
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.08.27





【Clay】Sarah, I don’t know how much of an anime fan you are. But if you are, what is your, you know, all-time, number one, favorite anime, if you could pick?

【Sarah】Okay, well—and that—that is difficult. But if I had to pick…


【Sarah】…a TV show…

【Clay】A TV show, yeah.

【Sarah】A TV show, I would say I’m quite old-school. I love Cowboy Bebop.

【Clay】Oh yeah! Of course. That’s a great one.

【Sarah】It was—yeah, you know, it’s classic, and…

【Clay】A lot of fun.

【Sarah】…not something that is popular or even really known in Japan.


【Sarah】Which shocked me when I moved here…


【Sarah】…because I, you know, watched it in high school with my brother and, you know, we had this huge bonding over it and it was such a great series, we thought.


【Sarah】I still think.


【Sarah】And not only is the, you know, original version great, but also—sort of an exception to the rule—the dubbed version, the English actors…

【Clay】Oh yeah.

【Sarah】…also do a great job with that.

【Clay】Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】And so I’ve watched it both ways and I find them both very entertaining.


【Sarah】But…yeah. When I came here, I would tell people. They’re like, “Oh, is there any one you particularly like?” And I would say, “Cowboy Bebop.” And they would kind of look at me like…


【Sarah】“Oh, I think maybe I’ve heard of that, like once.”

【Clay】An old show, yeah. (laughs)

【Sarah】Yeah. “Maybe that was popular, like a really long time ago.” Sort of feeling.

【Clay】(laughs) Yeah, yeah.

【Sarah】I was like, “Oh man. Okay. Well, I still like it.” Yeah. What about you? I…


【Sarah】…think you’re quite into anime. Is that right?

【Clay】(laughs) Yeah, I think a bit. I mean…I don’t know. I think a lot of people I know…I’m nothing compared to them in terms of being an anime fan.


【Clay】But…well, I think…I guess, you know, Cowboy Bebop is really a good one. That’s a great choice. I think…I guess my favorite that I’ve enjoyed, you know, watching, like overall has been JoJo no Kimyō na Bōken, which is JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, in English. I don’t know if you’re familiar.

【Sarah】I’ve never heard of that.

【Clay】Oh, well it might—it’s very popular. I think it’s famous in Japan, but it’s very popular in America among anime watchers. (laughs)

【Sarah】You know, and it might be—my students are always, like throwing out names of things that I’m like…


【Sarah】“Sure.” Like, I’m just like, “I do not have my finger on the pulse…”

【Clay】(laughs) Yeah.

【Sarah】“…in any way, shape, or form with regards to that.”


【Sarah】So, it might be very popular here. I have no idea.

【Clay】(laughs) Right, that’s interesting. Well, I mean, from what I’ve heard, it’s…it was a manga for a very long time.


【Clay】And the manga was very famous in Japan for a long time, I think.


【Clay】But it very recently became very popular in America when they made an anime of it. And so, it had never been known. It was, like pretty unknown in America even if it was fairly popular in Japan. In America no one had ever heard of it until maybe a few years ago and it got really, really popular among, you know, anime viewers in America. Maybe like 2012 or so.


【Clay】So, yeah.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What is Sarah’s all-time favorite anime?
  2. Who did Sarah watch her favorite anime with in high school?
  3. When did JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure become popular in America, according to Clay?



  1. Her favorite anime is Cowboy Bebop.
  2. She watched her favorite anime with her brother in high school.
  3. Clay says JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure became really popular in America when the anime was released, around the year 2012.



Sarah and Clay continue their discussion about anime by sharing what their all-time favorite anime shows are. Sarah begins by citing a classic 90s anime, Cowboy Bebop, as her all-time favorite.

Sarah grew up watching Cowboy Bebop in high school, watching it with her brother and bonding with him over it. However, she was somewhat disappointed to learn that the show wasn’t as famous or well-known in Japan as she thought it might’ve been.

Sarah says that unlike many anime, both Cowboy Bebop’s original Japanese audio as well as its English dub feature excellent performances from their actors and actresses. She has seen the show both ways and finds both versions very entertaining.

Clay says that JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure is his all-time favorite anime. Clay mentions that the show began from a manga series that was very popular in Japan. Once the anime was made for the manga, the show became very popular on its own, and grew a large fanbase in America around the year 2012.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) All-time(史上最高の)

all-timeは「史上最高の」や「今までで一番の」を意味し、「今まで一番好きな〜」はall-time favorite ____と表現します。「今までで一番好きなアニメ」はall-time favorite anime、「今までで一番好きな映画」はall-time favorite movieと言います。

  • What is your all-time favorite movie?
  • It’s hard to pick my all-time favorite song. But if I had to pick one, it would be a song from the 90s.
  • She set an all-time record at the Olympics this year.

