
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.02.06




【Alyssa】Brad, if you could have any superpower, what would it be?

【Brad】I’ve learned my…the last time someone asked me this, it was at a comedy show, and the comedian asked the crowd, like, “What would your superpower be?” And I’ve read tons and tons of comics in my life, and I thought I’d have a great answer, but in the heat of the moment he said “What would your superpower be?” I said, “Invisibility,” and he said, “Ladies, never trust a guy who says that he wants his superpower to be invisibility, because that just means that he wants to spy on you and hide away from everybody.” So…


【Brad】In…now that I know not to say “invisibility,” it would probably be Green Lantern’s ring, where he could basically do anything, so…including be invisible. But you know, you don’t have to say that.

【Alyssa】(laughs) As a bonus! (laughs).

【Brad】As a bonus, but he could just, like make anything out of his ring. It doesn’t last forever, so I can’t just like, make money and use it, but…

【Alyssa】See, I mean uh…


【Alyssa】I’ll be honest, like my little hacking thing didn’t come out until I watched Tony Stark just weave his way around “The Avengers.”


【Alyssa】And also with Neo from “The Matrix.”


【Alyssa】(laughs) That’s where I was thinking. But um…I guess if I had any superpower, my first thought was teleportation, because I would just save a whole lot of money.

【Brad】Mm hm.

【Alyssa】But I’ve gotten into arguments with my friends over if people, people in general could do teleportation that, like people would just kinda (kind of) plug the airspace with their immediate hopping in and out…


【Alyssa】All over the place, so there would have to be some sort of, like limit. So, like you would have to, like work at it like a skill, like a marathon runner, like I couldn’t go run a marathon right now…


【Alyssa】But if I worked on it, then maybe I could teleport from here twenty miles away…like, build up to it so…but I mean if that was a superpower I would be able to just do it wherever I wanted.

【Brad】I’ve also had an argument about the feasibility of teleportation as, like a public transit thing.


【Brad】Like I would always be really afraid that, like it…I would get teleport…like only half of me would make it to the other place.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What superpower does Brad want instead of invisibility?
  2. What superpower does Alyssa want to be able to have?
  3. What was Brad worried about if he ever tried to use teleportation?



  1. He wanted the powers of the ring that the superhero Green Lantern uses.
  2. She wanted to have the power of teleportation.
  3. He was worried that if he tried to teleport anywhere, only half of his body would make it in one piece.



Brad talked about a time when he went to a comedy show. The comedian at the show asked Brad what superpower he would like to have, and Brad answered, “Invisibility.” The comedian jokingly told the audience to never trust someone who said their ideal superpower is invisibility.

The superpower Brad wants most is to have the powers of the ring that the comic book superhero Green Lantern uses. Brad wants to have these powers because they could create virtually anything.

Alyssa wants her superpower to be teleportation. This would allow her to save money when travelling. She had a discussion with her friends about this topic before, and they thought that if everyone could teleport the air would be clogged with people using teleportation.

Brad and Alyssa also talked about the feasibility of teleportation. Brad thought it could be used for public transit purposes. He said that he was worried about his body not making it through a teleportation in one piece.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Tons of (たくさんの・大量の)

◎ 日常会話では「たくさんの」や「大量の」と表す際に“A lot of”の代わりに“Tons of”と表現することがよくあります。日本語の「超〜」に相当する表現で、何かが沢山あることを多少大げさに言う感覚です。因みに、本来“Ton”は重量単位を表す単語で、「1トン」は「1000キログラム」になります。
◎ “Tons of”と“A ton of”は用法も意味も全く同じですが、“Tons of”の方が頻繁に耳にする気がします。

  • I have tons of things to do today.(今日はやらないといけないことが山ほどあります。)
  • I have to go through tons of emails every morning.(私は毎朝、大量のメールを読まなければなりません。)
  • Our teacher gave us a ton of homework.(私達の先生は、ものすごい量の宿題を出しました。)

2) In the heat of the moment(その場の勢いに流されて)

