
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.07.30





【Vicki】Do you think it’s worth it to go to college? Like, you know…are you glad that you did your four years and that you, like—like, what you did afterward, was it necessary? You know? Like, how did it work out for you in terms of your career and all that?

【Sam】Yeah…you know, this is hard because all of the things that I wish I’d done in college, those were—those were, like the reasons you should go to college.


【Sam】You should go to college to meet a lot of other people who are at college.


【Sam】You should go to college because that’s where the professors and the…the visiting speakers and the events, and all that stuff are.


【Sam】The—the actual information that you get from college…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…you can get online.

【Vicki】You can get online, yeah. (laughs)

【Sam】You can get it in books. So that part is really not so important.

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】And all the partying that you do in college, like you can party with people…


【Sam】…in other places, too. So…


【Sam】…I think college can be valuable. But unfortunately, especially in America—and this might not apply to other countries that have better funded education programs, like for their—their citizens, or…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…countries that just have cheaper college, but American college has gotten very, very, very expensive and that money is just—it’s not actually in the classes and the professors. It’s—it’s in the administration


【Sam】…and other stuff. And so I think a lot of colleges are not worth it. There are some colleges that are still a good enough value—‘cause (because) remember, you’re going there for—for meeting people. You’re going there for getting involved and—and making connections and learning from interesting people. You’re not just going there to get a—if you just want a certificate that says “4.0”…


【Sam】…you don’t need to spend a lot of money doing that.

【Vicki】Yeah, yeah.

【Sam】So, as long as you are getting a good value for—for your deal—and, like don’t go into debt, if you can avoid that.

【Vicki】Yeah. (laughs)

【Sam】If you’re getting—if you’re getting…

【Vicki】Too late! (laughs)

【Sam】Yeah, oops.

【Vicki】Yeah. (laughs)

【Sam】Then I do think it’s worthwhile. But I think if you’re just going because you think, “Well, if I go to college, and I’ll have some fun, and I’ll just get a degree, and then I’ll just make a lot of money.” No, you won’t.


【Sam】You’ll get a degree and you’ll get a job at Starbucks like everyone else.


【Sam】Unless…unless you major in something that is guaranteed to give you a good job.


【Sam】Like, have a plan. But if you do have a plan, go to college.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What good reasons does Sam list for going to college?
  2. Where does much of the financing of American colleges go to according to Sam?
  3. What does Sam think a person should have before deciding to go to college?



  1. Sam thinks the opportunities to meet new people, learn from professors, and experience interesting events are all good reasons to go to college.
  2. Sam says that much of the money American colleges receive goes to administration rather than to classes and professors.
  3. Sam thinks anyone thinking of going to college should only go if they have a plan.



Sam offers his thoughts on whether or not college is worth attending, particularly in the United States. For Sam, the main reason to go to college is to meet new people.

Sam feels that the actual information one can learn at college can be learned online. Sam also thinks that, although partying is associated with college, people can party outside of college just as easily.

Sam says one problem with American colleges is that they have become very expensive, and that much of that cost goes to funding the administrations of American schools rather than their classes or professors. He recommends that students avoid taking out debt to pay for college, if possible.

Sam discourages people from going into college without a plan, as it will likely not lead them to the jobs they desire. Instead, he recommends one should only go to college if they have a plan in mind.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Work out(うまくいく)

work outは「うまくいく」や「良い結果が出る」を意味し、何かしらの行動が良い結果につながることを表す場合に使われます。例えば、「良い結果になるといいですね」と相手の幸運を祈る場合は“I hope it works out.”と言います。ちなみに、今日の会話でビッキーは“How did it work out for you?”と聞きましたが、ここでは「大学はどうだった?キャリアに繋がった?」という意味合いになります。

  • Don’t worry about it. I’m sure everything will work out.
  • That’s great news! I’m glad it all worked out.
  • What if your plan doesn’t work out? What are you going to do?

2) As long as(〜さえすれば)

as long asは状況によって様々な意味になりますが、今日の会話では「〜さえすれば」という意味で使われます。例えば、「練習さえすれば、上達するよ」は“You’ll improve as long as you practice.”と表現します。

  • You can play video games as long as you finish your homework.
  • You can borrow my car as long as you fill up my tank.
  • It’s OK to make mistakes as long as you learn from them.

3) Good value for(〜に見合う価値)

good value forは「〜に見合う価値」を意味し、この表現は一般的に、good value for the money(金額に見合う価値)とgood value for the price(価格に見合う価値)の組み合わせで使われます。good value for the moneyは「コスパが良い」ことを表し、逆に「コスパが悪い」はterrible value for the moneyと言います。

  • Netflix is good value for the money. You should look into it.
  • That online English service is good value for the price.
  • This place is a ripoff. It’s terrible value for the money.

4) Worthwhile(〜する価値がある)

worthwhileは、時間や労力、お金などを費やす価値があることを意味します。特に膨大な時間や労力を費やすニュアンスが含まれており、困難で大変かもしれないが、それだけの価値があることを表します。例えば、「やりがいがあるよ」は“It’s worthwhile.”、「やりがいのある仕事」は“It’s a worthwhile job.”と言います。

  • My job is challenging at times but it’s worthwhile.
  • I believe that everything worthwhile takes time.
  • You should get this textbook. It’s a bit pricey but worthwhile.

5) Like everyone else(みんなと同じように)

like everyone elseは「みんなと同じように」を意味する表現です。例えば、「私はみんなと同じように英語が好きです」は、“I like English like everyone else.”または“Like everyone else, I like English.”のように、文頭と文末で使うことができます。日常会話ではjustを加えて“I like English just like everyone else. / Just like everyone else, I like English.”のように表現することが多く、みんなと同じであることをより強調することができます。

  • I struggle with pronunciation like everyone else.
  • I started studying English when I was in junior high just like everyone else.
  • Just like everyone else, I’m taking the TOEIC test next weekend.



  • Fund・・・資金
  • Administration・・・大学の経営
  • Certificate・・・証明書


  • Worth it・・・それだけの価値がある
  • In terms of・・・〜に関して
  • Go into debt・・・借金をする









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Chihiro より:

    “So, as long as you are getting a good value for—for your deal—and, like don’t go into debt, if you can avoid that.”


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