
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.02.01





【Kai】I was getting into exercising…

【Kristen】Oh. (laughs)

【Kai】So they would, like come out with, like different generations of iPod…

【Kristen】Mm hm.

【Kai】And then I bought the iPod shuffle.

【Kristen】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Kai】Like, that was so helpful.


【Kai】It was, like this long white stick. (laughs)

【Kristen】(laughs) Yeah.

【Kai】Like the very first generation. It doesn’t look like that anymore.

【Kristen】Mm hm.

【Kai】Like, they’re very small, and like, square-like. But it was a long rectangle. And I would be like, “Oh my, this is so cool! I can, like exercise and it won’t skip.”


【Kai】And I can put as many music as like, it could hold.

【Kristen】Yeah. Yeah, that’s really good. Yeah. I think when I was really, really little, I started out with, like tapes. And it would be, like Sesame Street songs. So that was when I was, like a baby.

【Kai】Oh, you had tapes? (laughs)

【Kristen】Yeah, up until, like three years old, I think. Maybe. And then after, like I started getting CDs. And I think the first CDs I remember that I listened to all the time were Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys.

【Kai】Oh, yeah, yeah, yeah. Of course. Boy bands. (laughs)

【Kristen】I loved it. I—I think it—the Now That’s What I Call Music! Series. Do you remember that?

【Kai】Ah…no, I totally remember that.

【Kristen】Ooh, yeah.

【Kai】I think they’re at, like Number, like 80 now. (laughs)

【Kristen】Yeah, but back then it was, like 4 and 6…


【Kristen】…or something. So I would listen to those all the time.


【Kristen】And I would take out, like my little, like stereo thing…


【Kristen】…and like, dance in my front yard or something. And like, it was a lot of fun.

【Kai】Oh, that’s cute. (laughs)

【Kristen】Yeah. (laughs) And then I think, of course, like in and around maybe middle school was when, like the iPod started to pick up


【Kristen】…and everything. And I got, like the iPod nano.

【Kai】Oh, yeah, yeah.

【Kristen】And I had a pink one, and I’d put, like all my music on there, and it was like, I’d just blast it all the time. I’m surprised I can still hear with how loud I listened to my music all the time.

【Kai】That’s exactly how I feel too.

【Kristen】Right? (laughs)

【Kai】I would put my volume on, like max.

【Kristen】Okay, right? Yeah, yeah.

【Kai】And my mom could, like hear it. She was like, “You need to turn that down, now.”


【Kai】I’m like, “No, mom.”

【Kristen】(laughs) “No.” Yeah, that’s true. And I think around, uh middle school too I also started getting into, like J-pop, and everything.


【Kristen】So I started listening to, like um, Arashi and NEWS…like, those kinds of groups. (laughs)


【Kristen】But it’s really hard to get their music in America.

【Kai】Right, right.

【Kristen】So, like it’s really expensive to buy their CDs, and you have to, like go all over the internet to find anything on—you have to like, rip them off the radio on YouTube or something.

【Kai】Right, right.

【Kristen】And it’s bad quality, but I was like, “Yes!” And then, after I think I got into K-pop and everything. In like, high school, um college and like…so it’s like, really a big mix of things.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How did Kai describe the first generation of iPod shuffles?
    iPod shuffleの第1世代をカイはどのように説明しましたか?
  2. When Kristen started listening to CDs, which two bands did she prominently listen to at first?
  3. What other genres of music did Kristen become interested in later in life?



  1. He described them as long white sticks.
  2. When she first started listening to CDs, Kristen listened to Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys.
  3. She started listening to both J-pop and K-pop.



Kai and Kristen continue discussing the music they listened to in their youths. Kai opened by talking about the first generation of iPod shuffles.
カイとクリステンは子供の頃に聴いた音楽について議論を続けます。まずカイが、第1世代型のiPod shuffleについて話し始めます。

When Kai was younger, he bought an iPod shuffle, which he described as a long white stick, unlike the smaller versions of today. Kai enjoyed iPods because unlike CD players, they wouldn’t skip over the audio on the CD.
カイは昔、iPod shuffleを買いました。それは、現在のさらに小型化されたバージョンとは全く違う、長くて白いスティック型だったと彼は説明します。CDプレーヤーのように音が飛ばないので、カイはiPod shuffleが大変気に入っていました。

When Kristen was very young, she listened to tapes of Sesame Street music. When she grew older and began listening to CDs, among the artists she first listened to were Britney Spears and the Backstreet Boys.

Kristen began listening to J-pop in middle school, but found that it was difficult to obtain their music in the United States. She sometimes had to go to YouTube and rip the music from that site. Later in high school and college, Kristen began listening to K-pop as well.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) -like(〜のような)


  • Sometimes she talks in a childlike tone.
  • He took the day off today. He said he has flu-like symptoms.
  • I’m not sure what it was. It was a lizard-like creature.

2) Start out with(〜から始める)

Start out with…は「〜から始める」という意味の表現です。Start with…と意味は同じですが、start out withの方がより口語的な響きがあります。

  • Let’s start out with some stretching exercises.
  • I started out with NHK radio. Now I listen to the podcast.
  • I always start my day out with a cup of coffee.

3) Up until(〜まで)

Up untilは「〜まで」を表す表現です。Untilだけでも同じ意味ですが、up untilの方がより口語的なニュアンスがあります。

  • より強調したい場合は、right up untilのように、rightを加えましょう。
  • Up until three years ago, I couldn’t speak any English.
  • Everything was working perfectly fine up until now.
  • We were working right up until the deadline.

