
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.03.29





【Clayton】So the age-old question. Uh, can money buy happiness?

【Deanna】Well, I think money can buy happiness to an extent.

【Clayton】To an extent? Okay.

【Deanna】To an extent.


【Deanna】As in, I think one needs to be stable


【Deanna】…have a steady income, something that they’re passionate about and be able to keep food on the table.


【Deanna】But it doesn’t necessarily buy happiness.

【Clayton】I see, I see.

【Deanna】What do you think?

【Clayton】Uh, well I think that money, uh does buy happiness also to an extent.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】Um…there’s like, kind of a fulcrum point where it starts to tip in the other direction.

【Deanna】Right. Mm hm.

【Clayton】Um, luckily I actually have statistics on this.

【Deanna】Wow. (laughs) Tell me more.

【Clayton】Uh, people who, uh make up to I think about $120,000 a year report happiness levels rise, basically.


【Clayton】And after $120,000 a year, happiness levels begin to fall, actually.


【Clayton】Or at—at least level out for a while and then fall. Um, so people, um…it seems like having too much money can’t buy any more happiness.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】You can buy happiness up until the point where you’re stable.

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】You have, like, you know, kind of living the American Dream. You have a family. You got, you know…


【Clayton】…all that. But then, I think after that point, it becomes more of a hassle.


【Clayton】You have to spend so much time thinking about what you do with your money…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】…like how you’re going to invest it and what’re you gonna (going to) like, uh…which kids do you leave it to, which kids you don’t leave it to, blah blah blah.

【Deanna】That’s true.

【Clayton】Yeah, it becomes kind of like, a headache, I think.

【Deanna】Yeah. I think it depends on what you spend it on too.


【Deanna】Are you spending it on experiences…


【Deanna】Are you spending it on material goods?

【Clayton】Yeah, exactly.

【Deanna】Just…are you just a consumer?


【Deanna】Or are you gonna actually spend it on like, time with your family?

【Clayton】Plus, I think there’s, like only so much, like so much happiness you can get from money, right?


【Clayton】There’s, like a max, like…

【Deanna】Mm hm.

【Clayton】But that’s not to say that I don’t want to be rich someday. (laughs) I’d probably want it.


【Clayton】If I hit the lottery I won’t…I’ll—I’ll keep the money. (laughs)

【Deanna】I know. (laughs) Me too.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Deanna and Clayton have similar thoughts on whether or not money can buy happiness. What are their opinions?
  2. According to Clayton’s statistics, at what income level does reported happiness begin to decline or level out?
  3. What does Clayton think happens when someone makes too much money?



  1. They both believe money can only buy happiness up to an extent.
  2. Up to the $120,000 per year income mark, reported happiness increases. Beyond that, it begins to level out and decline.
  3. Clayton thinks people who make too much money have new problems, such as how to spend the extra money and who among that person’s children to leave the money to.



Deanna and Clayton discuss whether or not money can really buy a person happiness. Deanna believes that it can, but only up to a certain point.

Deanna believes it is important for a person to have financial security and a stable job one is passionate about. But money doesn’t necessarily buy happiness in her view.

Clayton also agrees that money can buy happiness only to an extent. He cites a statistic that says reported happiness of an individual increases up to the $120,000 income per year mark, after which the trend begins to level out.

Clayton thinks that making too much money can present problems, such as how to spend the money or to whom in the family to leave the money. But Clayton still would enjoy being rich himself, and Deanna agrees.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Age-old(昔から〜)

Age-oldは「昔からの〜」や「昔ながらの〜」に相当する表現です。「昔ながらの疑問」は age-old question、「昔からの習慣」はage-old custom、「昔からある問題」はage-old problemと言い、昔からずっと存在していることを強調する時に使われます。

  • It’s the age-old question. Which came first, the chicken or the egg?
  • This is an age-old family custom that’s been passed down for generations.
  • Poverty is an age-old problem we still have no answer to.

2) To an extent(ある程度)

To an extentは「ある程度」を意味する表現で、「ある程度正しい」や「ある程度は同意できる」と言う場合によく使われます。

  • To some extentやto a certain extentとも言います。
  • If you hit the books, your English will improve to an extent but you still have to speak it.
  • I agree with what you’re saying to a certain extent.
  • Cutting carbs will help you lose weight to some extent. Is that really healthy though?

3) Stable(安定した)


  • 逆に「不安定な」はunstableと言います。
  • I want to have a stable career before I get married.
  • Do you prefer living a stable or an adventurous life?
  • You should get a new TV stand. That looks pretty unstable.

4) Keep food on the table(生計を立てる)

Keep food on the tableは直訳すると「テーブルの上に食べ物を置く」となり、「家族を養い食べさせていく」こと、つまり「生計を立てる」ことを意味する比喩表現です。一般的には、put food on the tableと言います。

  • I‘m doing my best to keep food on the table.
  • I’m working three jobs so I can put food on the table for my family.
  • You’ve got to do what you’ve got to do to put food on the table.

5) Hassle(面倒なこと)


  • Applying for a working visa is such a hassle.
  • Getting rid of oversized garbage in Japan is a hassle.
  • Just to give you a heads up, planning for a wedding is a big hassle.



  • Steady・・・安定した
  • Statistic・・・統計
  • Consumer・・・消費者


  • Fulcrum point・・・傾き始めるポイント
  • Level out・・・横ばい状態になる
  • Blah blah blah・・・あーだこーだ
  • Material goods・・・物
  • Hit the lottery・・・宝くじが当たる



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. bluemonday より:

    生計を立てるはmeke(earn)a livingしか使っていなかったので、今回覚えたput food on the tableをなるべくoutputして身につけたいとおもいました。いつも、丁寧な説明ありがとうございます。

  2. kaz より:

    answer 3
     who among that person’s children to leave the money to

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