
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2018.03.16





【Brian】After how many dates do you know that your relationship is official?

【Elaina】So I don’t go by date. I go by, “You need to tell me.” (laughs)


【Elaina】I—I do not like mixed signals, I do not like beating around the bush. I hate all of that. You need to tell me exactly what you are thinking.


【Elaina】And I know so many women will ask that, uh, “Are we together? Are we together now? We’ve done stuff together,” or, “We’ve been on nine dates,” and…or, “He’s kissed me,” or, “He’s met the parents.” And personally, I don’t think you should be taking them home to the parents unless they are in a committed relationship, a very clear one.
Um, so yeah. I—I think it’s important for people to be very straight with that. Like, “Hey, guess what? We are boyfriend and girlfriend now.” (laughs)

【Brian】Okay, so, uh I guess to touch up on that, how would that conversation go? Like, what kind of confirmation? Do they just say, “Okay, we’re dating,” or is there…how would they say that?

【Elaina】I think it’s polite and just shows that you care about the person to ask. Like, whether it’s the man or the woman in all honesty. It’s like, “Hey, I really like you. I love spending time with you. We’ve been on several dates, and I want you to be my girlfriend,” or, “I want you to be my boyfriend.”

【Brian】Okay, so after a few dates, it’s still not clear that you are boyfriend and girlfriend? I guess, like…

【Elaina】Uh, in all honesty, in uh…


【Elaina】In today’s day and age, women date around a lot more than we used to. (laughs)

【Brian】Okay, okay.

【Elaina】So you don’t know if they’re—they are seeing Tom on Friday, and you on Saturday, and Phil Wednesdays, so.

【Brian】Oh, fair enough, fair enough. Yeah, that’s true.

【Elaina】If you want them to just see you, then… (laughs)

【Brian】Right, okay so there’s gotta (got to) be, like that confirmation. Like, uh, “I like you. Here’s my number. Here’s you know, here’s…you know, let’s meet up again and let’s keep this going,” kind of confirmation? Yeah.

【Elaina】Yeah or just, like saying…’cause (because) I think it’s popular for both men and women to, when they are in the dating scene, to date more than one person.


【Elaina】Unless they are clear, “I am going to commit myself to you.” So, no more of anyone else.

【Brian】Right. Mm hm, yeah, that’s interesting.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. For Elaina, how should two people who are dating decide that they’re officially boyfriend/girlfriend?
  2. For Elaina, what is a good time to take someone you are dating home to your parents?
  3. Why does Elaina think that honest, frank conversation with the other person is important for the establishment of a true relationship?



  1. Either the girl or the boy should simply tell the other how they feel, and that they want to be a couple.
  2. Elaina thinks you shouldn’t introduce someone to your parents until you’re officially a couple.
  3. She says today men and women often date multiple people at once, so if a person likes another enough, they should say so directly.



In this episode, Brian asks Elaina at what point do two people in a relationship go from simply dating one another to becoming a couple. For Elaina, it’s less about the number of dates the two people have had, and more about honest communication.

Elaina doesn’t like it when people “beat around the bush” and are shy about what they want. She prefers people speak their minds frankly.

She believes that if someone likes another person enough to become a couple, they should tell the other directly. Brian asked how such a conversation could begin, but Elaina insists that genuine, direct dialog with the other person is the best way to do this.
Elaina says part of the reason for her view is the culture of dating in today’s society. Men and women are often dating multiple people at any given time, and so if someone wants to be the only person another goes out with, they need to declare their interest honestly.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Go by (〜に基づいて行う・判断する)

Go byは、ある情報や出来事に基づいて判断や意見、または行動することを意味します。また、誰かの発言を信じたり受け入れたりして行動する意味合いもあります。

  • You’ve never made curry? Just go by the instructions on the box. It’s really easy.
  • I know things are different in your country but this is Japan. You have to go by our rules.
  • If I were you, I wouldn’t go by what he said. He’s pretty unreliable.

