豊富な)
◎ “Wealth” は、「富」を意味することから、“Wealth of”は、物や情報が大量にあったり、知識や経験が豊富であることを表す際に用いられます。基本的に、ポジティブな意味として使います。
- My teacher has a wealth of experience in teaching.(私の先生は、指導経験が豊富です。)
- She has a wealth of knowledge about the history of Japan.(彼女は日本の歴史について、豊富な知識を持ち合わせています。)
- This website provides a wealth of information about spoken English.(このサイトは、英会話に関する膨大な情報を提供しています。)
5) Meet up(〜に会う)
◎ “Meet up”は“Meet”と同様「〜と会う」を意味しますが、日常のインフォーマルな状況では、“Meet up”の方が頻繁に用いられます。基本的に“Meet up”と“Meet”に違いはありませんが、初対面の人に会うことを表現する場合は“Meet up”は使えません。例えば、「奥さんとは東京で出会いました」は「I met my wife in Tokyo.」になります。
- Are you free tomorrow? Let’s meet up!(明日、あいてる?会おうよ!)
- I met up Steve for lunch yesterday.(昨日、スティーブさんと会ってランチを食べました。)
- Let’s meet up in front of Hachiko at 7pm.(午後7時にハチ公前で会いましょう。)
- Material・・・素材・教材
- Incredible・・・素晴らしい
- Therefore・・・従って
- Bro・・・友達
- Play into・・・〜に関与する
- Very true・・・その通り
Adam Green
オンライン英会話レッスン「カフェトーク」に在籍する英語講師。これまで日本を含め10年以上にわたって英語講師としての経験があり、用途に応じて楽しく効果的なレッスンを提供してくれます!→ カフェトークのプロフィールはこちら
Jun san
Thank you for your nice podcast!
I really like this podcast.
So, I have one question.
Is there any difference between “different from” and “different than” in nuance?
Eddie said that people use different expressions and grammar with surfing friends than they would with golfing friends.
Hi Yoshi
Thanks for listening to my podcast! I’m glad to hear that you are enjoying it! “Different from” and “Different than” both mean the same thing and can be used interchangeably. However, in formal writing, “different from” is generally preferred. In conversation, you can use either one. I hope this helps 🙂
Situational grammer gets me consider. Are there ways of speaking as respectful or cusual like Japanese 敬語 and ため語? If there are, should young people use respectful grammer to older people? Or people should use 敬語 for thire customers at business situations? Someday please pick up this topic exactly.
[…] エディーさんは、「状況に応じた文法」と称し、話し相手によって文法の使い方が変わることを説明します。 ◎ “Hit on”は、話題や問題に触れることを意味し、特に相手が述べたことに対して「良いこと言うね」、「良い点を指摘したね」といった相槌のセリフの中でよく使われます。 ◎ また、相手に何かを許可したり承諾したりすることを「Give someone a nod of approval」と言い、逆に自分が許可を得た場合は「get a nod of approval」と言います。 [紹介元] 第92回「文法と会話の関係」 | 英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話 […]