
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.12.20





【Kai】So here’s a question. Do you believe “book smarts” are more important, or “street smarts?”

【Deanna】I have a very strong opinion about this.


【Deanna】And I think that…what do you think it is?

【Kai】No, I say, “Tell us.” (laughs)

【Deanna】Okay. Um, I think being “street smart” is way more important, because I feel like anyone can be “book smart.” Like, you can learn your way through school. You can study really hard. But “street smart” is kind of, like an innate thing…


【Deanna】…and you kinda (kind of) just, like…I feel like you’re born with it, and also, if you’re street smart, you can, like maneuver your way through any situation.


【Deanna】I feel. That’s what I think. How ‘bout (about) you?

【Kai】If you had asked me while I was in school, I—I would have told you “book smart…”

【Deanna】“Book smart?” Mm hm.

【Kai】…was more important. But being out of school, and like, living in the real world.


【Kai】Like, you know, you come to realize that “street smart” is definitely an important trait to have.


【Kai】But I also—like, you were talking about it being innate. I also think it’s environmental.

【Deanna】Oh, right. Mm hm.

【Kai】So I think that the environment you’re in can shape your street smarts. So it is innate, but it can also develop.

【Deanna】That’s true, that’s true.


【Deanna】And I guess with “book smart” too, you can…no, you can’t be—you can’t have an innate, like “book…”

【Kai】I don’t know about “book smarts” though. I mean, I have friends who are very street smart and they didn’t have any book smarts. I’ve had friends who had a lot of book smarts…

【Deanna】Uh huh.

【Kai】…and, like, little street smarts, and I’ve had friends who’ve had both of it. So…

【Deanna】I see, I see. So maybe both are important to you?

【Kai】Oh, definitely both are important.


【Kai】But, the older I get, I feel like—and you had said it earlier too. Like, with street smarts you can maneuver…

【Deanna】Yeah. Mm hm, mm hm.

【Kai】…your way through life.

【Deanna】And I feel like there are so many things we haven’t learned in school. Like, I mean…


【Deanna】…paying your taxes…

【Kai】Right, right, right.

【Deanna】…um, learning about your mortgage and stuff. (laughs) So these are things that, like, you kind of just learn by doing on your own.

【Kai】I agree.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Which type of “smarts” does Deanna value more: “book smarts” or “street smarts?”
  2. Which type of “smarts” does Deanna believe to be innate to a person?
  3. Does Kai value “street smarts,” “book smarts,” or both?



  1. Deanna thinks “street smarts” are far more important than “book smarts.”
  2. Deanna believes “street smarts” are an innate trait in people.
  3. Kai values both, but admits that now that he is out of school, street smarts are increasingly important to him.



Deanna and Kai discuss two different types of “smarts” in this episode: “street smarts” and “book smarts.” The two share which of these two they value more, and why.

Deanna strongly values street smarts over book smarts. For her, book smarts are easily acquired through school and study, but street smarts are an innate quality that people are more or less born with. Additionally, she believes street smarts are useful for navigating life’s many challenges.

Kai says that if he were asked the question while he was in school, he would have answered that he valued book smarts more than street smarts. However, now that he has left school, he places increasing value on street smarts.

Kai still values both types of “smarts,” and has seen friends who were varying combinations of either or both. Both agree though that street smarts are important to maneuver through life, and that there are important life skills that are not learned in school, but rather through doing them oneself.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Book smart / Street smart(勉強ができる頭の良さ・生きていくための頭の良さ)

Book smartは「学校や試験の成績が良い人」や「書物などから得た知識が豊富で頭が良い人」を指す表現で、「勉強はできるが一般常識が欠けている」というニュアンスが含まれます。対してstreet smartは、「学校での勉強はいまいちだが実生活で役立つ知識や知恵のある頭の良い人」を指す表現です。

  • Do you consider yourself book smart or street smart?
  • He is book smart but not street smart.
  • She is book smart, street smart and on top of that, she has a great personality.

2) Innate (生まれつきの)

Innateは、芸術や音楽の才能、コミュニケーション力やユーモアのセンスなどが「生まれ持った」ものであることを表す単語です。今日の会話に出てきた表現born withはinnateと同じ意味ですが、より口語的な表現です。

  • She has an innate ability to learn foreign languages.
  • He has an innate sense of rhythm.
  • Do you think leadership is learned or innate?

3) Come to realize(〜に気づくようになる)

Come to ____で「~するようになる」ことを表すことから、come to realizeは当初気づかなかったことに徐々に気づくことを表します。例えば、学生時代は英語の重要性が分からなかったが大人になるにつれてその重要性に気づくようになった、といった状況で使うことができます。通常has/have come to ____の形をとり、I have come to like ____(〜が徐々に好きになった)、I have come to appreciate ____(〜に感謝するようになった)のように、come toの後に動詞を加えます。

  • Over the years, I’ve come to realize the importance of speaking English.
  • I’ve come to like this city. It’s definitely growing on me.
  • Once I became a parent, I’ve come to appreciate my parents.

4) Shape(形にする)


  • Teachers play a significant role in shaping the minds of the kids.
  • Our family and environment we grow up in shape the way we see things.
  • Mass media and advertisements shape the public opinion.

5) Do on one’s own(自分でやる)

Do on one’s ownは「人の手助けなしに自力でやる」ことを表す表現です。By oneselfも同じような意味ですが、この表現には物理的に誰も一緒にいない意味合いが含まれます。例えば、「I’m studying English by myself.」は1人で英語を勉強していることを表し、「I’m studying English on my own.」は、他のものには頼らず独学で英語を勉強していることを表します。

  • I can do it on my own. I appreciate your offer though.
  • I learned English on my own. I just watched a lot of movies and YouTube videos.
  • I’m bad at asking for help. I tend to do things on my own.



  • Maneuver・・・立ち回れる
  • Trait・・・特性
  • Environmental・・・環境的な
  • Mortgage・・・住宅ローン


  • Have a strong opinion about・・・〜には揺るぎない意見がある
  • Born with・・・生まれ持つ
  • Out of school・・・学校を卒業する



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. Mai より:

    4, Shape の例文の 〜において、〜によってという英文で “in”が使われていますが、 辞書では by 動詞+ing と見ました。
    どちらでも正解ですか? 前置詞の使い方が苦手です…

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。おそらく、shape by 動詞ingの形式だと思いますが、その場合受動態になります。どちらを使ってもOKです!

  2. magenta より:

    Hi Jun-san, Happy New Year! Hope your 2020 will be splendid!

    >”Do you consider yourself book smart or street smart?”
    Would it be wrong if I say “A book/street smart?” If it’s wrong, is it very wrong or sort of okay wrong? 🙂

    Thanks so much!

    • Jun より:


      Happy New Year to you too! In that case, it’s best to respond, “I consider myself book/street smart.”

      • magenta より:

        Thanks for your reply, Jun-san! I’m sorry I wasn’t clear. I was asking if it is okay to put “a” in front of book/street smart.

        • Jun より:

          Hi Magenta,

          Ah, got you! “a” is not used before book/street smart. For example, you’d say “She’s book/street smart.” Not “She’s a book/street smart.”

  3. magenta より:

    Jun-san, Got it! 🙂 Thanks again!

  4. だいご より:


    No, I say, “Tell us.” (laughs)
    の部分なのですが、tell me でなく tell us になっている理由を教えて頂きたいです!

    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。ここはおそらく、Podcastの視聴者のことも考えて「Tell us.(私たちに教えて)」と言ったのだと思います。

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