
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.07.09





【Sam】And then…


【Sam】…least favorite—it’s interesting. I’d say my least favorite memories were more, like looking back at what I didn’t do. Right? My least favorite was not something I did do that sucked. Although, I guess if I was going to say that, it might be…in my fourth year of school I was the president of the International Students’ Club. And we threw a party every quarter. And so the second party that we had that year happened to be on my birthday. So we kind of combined it with my birthday.

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】But I stayed up all night before the party because I really wanted to beat Dark Souls.


【Sam】And I—I beat it. I did beat it. But then I fell asleep during my own birthday party where there were, like…


【Sam】…a hundred fifty people there. And all my friends and I just—I managed to make it through about an hour and a half or two hours at the party.


【Sam】And I went to my room and I thought, “Oh, I’ll lay down for a little bit.” And…and then, one of my roommates, you know, got really mad, ‘cause (because) he’s like, “Someone stole my DVDs,” and, you know, “You weren’t there to help clean up your own party,” and, “Ah, you’re such an asshole.” And I’m like, “I’m sorry. It’s not my fault. It’s Dark Souls.”

【Vicki】Well, if it’s your birthday, you shouldn’t be cleaning up after your own birthday party, right? I mean…

【Sam】Well, like…he’s not the president of this club. And so, I feel like…

【Vicki】Okay, so you’re still responsible.

【Sam】If—if he had invited 150 people over to our backyard, I would want him to help clean up. (laughs)

【Vicki】Yeah (laughs). I understand.

【Sam】So, yeah. That, like…that’s probably one of my biggest regrets. Yeah, I’d just say my worst memories were about what I can look back and say, “I wish I had done.” Like, “I didn’t take this class. I should have.”

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】“I didn’t join this club and I definitely should have.” “I—I should’ve spent more time hanging out with this person.” “I should have tried out this thing.” ‘Cause…


【Sam】I—I just…I’m like—I think I was the opposite of you. I just fell into a really relaxed and easy groove where I had the things that I enjoyed.


【Sam】And they weren’t that hard; just my daily activities.


【Sam】My games, and chilling with people, reading a book or something. And then I didn’t push as far as I could have. And there are—there were so many really interesting things that I could’ve done and people I could’ve met and skills I could’ve learned. And so.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two events were combined into a single party during Sam’s fourth year of college?
  2. Why did Sam fall asleep during his own birthday party?
  3. When Sam thinks of his worst college memories, how does he respond?



  1. The quarterly party of his International Students Club and his own birthday party were combined into one event.
  2. He had stayed up the entire night prior completing the video game Dark Souls and didn’t have the energy to stay up for his party.
  3. He believes that his worst memories aren’t of specific bad events, but of regretting not doing certain things when he had the opportunity.



Sam reflects on what he considers his worst memories of college. When Sam thinks about bad memories, he doesn’t think about specific bad events, but rather about missed opportunities and regrets.

One event in particular took place on his birthday in his fourth year in college. At the time, he was president of the International Students Club, and every quarter the club had a party.

One quarter, the club decided to combine their quarterly party with Sam’s birthday party. However, Sam stayed up all night the night before playing the video game Dark Souls and fell asleep for most of his own party the next day.

Sam often regrets not taking advantage of more of the opportunities available to him during college. He regrets not having taken certain classes, not having talked to certain people, and not having learned certain skills.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Suck(残念)

suckは「最悪だ」や「残念だ」、「ひどい」を意味する口語的な表現です。「それはひどいね」や「それは残念だ」など、不幸や災難といった悪い出来事に対して同情を表す時には“That sucks.”がよく使われます。その他、映画やテレビ番組が「面白くない」「つまらない」、質が「悪い」などネガティブな感情を表す時にもsuckを使うことがよくあります。

  • Your flight got canceled? That sucks. Are you going to get a refund?
  • This movie sucks. I don’t get why everyone’s going crazy over it.
  • It sucks that we can’t go to Hawaii this year. Hopefully, we can go next year.

2) Beat(〜に勝つ)

beatは人やチームなど“対戦相手”に「勝つ」ことを表す時に使われます。winも「勝つ」を意味しますが、winは試合で勝つことを表すのに対し、beatは対戦相手に勝つことを表します。今日の会話でサムは“I really wanted to beat Dark Souls.”と言いましたが、これは「Dark Soulというビデオゲームをクリアしたかった」ことを表しています。

  • Did the Dodgers beat the Giants last night?
  • She’s too good at ping pong. I can’t beat her.
  • I’m pretty good at Mario Cart. I don’t think you can beat me.

3) Fall asleep(眠りに落ちる)

意識して眠りにつくのではなく、無意識のうちに眠りに落ちてしまうことをfall asleepと表現します。“He fell asleep.(彼は寝てしまいました)”は起きている状態から眠りに入ることを表し、疲れなどが原因で知らず知らずのうちに寝てしまうニュアンスがあります。

  • I fell asleep on the train and missed my stop.
  • I always fall asleep during movies. I can’t stay awake.
  • I fell asleep while reading my book at the park and got sunburned.

4) Make it through(乗り切る)

make it throughは困難な状況や辛い時期をなんとか頑張って乗り越えたり、苦労して何かを成し遂げたりすることを指します。また、大きな困難や苦労を乗り越えることに限らず、やりたくないことを最後までやり通したり、つまらないと思うことを何とかやり遂げたりする状況でも使われます。

  • I know you will make it through. Just don’t give up.
  • Last year was a tough year, but I somehow made it through.
  • I don’t feel good. I hope I can make it through the day.

5) Chill(ゆっくりとした時間を過ごす)

chillは、のんびりとリラックスした状態を表す口語表現です。日常会話では誰かと時間を過ごしたり、誰かと遊ぶ意味でも使われますが、クラブやパーティーに行って派手に遊ぶというよりは、カフェや居酒屋で友達と一緒にゆっくりとした時間を過ごすニュアンスになります。この表現は、hang outの代わりに使える口語的な言い回しです。

  • What are you up to this weekend? Let’s chill.
  • I chilled with Patrick yesterday. He’s been busy with work, but he’s doing well.
  • We have about an hour to kill. Do you want to chill at Starbucks?



  • Mad・・・怒る、腹を立てる
  • Groove・・・楽しい


  • Looking back・・・振り返ると
  • Happened to be・・・たまたま〜
  • Stay up all night・・・徹夜する









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. mariko より:

    suckは、不思議な単語ですね。動詞なのに、意味は形容詞っぽい気がします。つい、”That’s suck.”と言いそうになってしまいます。


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