
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.11.01





【Athrylis】When it comes to apologizing, do you think that, um…there are times when it’s more appropriate to apologize or times when it’s okay to not apologize? How often do you apologize?

【Lawrence】I never apologize.

【Athrylis】What, really?

【Lawrence】(laughs) No. Um…

【Athrylis】(laughs) I was worried there for a second.


【Athrylis】I was like, “Not one of those.”

【Lawrence】Oh, one of those. Yeah.

【Athrylis】One of those.

【Lawrence】One of those. Yeah, um, I think for me I, um…for me I think apology—apologizing—there are kind of two different levels of it.

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】There are some when you are sorry for something you did.

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】And another one is kind of to make the other person happy, someone who at the very least they feel that…

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】…something bad happened to them. Kind of like the situation where, um…you’re sorry that you hurt their feelings but not sorry for what you said.

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】‘Cause (because) maybe you might agree with what you said. You might think you said the right thing, so you don’t apologize for what you said but…

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】…because the other person took it as…bad way, or quote-unquote “bad way…”

【Athrylis】Yeah, then you do still feel bad that you hurt them, right?

【Lawrence】It’s kind of—kind of a sorry/not sorry situation where…

【Athrylis】Mm hm.

【Lawrence】Are there some things that you won’t apologize for?

【Athrylis】Um…hm…(laughs) well, uh…I guess there are. Like, if—I—I had a situation once with a coworker who said, “You shouldn’t have said what you said because it made me feel bad.”

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】And I guess she wanted me to, you know, take it back.

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】But I told her, “Okay, but what I said still needed to be said…”

【Lawrence】Mm hm.

【Athrylis】“…because what you were doing was wrong, so I’m not sorry that I said it.”

【Lawrence】So, sorry/not sorry?

【Athrylis】Yeah, sorry/not sorry and I’m like, “I am sorry that you were hurt by that because I wasn’t trying to say it as an attack on you. But I can’t apologize for saying what I think was the right thing to say.”

【Lawrence】So do you think that that would count as a quote-unquote “apology?”

【Athrylis】Um…it wasn’t the apology she wanted.


【Athrylis】But, I…I don’t generally want to apologize dishonestly because I don’t think that that counts.


【Athrylis】It doesn’t count anyway if you’re apologizing and you’re just saying, “Well, I’m sorry.” Even if I said, “Oh, I’m sorry that you felt that way.” That’s not a real apology because that’s not apologizing for my action.


【Athrylis】That’s apologizing for her perception, which is not something I have the power to apologize for.

【Lawrence】Mm hm.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What two varieties does Lawrence divide apologies into?
  2. Who did Athrylis defend her words to through a sorry/not sorry approach in her story?
  3. What aspects of other people does Athrylis say she doesn’t have the power to apologize for?



  1. He divides them into apologies for things one did and apologies to make others feel better.
  2. She was defending her words to a coworker by apologizing for making her feel bad but defending the merits of her own words.
  3. Athrylis believes she cannot apologize for the perceptions of other people.



In this episode, Lawrence and Athrylis discuss apologies and the act of apologizing to others. Lawrence begins with a joke that he never apologizes for anything, to which Athrylis responds with the hope that Lawrence is not “one of those” who apologizes for nothing.

Lawrence divides apologizing into two levels. He believes there are apologies for things one has done, and apologies to make other people feel better or happier.

Athrylis described a situation from her own life in which she made a statement to a coworker that the coworker demanded an apology from her for. Athrylis told her coworker that she was sorry she made her coworker feel bad, because that was not her original intention.

However, in her story, Athrylis stood by her statements to her coworker. Athrylis believes she should never have to apologize for another person’s perceptions of her own words, a thing Athrylis believes she is powerless to apologize for anyway.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) For a second (一瞬)

For a secondは直訳すると「1秒間」ですが、日常会話では「一瞬」や「ちょっと」という意味で使われ、for a momentと意味と使い方は同じです。アスリリスが会話の中で言った「I was worried there for a second.」は「一瞬、心配した」という意味になります。

  • 日常会話では、for a secondをfor a secと略すことも一般的です。
  • Can you hang on for a second?
  • I thought I got on the wrong train for a second.
  • Do you think you can be quiet for a sec? My boss is calling me.

