
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2019.01.25





【Kristen】So what kind of music did you listen to as a kid and how did you listen to it?

【Kai】Um growing up, it was usually music my parents played. So growing up in Hawaii, it was mostly Hawaiian music.


【Kai】Yeah, and then I would mostly listen to them in the car.


【Kai】So it’s—it was often the radio. I didn’t usually listen to any tapes or CDs like that. It was just the radio.


【Kai】And it was Hawaiian music, like constantly…

【Kristen】Yeah. (laughs)

【Kai】…Hawaiian music. And then, when I turned around maybe 11 or 12, like, that’s my—like, was formulating my own, like type of music, that I liked. And I would—I bought my first CD.


【Kai】Yeah, and it was Britney Spears. (laughs)

【Kristen】Yes! (laughs) I had that one too.

【Kai】 “Baby, hit me one more time,” and I remember being obsessed with it.

【Kristen】That was…I had the same one.


【Kristen】I had the same one. Oh my God, I loved Brittany. I was in kindergarten at that time, and I was just like, “Yes!”

【Kai】Right. So I was about in the sixth grade, and I remember, like listening to it over and over, and my mom had bought me a CD player…

【Kristen】Mm hm.

【Kai】…where you could, like listen to it on your earphone, and I would, like carry my CD player all over the place. But like, carrying it—would often skip.


【Kai】Like, the CD would skip…


【Kai】…and I’d be like, “Okay, I can’t move too much.” And I would, like stop moving. And I was like, “No, I need to start moving now.” And then, like…


【Kai】…and then, like I would start moving and, like—dancing to it, like in my room.

【Kristen】Yeah, oh my gosh, brings back memories. Definitely.

【Kai】And then after that, like I really didn’t get into music for a really long time.


【Kai】Um…whatever was playing on the radio, I would listen to. And then, probably by university time, that’s when I really was getting into music. And then it was already, like the iPod era.

【Kristen】Mm hm.

【Kai】And so I would often, like download music…

【Kristen】Yeah, yeah, yeah.

【Kai】…from, like the Apple Store.


【Kai】And just, like listen to music on my iPod.



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What type of music did Kai first listen to when growing up?
  2. Which artist did Kristen and Kai both say they enjoyed in their youths?
  3. At what point in Kai’s life did he start getting back into listening to music?



  1. He mostly listened to what his parents listened to, which back then was mostly Hawaiian music.
  2. Both enjoyed Britney Spears.
  3. After childhood, Kai didn’t really listen to music until he went to university.



Kai and Kristen discuss the kinds of music they listened to while growing up. For Kai, the first music he remembers listening to was mostly what his parents listened to.

As Kai grew up in Hawaii, most of the music he was exposed to at an early age was Hawaiian music. It wasn’t until he was roughly 11 or 12 years old that Kai began listening to his own music.

Both Kai and Kristen remember enjoying and growing up with the music of Britney Spears. Kai enjoyed listening to it on his portable CD player, but the tracks would occasionally skip when he started dancing.

Kai didn’t really return to music until he went to university. At that time, the iPod era had begun, and Kai was able to download songs off of the Apple Store to listen on his own.
カイはそれ以降、大学生になるまで音楽をあまり聴いていませんでした。その頃はiPodの時代になっていて、カイはアップルのiTunes Storeでダウンロードした音楽を自分のiPodで聴けるようになっていました。


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Mostly(ほとんどは)

Mostlyは、「大部分は」や「大抵は」という意味の副詞で、「I mostly listen to Hawaiian music.(大抵はハワイの音楽を聴く)」のように、量的に大多数を占める状況で使われます。

  • また、usuallyと同義で「いつもは」や「通常は」と頻度も示し、その場合は、usuallyより頻度が高いニュアンスがあります。
  • The participants at the event yesterday were mostly students.
  • I mostly study English in the train during my commute.
  • I’m mostly done with this book. I have one more chapter to go.

2) Obsessed with(〜にはまっている)

Obsessed withは直訳すると「~に取りつかれている」ですが、日常会話では、映画や本、俳優や歌手、音楽や食べ物など、何かに「ハマったり夢中になっている」ことを表す際によく使われます。I love…に置き換え可能な口語表現です。

  • When I was in high school, everyone was obsessed with boy bands.
  • Is there anything you are obsessed with these days?
  • I’m obsessed with this TV show right now. I can’t stop watching it! It’s so good!

3) Over and over(何度も)

同じ行為を何度も繰り返す時に使う表現がover and overです。Over and over againのように、最後にagainを加えることもあります。この表現は、繰り返される行為を強調する時に使われ、より強調する時は、over and over and overのようにoverをさらに重ねます。

  • He kept repeating the same thing over and over again.
  • She apologized over and over and over again.
  • It’s amazing how kids can watch the same movie over and over without getting tired of it.

4) All over the place(至る所に)

All over the placeは「至る所に」や「あちこち」を意味する表現です。「I traveled all over the place.」のように、「色々な所を旅した」という意味で使うこともあれば、「Everything is all over the place.」のように、「物があちこちに散らかっている」と、乱れた状態を表す時にも使うことができます。

  • その他、精神的な乱れや感情が不安定な状態を指して、my mind is all over the placeと表現することもあります。
  • I drove around all over the place today.
  • Why do you always leave your things all over the place?
  • I’m having a hard time focusing. My mind is all over the place.

5) Bring back memories (思い出が蘇る)

Bring back memoriesは、ある音楽を聴いて学生時代のことを思い出したり、ある写真を見て子供の頃の記憶が蘇るなど、日本語の「懐かしい」に相当する表現です。必ず複数形の “memories”が使われます。

  • I haven’t heard this song in years. This brings back memories.
  • Where did you find this picture? This brings back memories.
  • That story brings back a lot of good memories from our college days.



  • Tape・・・カセットテテープ
  • Formulate・・・〜を立てる(〜が分かる)
  • Kindergarten・・・幼稚園
  • Era・・・時代
  • Skip・・・飛ぶ


  • Turn ~ (years old)・・・〜歳になる
  • Get into music・・・音楽に夢中になる



  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. あいあい より:

    2:00の辺りで I could tell the cashier didn’t look ……何と言っているんでしょうか?

    • YOKO より:

      didn’t look too thrilled about having coins of flat surface of counterとかでしょうか。。。

    • Jun より:


      I could tell the cashier didn’t look too thrilled about having to pick up each coin off the flat surface of the counter. (店員さんが小銭を平らなカウンターから一つ一つ取らなければならず、嫌な顔をしていました。)です!

  2. さくら より:


    • Jun より:



  3. タロウ より:


    • Jun より:



  4. あいあい より:


  5. Mimizu より:

    Bring back memories を私に 彼になどを文に付ける場合はどこにどう付け加えたらいいですか?brings him back memories!!? Or his !?? Or to him ??

    • Jun より:



  6. Mimizu より:

    なるほど。ワンフレーズでこの表現を使う感じですね。例えば、この写真は彼を懐かしい思いにさせるだろうなぁ〜 と言いたい場合には、この表現は使えないのですか? またDon’t bring back memories とした場合は、懐かしく思わないで のような訳になりますか?

  7. chihiro より:


    • Jun より:



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