
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2016.12.16





【Jeffrey】That kinda (kind of) brings me though to something I have heard about, um Americans even with smiling, and um, I’ve—I’ve heard, for example, if you wanna (want to) know what a Japanese person thinks about you, you read their eyes, but if you wanna know what an American thinks about you, you—you read their lips, because…

【Nick】Uh, yeah, I think I’ve read the exact same thing. Yeah.

【Jeffrey】Um, basically a Japanese person might absolutely abhor you, but he’s always gonna (going to) keep that same level of politeness…

【Nick】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】…and you might not even know that he completely hates you, but, um an American I think because we do show our emotions more…

【Nick】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】…we don’t—we don’t have…I think in a lot of ways we don’t have control over emotions

【Nick】Mm hm.

【Jeffrey】…so if I have a problem with you, you’re probably going to know it, even if we’re in a business situation…

【Nick】Oh, wow.

【Jeffrey】…um, so—so yeah. Americans are more willing to, uh, I think that’s—Americans are more willing to smile and so it’s easier to read, but Japanese people are more, I guess, enigmatic in that way.

【Nick】So here’s—here’s a question. Have you ever heard, um, that Southerners, you can’t tell if they hate you, or that they’re fake? ‘Cause (because) I’ve heard this a lot.

【Jeffrey】You can’t tell if Southerners hate you?

【Nick】Yeah, that no matter what happens, that a—a Southerner’s like, “Oh well bless your heart.” Hmm.

【Jeffrey】That’s ‘cause they have a gun. (laughs)

【Nick】(laughs) Oh, I love it. Yeah.

【Jeffrey】So you’re just not gonna…it’s—it’s easier to—it’s easier to feign politeness…


【Jeffrey】…when you might have a gun in your purse, or… (laughs)

【Nick】Yeah, that’s—that’s good. That’s good. We’re bringing it back. Yeah. Um, yeah…well, I—I actually have heard that, um also, and so you just sorta (sort of) reminded me with that—with that, with uh, you know, the smiling and everything, that, you know, even—even if we are angry, um you don’t show it. You like…


【Nick】…the whole “killing with kindness” kind of thing.

【Jeffrey】Uh huh.

【Nick】Yeah, yeah, so, you know, “Oh, I’m so sorry about that.” You know? But then, even if—even if you don’t mean that apology, you know, especially from the South, like, “Oh, I’m really sorry.”


【Nick】And then, we’ll just never talk to you ever again, just it’s over. It’s so, um…

【Jeffrey】Ah, okay.

【Nick】You know? Like—like, you…even, like, you know, if you do something against me, and I’m like, “Oh, uh, that—that’s awful.” And then you say, “Oh, Nick, I’m really sorry.” And I’m like, “No, it’s okay. Don’t worry about it.” And I’m like, “It’s not okay.”


【Nick】“I secretly hate you for the rest of your life.”


【Nick】I’m out.

【Jeffrey】We—we hug it out, but you’re holding a knife in your hand.

【Nick】(laughs) Yeah.


【Nick】Yeah, that’s—that’s…yeah, that’s…hmm…I mean I—I’m—not me, you know, I’m—I live here now. You can trust me.

【Jeffrey】Okay, sure. (laughs)



Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Jeffrey said if one wants to know what a Japanese person thinks of them, what should they look at?
  2. What does Jeffrey think Americans lack control over?
  3. What stereotype about Southerners in the United States did Nick mention?



  1. You can tell what a Japanese person thinks of you by looking at his/her eyes.
  2. He thinks Americans have more difficulty controlling their emotions.
  3. He said one stereotype is that you cannot tell if a Southerner hates you or not.



Jeffrey and Nick continued their discussion about apologies and politeness in this episode. Jeffrey said that to tell what a Japanese person thinks of you, look at their eyes, and to tell what an American thinks of you, look at their lips.

For Jeffrey, Americans are more expressive than Japanese, and tend to show their emotions more. He also thought Americans have poor control over their emotions.

Nick described a stereotype of Southerners in the United States. According to this stereotype, it is impossible to tell whether or not a Southerner hates you.

Nick described a few examples where a Southerner might feign kindness or politeness, even if they don’t mean it. Although they verbalize apologies, their feelings towards someone might be totally different than apologetic.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Read something(見抜く / 読み取る)


その他、周囲の状況をしっかりと把握し、その場の空気を読むことを“read between the lines”と表現します。

  • It’s hard to read his expression. I can never tell how he’s really feeling.(彼の表情を読み取るのは難しい。彼が実際どう思っているのか分からない。)
  • You can tell if someone’s lying by reading their eyes.(目を見れば、相手が嘘をついているかどうか見抜くことができます。)
  • You have to learn to read between the lines.(その場の空気を読めるようにならないと。)

2) Abhor(ひどく嫌う)


  • I abhor any form of racism.(私はいかなる人種差別も憎んでいます。)
  • I love my job but I abhor my boss. I can’t stand his arrogance.(仕事は大好きなんですが、上司が嫌でたまりません。彼の横柄な態度には耐えられません。)
  • His wife abhors gambling but he still does it behind her back.(彼の妻はギャンブルをひどく嫌っていますが、それでも彼は妻に内緒でやっています。)