4) Pick up(普及する)

Pick upは状況に応じていろいろな意味を持つフレーズですが、今日の会話では、ビジネスが「軌道に乗る」、ファッションやトレンドが「普及する」という意味で使用されています。物事や状況がだんだんと好転したり勢いづいていくニュアンスがあります。

  • Credit cards and electronic money are finally starting to pick up in Japan.
  • I feel like the Japanese economy has been picking up lately.
  • Up until last month, business was really slow but it’s been picking up lately.

5) Blast(ガンガン〜する)


  • Our neighbor was blasting their music all night. It was so noisy.
  • Why is the AC on full blast? It’s freezing.
  • I used to blast music in my car when I was young.



  • Generation・・・世代
  • All the time・・・いつも
  • Front yard・・・庭


  • Getting into・・・〜にハマる・〜するようになる
  • Come out・・・〜がでる
  • Take out・・・〜を出す
  • Turn down・・・音量を下げる
  • Rip something・・・〜をコピーする



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ryuichi より:

    I hope RAMS win over Pats! I just watching All or Nothing season 2 on
    amzon prime video.RAMS suffering in
    couple of years and then they back to
    the Bowl.Gooooooo RAMS!!

    • Jun より:


      I hope so too!! That Super Bowl is tomorrow. I’ll be up early in the morning watching the game. I’m super excited. Go Rams!!

  2. K.A. より:


  3. SEIJI より:

    今回Phrase Of The Dayで、Start out with(〜から始める)出てきましたが、Start off with との違いは何でしょうか?

    • Jun より:

      Hey Seiji!

      Great question!実は、start offとstart outは両方とも同じ意味をもち、基本置き換えて使うことができます。今日の例文は全部、start off withにしてもOKです!

  4. POM より:

    I was like, “Yes!” などのような形の使い方です。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。likeはアメリカ人の日常会話でよく使われます。状況によりますが、”I was like …”は「私は〜のように思った」や「私は〜と言った」を意味します。以前、”I was like”の意味を解説する記事を書いたので、こちらのリンクをご覧ください。参考になると思います。http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=7919

  5. 渡辺彩子 より:


    So they would, like come out with, like different generations of iPod

    Like, that was so helpful.とか、
    I think they’re at, like Nunber,like 80 now.(これは何が略されているが分からず、訳をみないと理解出来ませんでした。)



    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。Hapa英会話で学習していただきありがとうございます。Wouldの解釈の仕方はそれで間違いないです。「当時は色々なモデルが出てた」を意味します。”Like that was so helpful” や “I think they’re at like number like 80 now” の like は特に深い意味はありません。pick upは「普及する」を意味するフレーズなので、文章の順番を整えると”I think iPods started to pick around middle school.(中学ごろにipodが普及し始めたと思う」になります。

      台本を一切使わないアメリカ人のリアルな会話をそのまま収録しているので、文法通りの文章でなかったり、話が脱線したり、または「like」のような、深い意味のない表現が多くあります。これも慣れが必要なので、一言一言に捉われず、会話の全体像も把握するようにするといいでしょう。ちなみに、日常会話での “like”の使い方は以前、記事にまとめましたので、参考までにこちらをご覧ください。


  6. Ryosuke より:


    Pick upの例文に関してですが、Credit cards and electronic money is…のセンテンス、主語が複数な訳ですからisではなくare になるのではないでしょうか?教えて下さい。

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもPodcastを聴いてくれてありがとうございます!GWにロスに行かれるんですね!That’s exciting!
      すみません、ここはご指摘通り、isではなくareです。修正しました。Thank you!

      Hope you have fun in LA 😎

  7. Yuki より:



    So they would, like come out with, like different generations of iPod…

    【Kristen】Mm hm.


    or something. So I would listen to those all the time.


    【Kristen】And I would take out, like my little, like stereo thing…





    • Jun より:


      いつもありがとうございます。wouldの使い方は色々ありますが、今回では主に、過去の習慣や出来事を表す意味として使われます。以前、wouldの活用法について記事を書いたので、よかった参考までにどうぞ〜 → http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=12755

  8. Masami Styles より:

    Hi Jun!

    It’s been a while !
    How have you been? I’ve been doing well 🙂
    When was the last time I left a comment?
    I forgot doing that :0

    Actually I went to B’z’s. concert excited!
    And saw them live.
    My place was standing room,but of cource it’s totally no problem:)

    I was so happy just to enter the venue.
    Do you know them?
    B’z is really legendary Japanese Rock band.
    I spent quarry time during the concert.
    It was dream like scenery and experience to me.
    I’ve been listening to Rock music lately, but I started out J pop music like ARASHI, KAT-TUN with listening to, but nowadays I listen to Rock music .
    It makes me want to do something active:)

    Up until I went to their concert, I didn’t know how incredible and impressive they are.
    I was blown away :0
    But this is my second time I’ve been to their concerts.
    Id say their music is still picking up more than ever before:)

    That’s really awesome!
    So when I’m at home, I blast their music !

    By the way, it’s been terrible muggy weather recently in my town 🙁

    So how about you living in LA ?
    I’ve sure LA is comfortable wheather all year round. I’m so jerous!

    Enjoy the rest of your week!
    Have a good one!

    • Jun より:

      Hey Masami!

      It’s been a while! Good to hear from you. It sounds like you had a great time at the B’z concert. Going to concerts and watching musicians perform live is always a great experience. Every time I go to concerts, I become a fan of that musician even more. It’s been a few months since moving back to LA. It took me a while, but I’m finally settled in. The weather in LA is amazing 😎 It’s a little hot but nothing compared to the humidity in Japan. Hope you survive the hot summer in Japan!

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