
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.06.04





【Vicki】Yeah. I mean, what was the culture like…at your school?

【Sam】Yeah, well if you know anything about UC Santa Barbara, it’s got a very, very big party image. And, it’s right on the beach.

【Vicki】Yeah, that’s what Jun was telling me. (laughs)


【Vicki】So, basically everyone was kinda (kind of) on the same wavelength, you know? It’s not like, you know…what you were doing wasn’t, like that strange, basically. It was like, that was how people were living.

【Sam】No, it was very—it was very normal…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…to have a party. And there would be a reason to party any day. Like, people just made stuff up.


【Sam】You had Friday and Saturday—well, that’s obvious, right?

【Vicki】Yeah, weekend. Yeah.

【Sam】So then, you have “Thirsty Thursday.” You’re thirsty…

【Vicki】Ah, yeah, I remember that. (laughs)

【Sam】And then, you could have some—like, “Wild Wednesday,” “Tequila Tuesday,” you know? Just come up with anything. “Margarita Monday.” Like, there—there’s a reason to party on any day of the week.

【Vicki】Wow, that’s funny.

【Sam】And—and then, even if you didn’t have a big party, you could have a—a “kickback,” where you just have a couple friends over and you play some beer pong or hang out together. It’s not as big as a party.


【Sam】But it’s very easy at—it depends on the school, but at some schools in America, it’s really easy to get caught up in the social life…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…and forget that…

【Vicki】Yeah. (laughs)

【Sam】…there’s an entire university there full of cool stuff that you can go to and experience.

【Vicki】Mm hm, mm hm. Yeah, like at Yale, it was like, during the week, there were no parties, hardly. So I think the culture was very much, “Study, study, study, study.”


【Vicki】And the weekend: “Party, party, party, party!” And then, “Study, study, study.” It was very much, like…it was pretty dead on—on the weekdays. There were always a few people doing something. But the big things were always on the weekend.


【Vicki】So, I guess that was kinda good for me ‘cause (because) it helped me focus more.

【Sam】Right, right. Like, if everyone is studying and that’s part of the culture, then…

【Vicki】Mm hm.

【Sam】…you—you’re gonna (going to) study more.


【Sam】You’re not gonna have as many people inviting you out and if you want to have a bunch of people over, not that many people are going to respond.


【Sam】They’re busy.

【Vicki】Yeah, yeah.

【Sam】And at Santa Barbara, it might be the opposite where…


【Sam】…you think, “Ah, I should study.” But then, all of your friends are doing something. Or if you feel like, “Ah, I don’t really want to study. Let’s see who can hang out.”


【Sam】And fifteen people can hang out.

【Vicki】(laughs) Yeah, like that’s the thing. Yeah, Yale I think people would be like, “Nah, I’m busy.” Like, I would often say, “Sorry, I’m busy. I have rehearsal.” “I have my job.” “I have this.” “I have that.” Like, “I have to study. I can’t do it.”


【Vicki】So, it’s a very different culture, I feel like.

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What was the party culture like at Sam’s school?
  2. What was the party culture like at Vicki’s school?
  3. Why did Vicki believe the culture around partying at her school was good for her?



  1. Sam’s school, UC Santa Barbara, was known for being a heavy party school.
  2. Vicki’s school, Yale University, was known for having intense study during the weekdays, then intense partying during the weekends.
  3. She felt that since few people partied on the weekdays, that encouraged her to study more.



Sam and Vicki discuss the party cultures at their universities. Sam went to UC Santa Barbara, a school with a reputation for partying.

At UC Santa Barbara, Sam observed that people partied every day of the week. It was natural to party on weekends, but people also created reasons to party on weekdays; “Thirsty Thursdays,” “Wild Wednesdays,” etc.
カリフォルニア大学サンタバーバラ校では、学生たちが毎日のようにパーティーをしていたとサムは言います。週末にパーティーを行うことはよくあることでしたが、平日でも”Thirsty Thursdays(喉がカラカラの木曜日)”や”Wild Wednesdays(ワイルドな水曜日)”など、学生たちは何かしらパーティーをする理由を作っていました。

At Yale University, Vicki’s school, she observed that most people only partied on the weekends. Monday through Friday were considered days for study.

It was common for Vicki to tell other people that she was too busy to go to parties while attending Yale. She believes the culture there was good for her because it encouraged her to study more and party less.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) On the same wavelength(波長が合う)

wavelengthは「波長」を意味することから、on the same wavelengthは互いの考え方や感性がよく通じていることを表し、日本語の「波長が合う」に相当します。相手と波長が合う場合は「We’re on the same wavelength.」、波長が合わない場合は「We’re not on the same wavelength.」または「We’re on different wavelengths.」と表します。

  • We all get along with each other. We’re all on the same wavelength.
  • Lisa and I hit it off right away. It felt like we were both on the same wavelength.
  • Tim and I are on different wavelengths and I find it hard to keep a conversation going with him.

2) Kickback(少人数のパーティー)

kick backは本来、「リラックスする」や「くつろぐ」を意味することから、名詞のkickbackは少人数のまったりとした集まりを表します。kickbackはホームパーティーのように一般的に誰かの家で行われますが、基本的に仲の良い友人同士のこじんまりとしたパーティーを指します。パーティーではお酒を飲んだり、映画を見たり、ゲームをしたりしながらリラックスした時間を過ごします。「少人数のパーティー」の意味で使う場合はkickbackのように1語で表し、「リラックスする」の意味で使う場合はkick backのように2語に分けて表現します。

  • Are you free tonight? I’m going to have a kickback at my house.
  • Tony’s having a kickback tonight. We should swing by later.
  • I have no plans today. I’m just going to kick back and chill at home.

3) Have someone over(〜を家に呼ぶ)

have someone overは友達や同僚など、ゲストを「自分の家に招く・呼ぶ」という意味の口語的な言い方です。例えば、「今日は友達をうちに呼んでいます」と言いたい場合は「I’m having friends over today.」と表現します。

  • We’re having a few people over for dinner tonight.
  • My wife is having some of her coworkers over for lunch today.
  • Is it ok if I have my friends over this weekend?

4) Get caught up in(巻き込まれる)

get caught up inは何かに巻き込まれたり、夢中になったり、とらわれたりなど、ある出来事に深く関わることを表す日常表現です。例えば、「渋滞に巻き込まれる」はget caught up in traffic、「仕事に夢中になる」はget caught up in one’s workのように表現します。

  • Sorry I’m late. I got caught up in some traffic.
  • I got caught up in my work and completely lost track of time.
  • I got caught up in the heat of the moment and said some things I shouldn’t have.

5) Dead(人けのない)


  • There’s nobody here today. It’s dead. Let’s look for another bar.
  • When California first went on lock down, LA was dead. There was nobody on the streets.
  • This area is usually dead during the week but it picks up on the weekends.



  • Right on・・・すぐそばに
  • A bunch of・・・大勢の


  • Make stuff up・・・こじつけ
  • Come up with・・・〔アイデアなどを〕思い付く
  • Any day of the week・・・いつでも、曜日に関係なく
  • Hang out・・・遊ぶ、時間を過ごす









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  1. Jeff より:

    石工は せっこう と言うより いしく と読む方が一般的と感じます。

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