2) Mixed signal(曖昧な印象・メッセージ)

Mixedは「混ざった」、 signalは「信号」を意味することから、Mixed signalは、「はっきりしないメッセージ」を送ることを意味し、言動が一致しないために人を混乱させたり困らせる意味合いがあります。恋愛関係でよく耳にする表現ですが、友人関係や職場など、人間関係全般において使われます。

  • She keeps sending me mixed signals. I’m not sure if she likes me or not.
  • She’s giving you mixed signals? Maybe she’s just playing hard to get.
  • None of us are sure what’s happening with the company. We are getting mixed signals from the top.

3) Beat around the bush(遠回しな言い方をする)

Beat around the bushは、「遠回しな言い方や回りくどい話し方をする」ことを意味します。言いたくないことや話しづらいことについて、要点をできる限り避けて話す様子を表します。

  • Stop beating around the bush and get to the point.
  • Let’s not beat around the bush and just cut to the chase.
  • It drives me crazy when my coworkers beat around the bush.

4) Date around(いろいろな人とデートする)

真剣な付き合いを求めず、いろいろな人と気軽に付き合うことを date aroundと言います。最近のアメリカでは、真剣な交際をする前に date aroundする人も多くなってきているようです。基本的に、date aroundする人に対してマイナスな印象はありませんが、 date aroundしすぎると、当然、遊び人と見なされてしまいます。

  • I’m not looking for anything serious right now. I’m just dating around.
  • Do you think it’s important to date around before committing to a serious relationship?
  • He broke up with his girlfriend a few months ago and now he’s dating around.

5) Fair enough(納得して認める)

Fair enoughは直訳すると「十分に公平」ですが、日常会話では、「OKです」や「納得です」といった相づち表現として使われます。初めは相手の意図が理解できなかったり考えに納得していなかったが、妥当な説明を受けて納得したり一理あると認めたりする状況でfair enoughが使われます。

  • You were late this morning because the trains were stopped? Fair enough.
  • Fair enough. If that’s the case, I’ll extend your deadline to next Friday.
  • Fair enough. I see where you are coming from.



  • (Relationship is) official・・・正式に(付き合う)
  • Committed relationship・・・真剣に付き合う
  • Confirmation・・・確認


  • Straight with・・・はっきりさせる
  • Touch up on・・・それに関して言うと
  • In today’s day and age・・・現代では









  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. より:


    • Jun より:


  2. なおみ より:



    • Jun より:


      こんにちは。講師たちのレッスンを受講したことがあるんですね!トピックのご提案、ありがとうございます。今後も様々なトピックをPodcastで取り入れようと思っています、フィードバックはありがたいです。読み間違えてしまいました!日本語も難しいですね。しかし、これで今後は「こんにち」の言い方は忘れないでしょう。Thank you!

  3. あいこ より:


    一つ質問ですが、5の1番最初の「Fair enough」の「結構です」は、「結構です。(おかえりください。その言い訳は認めません)」の意味合いですか?それとも、「結構です。(納得しましたので、問題ありません)」の方でしょうか?それとも、その後の文脈によって、意味は異なってきますか?


    • Jun より:


      いつもHapa英会話で学習していただき、ありがとうございます。「Fair enough」は「納得しました、問題ありません」の「結構です」。日本語の「結構です」は文脈によって様々な意味があるので難しいですね。

  4. ちか より:

    私たちが英語を学んでいるようにこちらに登場するネイティブでも外国語を勉強している方がいると思います。過去に取り上げたトピックかもしれませんが、そういうネイティブの方たちがどのようにして外国語を学んでいるか教えて欲しいなと思います。また、先生たちの出身国や住んでいる市や町のユニークなイベント、習慣、海外旅行先での体験、先生たちが経験したアルバイト(part time job)などについても知りたいです

    • Jun より:



  5. マーさん より:

    Hapaさん、いつもhard work お疲れ様です!
    英語勉強、英会話でも凄く使えるものばっかりで好きなエピソードをover and over で聴いてます!ありがとうございます!!!
    最後のはぱさんの、感想で2:48 sighの後の英語なんと言ってますか?英文でタイプしてくれたらありがたいです!!凄く共感するところなので、ぜひ使いたいフレーズの1つです!教えてくださ〜い(^^)

    • Jun より:


      こんにちは!いつもpodcastを聴いてくれてありがとうございます!”sigh”の後の部分はこのセンテンスこのことでしょうか?”Dating as an adult can be quite complicated huh?” もし違っていたら、教えてください!

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メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


