
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2020.02.28





【Christian】In America, we have a big problem with obesity.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】Why do you think that is?

【Chris】Um I think that the dietary guidelines are, um a little bit flawed. And I think, um we’re, you know—we switched—the obesity epidemic happened, you know—started happening I think in the 80s and they—they changed the…the guidelines from eating more meat…um, from…it was eating more meat, and they changed it to eating more carbohydrates. And I think that’s a real problem. I think people, um you know, started eating healthier. People followed the guidelines.
But they’re still getting bigger. And I think…I don’t know why that is. I mean people are pretty active. They might not be as active as they used to be when we were younger ‘cause (because) of smartphones and everything. But I just think that the guidelines have changed a little bit and I think we’re now seeing the results of that.

【Christian】In my opinion, uh one of the big problems would probably be…uh the cause of obesity is, uh the environment we’re in. I mean, like when you can walk a block to any—and then be in, like close to any McDonald’s…

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】That’s a huge problem, like, in my opinion. When we have so much, uh fast food, uh businesses around and, like that’s like, the easiest choice for Americans.


【Christian】Of course we’re gonna (going to) go to McDonald’s or Burger King or Taco Bell…

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】…In-n-Out, whatever. Um…

【Chris】Why do you think we choose to go to those places and not go to the grocery store?

【Christian】They’re so convenient.

【Chris】Uh huh.

【Christian】Like, it’s already prepared. Uh, you’re getting a good value for the money you’re spending, and it’s on the go. Like, you can get this any time. Um, and just the—just the fact that it’s so convenient.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】That’s the biggest thing. Like, as Americans, we’re—we’re always on the move.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】We’re always—have work, or whatever. And like, a lot of people that I talk to I know just don’t cook. You know, they don’t have time or they don’t want to. And…

【Chris】So you, maybe we work really hard, or…?

【Christian】Well I think…yeah. We work really hard, um but also, like, just the fact that it’s so convenient, you know?

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】That no one has to cook it for you.

【Chris】So easy…

【Christian】It’s so easy. And the fact that making a healthy meal and preparing it, all that, takes a lot of effort

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】Compared to just going out and buying whatever’s available.

【Chris】Mm hm.

【Christian】I think that’s probably one of the biggest reasons in my opinion.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Why does Chris think obesity remains a problem in the U.S. despite the change in dietary guidelines?
  2. Why does Christian feel Americans so often choose fast food over cooking and preparing their own meals?
  3. What fact about most Americans’ lives do Chris and Christian feel contributes to the American tendency towards fast food?



  1. He feels that people are becoming less physically active than in the past.
  2. Christian thinks the convenience of fast food causes many Americans to choose it over cooking their own meals.
  3. Both feel Americans’ busy work lives incline them towards convenient food choices like fast food.



Chris and Christian discuss America’s longstanding problem with obesity. They speculate the causes of obesity in the US and why measures to solve the problem have been unsuccessful.

Chris mentions that dietary guidelines in the US were changed in response to the rise in obesity that started in the 1980s. However, despite these changes, Chris feels obesity remains a problem because many Americans are less physically active than in the past.

Christian believes the environment of easily-accessible fast food in the US has contributed to the obesity epidemic. The sheer convenience of fast food over taking time and effort to prepare one’s own meals makes fast food attractive to many Americans.

Both Christian and Chris believe that the busy work lives of Americans make them more likely to choose fast food over their own cooking. Christian even knows many people in his own life who simply don’t cook themselves.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Flawed (欠点のある)


  • 逆に、「完璧な」はflawlessと言います。
  • Our health care system is flawed and needs to be fixed.
  • We are human and we all have flaws. You have to embrace your imperfections.
  • That was a flawless performance.

2) Epidemic (流行病)


  • ちなみに、複数の国をまたぐ世界規模の流行病はpandemicと言い、HIVやAIDSなどがその例です。
  • Japan has been hit hard by the coronavirus epidemic.
  • The Tokyo marathon is cancelled for non-elite runners due to the coronavirus epidemic.
  • The coronavirus outbreak may be on the brink of becoming a global pandemic.

3) Block([市街地の]区画)

Blockは、通りに囲まれた「区画」や「ブロック」を表します。道案内をする時や距離を表す時によく使われ、例えば「ここから1ブロック離れている」は「It’s one block away.」と言います。

  • I used to live on that block. That’s the neighborhood that I grew up in.
  • McDonald’s is three blocks away. Go down this street and it’ll be on your right.
  • It’s only a block away. Let’s just walk.

4) Good value for the money(コスパがいい)

Good value for the moneyは「値段に見合った価値がある」、つまり「コスパが良い」に相当する表現です。Goodの代わりにgreatやbestを使うと、コスパの良さがより強調されます。

  • You should get this. It’s good value for the money.
  • I highly recommend that service. It’s great value for the money.
  • I wouldn’t waste my money on that product. It’s terrible value for the money.

5) On the move(じっとしていない)

On the moveは常に動き回っていて、じっとしてない様子を表す表現です。東京やニューヨークのような大都会で絶えず人が行き交う様子や、出張や旅行で各地を飛び回っている様子を指して使われます。

  • On the moveの代わりに、今日の会話で出てきたon the goを使うこともできます。
  • I feel like people in Tokyo are always on the move.
  • She’s on the move again. She’s leaving for San Francisco tonight.
  • I’ve been on the move all day today. I didn’t even have time to eat lunch.



  • Obesity・・・肥満
  • Carbohydrate・・・炭水化物
  • Grocery store・・・スーパー


  • Follow guidelines・・・ガイドラインに従う
  • It’s on the go・・・テイクアウトできる
  • Takes a lot of effort・・・準備するのが大変



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. R より:


    Questions of the dayの3番の英語文についての質問なんですが、feelとcontributesの2つの動詞が続いていて上手く訳せないのですが、この分はどのような文法構造になっているのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      これは 「疑問詞+ do you think +動詞」の形式と同じです。例えば、”Who bought this?(これは誰が買ったのですか?)” を “Who do you think bought this?(これは誰が買ったと思いますか?)”のように、”do you think”は「〜だと思いますか?」の役割を果たします。Feelの場合は、「〜いると感じますか?」を表します。 

  2. Kae より:

    質問なのですが、On the go を持ち帰りできるとありましたが、to go との違いはなんでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます!レストランで「お持ち帰りする」は基本、”to-go” や “take-out”が使われます。”eat on the go”は「お持ち帰り」というか、移動しながら食べることを意味します👍

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