2) Old-school(昔ながらの〜)

old schoolは昔ながらのファッションや音楽、または古風な考え方や手段などを表す口語的なフレーズです。old fashionedと意味は似ていますが、old schoolは昔ながらの価値観が保たれていて魅力的であるといった具合に、状況によってはポジティブな意味合いも含まれます。例えば、昔ながらの懐かしの音楽をold school jamsと言います。

  • Is this “First Love” by Utada Hikaru? What an old-school jam. I love this song.
    (この曲って宇多田ヒカルの「First Love」?すごく懐かしい。この曲大好きなんだ。)
  • I’m old-school. I prefer a paperback rather than an e-book.
  • Is that a Sony Walkman? That is old-school!

3) Not only(〜だけでなく)

not onlyは「〜だけでなく」を意味し、日常会話では一般的にnot only A, but also Bの形式で使われます。例えば、「彼は英語だけでなく、中国語も喋れます」は「Not only can he speak English, but also Chinese.」という具合に表現します。ちなみに、not onlyの位置を変えて「He can not only speak English but also Chinese.」と表現することもできます。

  • Not only is it great quality, but it’s also cheap.
  • She’s not only beautiful, but also intelligent.
  • Not only is it a waste of money, but it’s also a waste of time.

4) Have a finger on the pulse of(〜の実情を正確に把握している)

直訳で「脈に指を置いている」となるこの表現は、ある状況を正確に把握していることを表す表現です。今のトレンドや動向に詳しかったり、会社の内情をしっかり把握しているような状況で使われます。haveの代わりにkeepが使われることもあります。また、この表現では必ず単数形のa fingerになるので覚えておきましょう。

  • She has her finger on the pulse of the IT industry.
  • I try to keep my finger on the pulse of the stock market.
  • I don’t have my finger on the pulse of this situation.

5) In any way shape or form(どんな形でも)

直訳で「どんな形でも」となるこの表現は、一般的にnot in any way shape or formのように否定形で使われ、「決して〜でない」や「いかなる形でも〜ない」といった意味になります。何かを否定することを強調するときに使われる表現で、wayを省いてin any shape or formと表現することもあります。

  • We do not tolerate racism in any way shape or form.
  • I don’t condone domestic violence in any shape or form.
  • He’s a hardcore vegetarian and he does not eat meat in any way shape or form.



  • Shocked・・・ショック・衝撃
  • Bonding・・・絆が深まる
  • Familiar・・・知っている・詳しい


  • Exception to the rule・・・どんな規則にも例外がある
  • Dubbed version・・・吹き替え版
  • Throw out・・・飛び交ってる









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ellen より:


    • Kiki より:


      音声に不備があったため、Live Conversationの音声を修正いたしました。
      Questions of the day(今日の質問)の問3の答えは、11:16-11:39の間のClayのセリフの中でご確認いただけます。


  2. Hide より:

    I’m looking forward to listening your new episode every time. But at this episode, there is one thing that I was disappointed. You are apparently mixed up Mr. Sakuragi and Mr. Rukawa. And I think it is a stretch to say that they did ハイタッチ because they touched each other by only right hand and the position was kind of middle. So, you should read SLAM DUNK again as it will be released a new movie next year in Japan 🙂

    • Jun より:

      Hey Hide! Oh no, did I mix up the most important scene?! I’m going to have to go back and re-read Slam Dunk again 😅 There’s a new Slam Dunk movie coming out next year? I can’t miss that 🏀

  3. mariko より:

    Sarah-sensei, I looked up the story of “Cowboy Bebop” on the internet. It seems definitely interesting!!

    I’m really surprised to know Jun-sensei loves “Slam Dunk”. I love it very much, too. At the first time I read the scene you mentioned, I cried loudly.
    And I was hooked on copying Inoue-sensei’s drawings. How about you, Jun-sensei?

  4. Tomo より:

    hey jun
    i’ve been a fan of you since 2years ago, watched most of your youtube videos and listened podcast hundreds times, but sorry this is first time comment on you.
    just one thing let me say, that’s not the pass from sakuragi to Rukawa. that was from Rukawa to sakuragi.

    if you could pick up more about kiwi english on youtube, i would love you more.

    thank you for your great job to us.

  5. Tomo より:

    questions of the dayの number3ですが、この会話のなかで、Clayはジョジョの奇妙な冒険の人気が広まった時期については言ってないと思うのですが… 何度聞いても、どこがそれについて話している部分か見当たりません。

    • Kiki より:


      音声に不備があったため、Live Conversationの音声を修正いたしました。
      Questions of the day(今日の質問)の問3の答えは、11:16-11:39の間のClayのセリフの中でご確認いただけます。


      • こみ より:


Jun へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


