
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.10.30





【Christian】So, Danielle, as a tarento in Japan and as an American, what was it like to live in Japan and look very American? Were you treated differently?

【Danielle】I, like—being an American, like girl specifically…

【Christian】Mm hm.

【Danielle】…I noticed—I’m not sure about you, but I’m just talking about, like from a girl’s perspective—a lot of people asked, like, “Oh, excuse me. Is this your actual hair color or do you dye it?” And I said, “No, no, I dye it.” (laughs) So I just—I found that really interesting. Like, in the United States, like I’ve never had anyone ask, like, “Oh, is this your real hair or is this, like fake?”


【Danielle】And actually…I’m not sure if you experience this, too. I actually—I don’t know what color your eyes are, but a lot of times people ask me, “Are you wearing contacts? Like, is that your actual eye color?” I’m like, “Yes.” (laughs) “Yes, it’s my real color.

【Christian】Yeah, no, same. Same.

【Danielle】Like, those are probably the most interesting experiences I’ve had.

【Christian】Oh, okay. No, yeah, about the same for me. I have green eyes, so I get asked very often, “Are those contacts?” “No they’re not.” My hair…I mean, I have, like blonde hair. But it’s kind of like brown-blonde, so I don’t get asked as much if it’s, you know, dyed or not. I—I did get asked a few times when I was a teacher at a shogakko if it was a wig, a few times. You know, “It’s a wig.” You know, what’s—is it “katsura?” I forget the name.
But they’re like, you know, “That’s a wig.” And I’m like, “Oh, no. It’s not a wig.” So, yeah. Those are, like pretty typical. You can, like bet on that happening to you—right—if you’re a blonde, blue-eyed American. But other than that, of course the occasional English, you know, encounter on the street. You know, a few drunk kaishain, you know, walk by.


【Christian】“Hello! America!” You know, throw in some—some English words at you. That’s always fun. Have you had this experience before?

【Danielle】Oh yeah.


【Danielle】(laughs) All the time.

【Christian】Yeah, same. Anything, like noteworthy? Any good ones?

Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What question was Danielle often asked while living in Japan?
  2. What was Christian asked about while working at an elementary school?
  3. What did both Christian and Danielle experience from “kaishains” while living in Japan as Americans?



  1. Japanese people often came up to her and asked her if her hair color was natural or if she dyed it.
  2. He was asked if his hair was actually a wig.
  3. They both experienced drunken “kaishains” coming up to them and speaking various English words for fun.



Danielle and Christian talk about their experiences living in Japan specifically as Americans. Both of them often received questions about their appearances.

Danielle was often asked by Japanese people whether her hair color was natural or dyed, to which she replied it was dyed. She also had people asking about her eye color and whether or not she was wearing contact lenses.

Christian also was asked whether or not his eyes, naturally green, were in fact contact lenses. And while working at an elementary school, he even was asked if his hair, brown-blond in color, was a wig.

Both Christian and Danielle have had experiences with “kaishains” noticing them and speaking to them. Often these “kaishains” were drunk and would approach them with various English words just for fun.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Dye(染める)

dyeは「染める」を意味し、「髪の毛を染める」はdye one’s hair、「シャツを染める」はdye a shirtと言います。ちなみに、ヘアーカラーリング剤はhair dyeと言いますが、食紅はfood coloringと言います。

  • I’m thinking about dying my hair brown.
  • What hair dye do you use to dye your hair?
  • I used food coloring to make it red.

2) Wig(かつら)


  • Do you think that’s a wig or is that her real hair?
  • That wig looks really good on you. You should wear it for Halloween this year.
  • It was a windy day and his toupee flew off.

3) You can bet on that(それは間違いない)

you can bet on that は「それは間違いない」や「確実だ」を意味する口語的な言い回しです。bet は「お金をかける」を意味することから、お金をかけられるくらい確信度が高いことを表します。この表現は、相手の質問やコメントに対して「それは間違いない」と相槌するときに使われることが多く、日常会話では「You can bet on that.」の代わりに「You can bet on it.」 もよく使われます。

  • Are the trains in Tokyo crowded in the mornings? You can bet on that.
  • You can bet on getting the freshest sushi at that restaurant.
  • He’s going to show up at least 10 minutes late. You can bet on it.

4) Other than ____(〜以外は)

other than ____ は「〜以外」を意味する口語表現です。例えば、「日本以外に好きな国はどこですか?」は「What countries do you like other than Japan?」、「私は生魚が苦手です。それ以外は何でも食べられます」は「I can’t eat raw fish. Other than that, I can eat anything.」という具合に使います。

  • Do you speak any other languages other than English?
  • I can’t stand the muggy summers in Japan. Other than that, I love Japan.
  • Other than Matt, we are all from L.A.

5) Noteworthy(注目すべき)

noteworthyは「注目すべき」を意味し、物事が興味深い、印象深い、素晴らしい、重要であるなどの理由で、注目するだけの価値があることを表します。例えば、「注目すべきパフォーマンス」はnoteworthy performance、「印象に残ったことは何かありました?」は「Anything noteworthy happen?」という具合に使われます。

  • Her speech was really long but she did make a few noteworthy remarks.
  • Nothing noteworthy happened at the event last night.
  • It’s noteworthy that all of his students got over an 800 on the TOEIC.



  • Perspective・・・観点
  • Fake・・・偽物、本当じゃない


  • Treat differently・・・扱いが違う
  • Wear contacts・・・コンタクトを着ける







アメリカのジョージア州出身。Georgia Southern大学で国際貿易と日本語を学ぶ。現在は、日本の企業で働く傍ら、カフェトークで英語講師として活躍中。日本語が堪能。


  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. yukio より:


    • Jun より:

      yukioさん、いつもありがとうございます。「あるある」は状況にとって表現の仕方が異なりますが、ここで「あるある」を訳すのなら “common things”になると思います。ただ、タイトルを英語にする場合、「あるある」を直訳せず、 “What it’s like being an American in Japan.”と表現するのが自然だと思います。

  2. 植野八智与 より:

    「Noteworthy」イギリス人の彼に何度も何度も発音をチェックしてもらいましたが、どうしても「not worthy」に聞こえると言われました。。悲。

    • Jun より:

      植野さん、”noteworthy”の発音難しいですよね😭 ”not worthy”と聞こえてしまうと、意味が完全に変わっちゃうので、彼氏何度も練習して言えるようになってください😃

  3. naorin より:

    ”You can bet on that.”は、”I can bet on that.”とは言わないでしょうか?
    以前、自分が確信することを”I bet.”と言っていたような気がしますが、一般的に”You”を使う方がよいのでしょうか?

  4. Mine より:

    Jun – san,
    Hello. Thanks for good program.
    I really enjoy it. Especially I like “phrase of the day”. Those choice in every time are very practical. I can find strange phrases almost always every time. And I am trying to put them use to apply to daily life.
    What made me bad a bit this time is that some Japanese act such behavior like the Kaishain as Christian said.I think they are rude. But I can learn from them. I am looking forward to the next program.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Mine! I’m glad you are enjoying the podcast. I feel like the best way to learn practical English is to learn from real conversation. Hopefully you can continue to learn more practical phrases! Keep up the great work 😃

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