
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2021.01.08





【Mary】So Chris, do you usually make New Year’s resolutions?

【Chris】Oh, I actually do. I really like…

【Mary】Me too. (laughs)

【Chris】…doing them. Do you? Oh, that’s great.

【Mary】I do. I’m serious about it. (laughs)

【Chris】That’s awesome. I guess—you know, I know that you’re practical, like I am. So, I thought maybe, yeah—you might not do it because of that practicality to say, “Oh, let’s just skip that whole affair.” But I can also see how because we’re practical, it’s important to make that, like intention and those lists.

【Mary】Yeah, for me, I am all about setting self-challenges…


【Mary】…and trying to actualize them.


【Mary】And I am all about, like setting a goal and then, like incremental steps toward achieving it. So I don’t say, like, “I’m gonna (going to) lose 15 pounds and start working out” ‘cause (because) that—that’s too, like nebulous and frankly, like I know myself too well.


【Mary】I’m not going to do it.


【Mary】But I do set other goals, especially with language learning…

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Mary】…like, I’m gonna read 3 books in a year, in that language, or I’m gonna study vocabulary for 15 minutes every day and then—oh, I actually have it right here. But every single day I have goals…


【Mary】…and I mark off what I achieve. And it’s really simple things, like, “did I study vocabulary? “Did I read?” “Did I get 8000 steps?” (laughs)

【Chris】Nice, yeah, yeah.

【Mary】And then I tally them up at the end of the week, and it’s kind of like a competition with myself. Like, did I do better in March than I did in February?


【Mary】So I’m—I’m really serious about it. (laughs)

【Chris】I totally get you. I totally get you. Yeah, you and I are really similar. I love charts.

【Mary】I think I missed being in school…


【Mary】…and I miss having homework. It’s kind of like…

【Chris】And like you can mark yourself? Yeah, like…


【Chris】“I was so good this week.” Yeah, here’s a gold star.

【Mary】Yeah. So, what about you? How do you make sure you actually follow through?

【Chris】So, I have a book that I…that I really only write in this book on New Year’s Eve.


【Chris】And it’s mostly…mostly point form. So, I answer 3 questions. “What am I celebrating from the previous year?” “What am I letting go from the previous year?”

【Mary】Mm, I like letting go.

【Chris】Yeah, I think it’s been really important, yeah. And then, “What am I calling forth in the next year?”

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What daily habit does Mary mention in this episode?
  2. Why does Mary like this habit of hers?
  3. What three questions does Chris ask himself at the end of each year?



  1. She has a daily routine of setting goals for herself and then checking off which of those she accomplishes during each day.
  2. She likes it as a form of self-challenge, a competition with her own self.
  3. “What am I celebrating from the previous year?” | “What am I letting go from the previous year?” | “What am I calling forth in the next year?”
    「今年一年の出来事の中でよかったことは?」 「今年一年の中で手放すことは?」「来年実現すべきことは?」の3つです。



Mary and Chris talk about the custom of setting “New Year’s Resolutions” at the start of each New Year. Both take the practice very seriously and have their own routines for carrying out their resolutions.

Mary enjoys setting New Year’s Resolutions because she enjoys giving herself challenges. This is particularly true with languages she is trying to learn.

When learning languages, Mary sets goals for herself, and then takes incremental steps to pursue those goals. And on a daily basis, she sets goals for herself, and counts how many of those goals she achieved each day.

On New Year’s Eve of each year, Chris writes down in a special book he keeps for himself. In this book, he answers three questions pertaining to the year that is about to end. Those questions are, “What am I celebrating from the previous year?”, “What am I letting go from the previous year?”, and “What am I calling forth in the next year?”
毎年大晦日になると、クリスは自分用の特別なノートにもうすぐ終わりを迎える年に関連する3つの質問への答えを書きます。その質問とは、「今年一年の出来事の中でよかったことは?」 「今年一年の中で手放すことは?」「来年実現すべきことは?」の3つです。


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Nebulous(漠然とした)

本来nebulousは「霞んだ」を意味することから、日常会話では考えや意見、返答などが漠然としていることを表します。例えば、「漠然とした返答」は nebulous response、「漠然とした目標」はnebulous goalと言います。

  • I don’t think he knows either. He just gave me a nebulous answer.
  • That’s too nebulous. You have to come up with a more detailed plan.
  • I have a nebulous idea about what I want to do after I graduate college.

2) Frankly(正直に言うと)

frank は「率直な」を意味することから、franklyは「正直に言うと」や「ざっくばらんに言って」といった意味になります。良い意味でも悪い意味でも、思っていることや感じていることを包み隠さず相手に率直に伝える場合に使われます。to be honestと同じ意味を持ちますが、franklyにはよりフォーマルな響きがあります。その他、to be frank (with you)やquite franklyも同じ意味を持ちます。

  • I know I should go but frankly, I’d rather not.
  • Quite frankly, it’s none of my business.
  • To be frank with you, I’m not interested at all.

3) Tally up(集計する)

tally up は「計算する」や「集計する」を意味する表現で、add upの代わりに使うことができます。例えば、友達とゲームをしてポイントを合計するときに「Tally up your points.」と言ったり、勤務時間を計算するときに「Tally up your work hours.」のように言います。シンプルにtallyと言ってもOKです。

  • ちなみにkeep a tally of ____で「〜の記録をつける」という意味になります。
  • Let’s tally up our scores and see who won the game.
  • I’ll tally up my work hours for this month and send it to you.
  • Could you keep a tally of the number of participants?

4) Follow through(最後までやり通す)

follow through は何かを継続し、最後までやり通すことを意味します。計画を達成するまでやり抜いたり、最後まで約束を守り通すといったニュアンスが含まれます。「〜を最後までやり遂げる」はfollow through with ____ と表現します。また、最後までやり抜くことをより強調したい時は、follow through to the endと表現するのも一般的です。

  • Most people don’t follow through with their New Year’s resolutions.
  • I can’t trust him because he doesn’t follow through with his promises.
  • Once you set your mind to it, you have to follow through with it to the end.

5) Let go(手放す)

let go は何かを「手放す」ことを意味する表現です。「Let go of the balloon.(風船を手放す)」のように実際に手にしている物を手放す状況で使う時もあれば、過去の失敗を引きずっている人に対して「Let go of the past.(過去を忘れる)」と伝えることで、心を縛るものから解放するといった意味合いで使うこともできます。

  • Make sure you don’t let go of the leash.
  • You have to quit dwelling on the past. Let it go and move on.
  • In order to be free, we have to learn how to let go.



  • Skip・・・飛ばす
  • Intention・・・意向
  • Actualize・・・実現させる


  • New year’s resolutions・・・新年の目標
  • I’m serious about it・・・真剣に取り組んでいる
  • Incremental steps・・・段階的に進む
  • Mark off・・・チェックを入れる
  • Point form・・・箇条書き
  • Calling forth・・・~を呼び起こす



Mary L






  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. MMM より:

    Chrisが最初の方で”you might not do it because of that practicality to say, “と言っていますが、ここの”to say”はなぜ必要なのでしょうか?どういうニュアンスを含んでいるのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      ここの to say は「〜と言う」を意味し、「新年の目標なんてすっ飛ばしましょうって(あなたが)言うと思った。」を意味します。

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