2) Hurt someone’s feelings(人の気持ちを傷つける)

ウソをついたり、ひどいことを言ったり、裏切り行為をしたりして人の気持ちを傷つけることをhurt someone’s feelingsと言います。Hurtは心と体、両方の痛みに対して使うことができ、人を悲しませるニュアンスがあります。

  • I’m sorry if I hurt your feelings.
  • I shouldn’t have said that. I didn’t mean to hurt your feelings.
  • You were way out of line. You really hurt her feelings.

3) Take(〜と受け取る)

Takeは物理的に何かを「取る」場合によく使われる動詞ですが、「〜だと解釈する」、「〜と受け取る」という意味でも使われます。例えば、相手の発言を個人攻撃ととらえる場合は、take it personally、逆に褒め言葉として受け取る場合は、take it as a complimentと言います。

  • Don’t take it personally. This is just business.
  • I asked her out to dinner and she said maybe. Should I take that as a no?
  • I have a baby face? I guess I’ll take that as a compliment.

4) Sorry not sorry(悪いけど謝らない)

Sorry not sorryは、「悪いけど謝らない」という意味で、最近SNSなどでよく使われている表現の1つです。相手の希望に応じられず申し訳ないと思いつつも、人にどう思われようと自分が悪かったとは思わない、気にしないニュアンスがあります。例えば、後輩を叱責して泣かせてしまったとします。言いすぎたことは反省しつつも、言ったことそのものは悪いと思っていない。このような状況で、sorry not sorryが使われます。

  • 但し、実際会話ではあまり口にしない表現で、基本ツイッターやインスタなどSNSのハッシュタグでよく使われます。SNSでは軽めのシチュエーションでsorry not sorryが使われることが多いです。
  • Did I hurt his feelings? I was just being honest. Sorry not sorry.
  • He’s upset because I turned down his offer? I just don’t have the time right now. Sorry not sorry.
  • I just ate an entire pizza to myself. Sorry not sorry.

5) Take back(撤回する)

Take backは発言を撤回することを意味します。特に、失礼なことやひどいことを言ってしまった後で、「I’m sorry. I take that back.(言ったことを取り消します)」と言います。

  • I’m sorry I said that it was your fault. I take that back.
  • That was rude and offensive. Take back what you said.
  • Be careful with your words. You can’t take back words you’ve already said.



  • Appropriate・・・適した、適切な
  • Count・・・〜と見なす
  • Perception・・・感じ方・受け止め方


  • Make someone feel bad・・・人を不快にさせる
  • Attack on someone・・・人を攻撃する



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. 大島 より:

    いつも楽しく拝聴させていただいています。Junさんのおかげで楽しく英語学習が続けられてます。話は変わりますが会話の中で「as」がうまく使いこなせません。ぜひ今度「as」の使い方について解説していただけると助かります。といっても用法はたくさんあると思うので、一般的なものではなく、他サービスでは取り上げていないような少し変わった用法のものをPick upして解説していただきたいです。例えば”purely as I’ve never heard of it, so I think that must be the one.”まあ意味はなんとなく分かるのですが、使いこなせる気がしません。長々と失礼しました。今後のご活躍を期待しております。

    • Jun より:


      いつもHapa英会話で学習していただき、ありがとうございます。as の使い方は確かにややこしいですよね。いつか asの使い方についての記事/動画を作ってみます。 Thanks for the suggestion!

  2. Anri より:

    This episode is really interesting for me. I’m living in Europe but I still can’t stop saying “Sorry” sometime. Everyone says “Don’t say sorry” or “no no no!” after i say sorry. I guess It’s like almost conditioned reflex for Japanese ppl.. so i wanna stop it!

    The example of “愛してるよ” and “sorry” was very understandable.

    Do you know how to say bit more “casual sorry” in English? Or might i need to change my way of thinking and won’t use sorry as much as I can? hmm

    Anyway thank you so much for the episode! super beneficial!

    • Jun より:


      I’m just like you. I tend to say “sorry” more than I should. “Excuse me” might be a good alternative but when you’re speaking English, it’s probably best trying to change your mindset 😉

  3. みゆ より:


    So do you think that that would count as a quote-unquote “apology?”
    のa quote-unquoteの意味はなんでしょうか?

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。いつも Podcastで学習していただき、ありがとうございます。来年カナダに行くんですね。How exciting!

      まず、quote-unquoteは日本語の「いわゆる」を意味する表現で、その和訳は「それって、いわゆる「謝罪」になると思う?」を意味します。quote-unquoteの意味と使い方はこちらの記事を参考にしてください → http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=10847

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