3) In a lot of ways(いろんな意味で)

“in a lot of ways”は、「いろんな意味で」や「いろいろな点で」を表す日常表現で、漠然とした理由や要因を述べたい時に使われます。 “In many ways”も同じ意味です。

  • He’s helped me out in a lot of ways.(彼はいろんな意味で私を助けてくれました。)
  • It was a great experience in a lot of ways.(いろんな意味で良い経験になりました。)
  • In a lot of ways, it’s tough being the oldest in the family.(長男はいろんな意味で大変だよ。)

4) No matter what(何があっても)

“No matter what”は「たとえ何があろうと」を意味する表現です。 No matter what happens(たとえ何が起こっても)、No matter what anyone says(誰が何と言おうと)、No matter what I do(たとえ私が何をやっても)はよく耳にする決まり文句です。

その他、 No matter who(たとえ誰であっても)、 No matter where(どこへ行っても)、 No matter when(いつ〜しても)、 No matter how(どんなに〜であろうとも)のように、 what以外に who、where、when、howを使った表現もできます。

  • No matter what happens, don’t give up!(何があっても諦めるな!)
  • Follow your heart no matter what anyone says.(誰が何と言おうと、自分の気持ちに従いなさい。)
  • No matter how hard I try, I can’t do it. (どんなに頑張っても、私にはできません。)

5) Hug it out(仲直りをする)

“Hug it out”は、ハグして(抱き合って)仲直りすることを表し、実際にハグをすることがポイントです。アメリカでは、ハグは相手を許す行為でもあり、この表現は恋人同士だけでなく、友達や家族などがケンカの仲直りをする状況でも用いられます。ケンカをしている2人に 「Hug it out.(ハグして仲直りしなよ)」という感じで使います。

  • Apologize to each other and hug it out.(互いに謝って、仲直りしなよ。)
  • I’m really sorry. Let’s hug it out.(本当にごめん。ハグして仲直りしよう。)
  • Tom and Steve hugged it out. They’re on good terms now.(トムとスティーブはハグして仲直りして、今はもう仲良くしているよ。)



  • Willing to・・・〜する意思がある
  • Enigmatic・・・謎のような
  • Fake・・・見せ掛ける
  • Feign・・・~を装う


  • Show emotions・・・感情を表に出す
  • Control emotions・・・感情をコントロールする
  • You can’t tell・・・見抜くことができない
  • Killing with kindness・・・ひたすら親切に接する
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ねこ より:


  2. コンドウ より:

    何時もながら素晴らしい内容です。今Junさんのこのサイトで孤軍奮闘しております。これだけの質の高い内容を提供いただけることは感謝と共に励みになります。 いつも有難うございます。バックナンバーも遡って学習しております。 重ね重ね有難うございます。 

    • Jun より:



  3. Masami より:

    Happy new year, Jun !!
    May this year be the best ever for you!
    I’m always looking forward to listening to your podcast this year as well. 🙂

    It’s really interesting what Jeffrey said this episode. And I suddenly noticed that there’s always lips in emoticons which is written by English speakers , : D
    However, as for me, when I text in a hurry, sometimes only eyes . ^ ^ ( Like this)
    From the above, in my book, lips that is speaking is really important for English speakers, on the flip side, ” Read between the lines ” is really important for Japanese people , so we need to look at people’s eyes and read their mind.
    I’d say that there’s cultural differences between them.
    What do you think of that??
    Have a good one 🙂

    • Jun より:

      Happy New Year, Masami!

      Thanks for all your support last year! You are truly a super fan!! Wow you bring up a really interesting point! That is a great observation. I’ve seen a lot of my Japanese friends use ^ ^ before but not my American friends. There’s definitely a cultural difference that exists when it comes to communication but in the end I think both Americans and Japanese people are trying to understand what the other is thinking or feeling. Maybe the only difference is the approach.

  4. Masami より:

    YES, of course, I’m a super fan of Hapa English because my view has been broadened by you guys including Ryoma 🙂
    Thanks a million!
    And I can see that, I’m totally with you on that point 🙂

  5. Rei より:

    Hello Mr.Jun
    I appreciate all your help for providing such a great contents.
    I started putting in work to listen to this Podcast from last year.

    I could not understand the background of this conversations.

    I thought it was a bit sensitive, but does this conversation include kind of bias for Southerners?

    -Now my English level is low and so I’m absorbing whatever it is disadvantage for some people or not, I would like to distinguish the expression which I can use as jokes.

    Thank you.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Rei

      Thanks for your kind message! I’m happy to hear you are enjoying the podcast. In this conversation, Nick, who is from the South, is sharing his experience growing up in the South. It may be hard to pick up but Nick and Jeffery are being a bit sarcastic. Jokes can be hard to pick up but over time you’ll start getting used to it!

      • Rei より:

        Thank you for your reply. I could totally understand the meaning of their jokes and it was better for me to be too serious.
        I hope I could pick up these kind of situation.

        Thanks again,
        I’m going to enjoy listening your HapaEikaiwa.

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