
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.08.23





【Jason】So Christian, what is your opinion on changing jobs?

【Christian】Um, well I think it’s actually interesting because our—our culture, uh like millennials specifically…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】 …change jobs a lot.


【Christian】And I’ve heard that, um…they change jobs frequently. That’s, like kind of a new thing, ‘cause (because) maybe, uh in the past, uh our older generation would stick to one job…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…or, like have long—one job like, for, you know, several—several long years. And um, nowadays I think people are just changing jobs left and right.

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】Which is really interesting. I don’t know if that’s…I think it has its positives and negatives.

【Jason】Mm hm, yeah.

【Christian】Um, because first of all I think we live in this new generation where a lot of people don’t know what the heck they’re doing.

【Jason】Yes. That I agree with, yes.

【Christian】Yeah, and um, you know, we never got like…I think we’re inadequately prepared for the business side of…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…you know, um the world. The business side of the world. And a lot of people—a lot of my friends, uh like, that I know, like are still, you know, figuring out what they’re doing…


【Christian】…uh, what they’re gonna (going to) do, and um, you know, like…I think also with technology…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】…being the way it is, like, you can go on Indeed, Craigslist, um…




【Christian】You can get jobs almost anywhere, and…

【Jason】Mm hm.

【Christian】One resume can go through all of them.


【Christian】So it’s distributed everywhere, and like…it’s pretty—I think it’s easier now to get a job.

【Jason】Yeah, I definitely agree with that, ‘cause (because) right now, I’m on my fifth or sixth full time job since graduating high school and that was little more than ten years ago, so maybe about every year and a half to two years, I jump to a new job.

【Christian】Yeah, exactly. I—I’m very similar in that way and um…it’s—it’s very strange. You know, and like I know back, you know, in probably the past it was like, after college you go to this career and then you stick with it.

【Jason】Yup, that was the promise.

【Christian】Yeah, that was the promise, right?

【Jason】You go to college, you get a job, and you stick with that job forever. Unfortunately that’s not how it works anymore because nobody is retiring either.

【Christian】Exactly, yeah.

【Jason】So, like our parents’ generation, they’re still working.


【Jason】You know? And then, you know, we—we grew up with that promise: you go to college and you get a great-paying job. Well, I went to college. Where’s my great-paying job? Kind of thing.

【Christian】It’s like the great American lie, it’s like. (laughs)

【Jason】Exactly, exactly.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Christian believe generations before millennials experienced their careers?
  2. What job-searching websites do Christian and Jason mention in this episode?
  3. What was the “promise” Christian and Jason spoke of at the end of the episode?



  1. Christian thinks it was more common for those in older generations to enter full-time work after attending college, and more common for people to stick with one job or career path for most of their lives.
  2. They mention Indeed, Craigslist, and Monster as websites through which a person can explore job opportunities.
  3. They both speak of the “promise” in American culture that if someone attends and graduates from college, they will earn a high-paying job.



In this episode, Jason and Christian talk about changing jobs in American work culture. Christian believes it is more common nowadays for younger people, especially millennials, to switch jobs often rather than stick with one job for most of their professional lives.

Christian thinks older generations often graduated from college and transitioned into jobs that they would stay at for most of their careers. He believes the younger generations however are less prepared for professional life than the older.

Both Jason and Christian change their full-time jobs roughly every one or two years. Both mention job-searching websites like Indeed, Craigslist, and Monster, as websites through which a person can search for new jobs, and how this has contributed to a culture of frequent job-shifting.

Jason speaks of a “promise” within American culture: the promise that once a person graduates from college, they will enter good, high-paying jobs. But Christian and Jason’s life experiences contrast with this promise, leading them to refer to it not as a promise but as the “great American lie.”


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Millennial (ミレニアル世代)


  • I was born in the 1980s so technically speaking; I’m considered a millennial.
  • Do you find it hard to work with millennials?
  • Millennials are known for making work-life balance a high priority.

2) Stick to(〜から離れない)


  • Stick withの形をとることもありますが、意味はstick toと同じです。
  • Let’s stick to the original plan.
  • Don’t give up now. Just stick with it and the results will follow.
  • If you want to lose weight, you have to stick to this diet.

3) Left and right(あちこちに、次々に)

Left and rightを直訳すると、「左と右」ですが、これは「あちこちに」や「次々に」という意味の口語表現です。至る所にコンビニがあったり、次々に注文が入ってきたり、お金をたくさん使うという意味でも使われます。

  • 同じ意味ですが、right and leftと言う人もいます。
  • Ramen shops are opening up left and right in LA.
  • It was a hectic day today. We were getting orders left and right.
  • I’ve been spending money left and right these days.

4) What the heck(何なんだ?)

What the heckは、驚きや怒り、困惑などを示す時に使われる表現です。「What the heck is going on?(一体何が起きてるんだ?)」、「What the heck is that?(あれは一体何だ?)」のように、heckを加えることによって驚きや怒り、困惑の気持ちが強調されます。

  • What the heck? Why did you do that?
  • What the heck is going on? Why did the train suddenly stop?
  • What the heck is that on your shirt? Is that a centipede?

5) Inadequate(不十分な)

Inadequateはnot enoughを一言で表す単語で、「不十分な」や「不適切な」という意味です。情報や準備が不十分であったり、自分の無力さや不適格さを感じる時に使われます。

  • ちなみに、inadequateの副詞はinadequatelyで、意味は「不十分に」となります。
  • I’m not sure what we were supposed to do. We were given inadequate information.
  • Working with him makes me feel inadequate.
  • I was inadequately prepared for that presentation.



  • Nowadays・・・最近は
  • Distribute・・・ばらまく


  • A new thing・・・新しいこと
  • Positives and negatives・・・良し悪し
  • First of all・・・まず第一に
  • Figure out・・・模索する
  • Jump to a new job・・・転職する
  • That’s not how it works・・・そうはいかない



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. SEIJI より:


    Unfortunately that’s not how it works anymore because nobody is retiring either.
    普段使うeither A or B 的なかんじではないようですし、、、、


    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもコメントありがとうございます。ここの either は 「それの加えて」のような意味を持ちます。今は昔のような働き方ではないことをジェイソンが説明をし、それに加えて、今は誰も退職をしないと言っています。「働き方が変わった、プラス今は誰も退職しない」のような意味合いです。

  2. AYA より:

    ひとつ質問があるのですが、we live in this new generation where a lot of people don’t know what the heck they’re doing. とはどういう意味なのでしょうか?

    • Jun より:



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