◎ “In the heat of the moment”は、後先考えずに、その場の感情にとらわれて何かしらの言動をとることを表します。一般的に、興奮状態で思わずとってしまった言動を、後になって後悔するニュアンスが含まれます。例えば、カップルが喧嘩をした際、ついカッとなって言うべきでないことを言ってしまった状況などでよく用いられます。

  • I got caught up in the heat of the moment.(私はその場の感情に囚われてしまいました。)
  • I didn’t mean to offend her. I just said it in the heat of the moment.(彼女を嫌な思いにさせるつもりじゃなかったんだ。ついカッとなって言ってしまっただけなんだ。)
  • I got lost in the heat of the moment and yelled at him for no reason.(その場の感情に囚われ、理由もなく彼を怒鳴りつけてしまいました。)

3) Get into an argument(口論になる)

◎ “Get into an argument”は、「言い争い」や「口げんか」になることを意味します。“Argue”だけでも「口論する」を意味しますが、「〜さんと口論になった」と表現したい場合は「I argued with him」より、「I got into an argument with him」と表す方が自然です。
◎ その他、“Have an argument”も同様の意味と用法になります。

  • I got into an argument with my mom today.(今日、母親と口論になりました。)
  • They got into a heated argument over money.(彼らはお金の事で激しい言い争いになりました。)
  • I had an argument with my friend about the upcoming party.(今度のパーティーの事で友達と口喧嘩になりました。)

4) Plug(詰まる・塞がる)

◎ “Plug”は、一般的にパイプなどの穴を塞ぐ栓を表す単語で、「〜に栓をする」や「〜を塞ぐ」を意味します。日常会話では「詰める」という意味としても使われ、穴や裂け目などを埋め込む状況に用いられます。
◎ その他、「Plug」は鼻が詰まっている時や電気製品のプラグを「差し込む」状況でも使われます。

  • The sink is plugged. We have to call a plumber.(洗面台が詰まった。配管工の人を呼ばないと。)
  • Your computer is not working because it’s not plugged in.(コンセントが入っていないので、パソコンが機能していません。)
  • I have a terrible cold. I have a sore throat and my nose is plugged.(ひどい風邪で、喉も痛いし鼻も詰まっています。)

5) Some sort of(何らかの)

◎ “Some sort of”は「何らかの」や「何かしら」を意味し、原因や理由がはっきりしていない様子を表します。例えば、「これは何らかの間違いです」は「There is some sort of mistake.」になります。
◎ “Some kind of”も同様の意味と用法になります。

  • I’m not sure what I ate. I think it was some sort of meat.(何を食べたかよく分かりません。何らかの肉だと思いますが。)
  • We need to come up with some sort of rule.(何かしらルールを決めないといけません。)
  • I’m sure he has some kind of plan in mind.(彼の頭の中には何かしらの計画があると思うよ。)



  • Crowd・・・観客
  • Invisibility・・・透明人間
  • Teleportation・・・瞬間移動


  • Hide away・・・隠れる
  • Make out of・・・〜を作り上げる
  • Weave one’s way around・・・~を擦り抜ける
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Masa より:

    I’d definitly like to get Time machine from Doraemon! I’ll head to the future a little bit and check the exact number of winning lottery!

  2. たま より:


  3. まみ より:


    obtainとget(have) の違いは何ですか?
    また、what is the different between obtain and get 対象物3つの時にもbetween ~and~は使えますか?

  4. ナオコ より:

    こんにちは、いつも楽しみにしていいます。ところで 「my little hacking thing」のところがわからないのですが、どういう意味ですか。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。my little hacking thingは「ハッキング能力」を意味します。パソコンなどをハッキングすることです。

  5. Kotori より:

    Hi Jun, thank you for teaching variety of expressions in English by sending mail- magazine.
    今日のトピックで質問があります。”Get into argument”の表現に続く、〇〇について、がaboutだったり、overだったりします。forもあるかもしれません。使い分けを教えて頂けないでしょうか?

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