
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.01.23




【Collette】I’m a Southern California girl.


【Collette】Yeah I was born in Los Angeles…

【Chris】You grew up here.

【Collette】No I didn’t grow up here though. But I was born here and it is just I can’t believe it. Each time when I graduated high school I came to L.A.

【Chris】Uh huh.

【Collette】Um my daughter grew up and moved away. I came back to L.A. It’s just a great place.

【Chris】It really is. It’s just such a great mix of people here…from everywhere.

【Collette】It is. It’s unbelievable. You know I wanted to um teach foreign languages and I wanted to go to other countries.


【Collette】But when you come back to L.A. you are there.

【Chris】Hello. Yeah.

【Collette】It’s everywhere.

【Chris】Like every nationality is represented in some form here you know what I mean? It’s great.

【Collette】It’s awesome. It’s awesome. How long have you been here?

【Chris】I’ve been here for like about 10 years.

【Collette】Oh OK.

【Chris】Yeah so I mean when I came out here I was blown away too, when you know a lot of people…I grew up on the East Coast, I was born in the East Coast. I had a lot of people um tell me, you know, Los Angeles is very um gang-oriented and very dangerous and smog and just really not giving it a lot of credit. And I moved out here and I moved…the first place I moved to was Torrance and I was just like “this is paradise.” (laugh).

【Collette】It is. I mean I was thinking about the smog the other day. After the wind blew and the rain and sun came out. The most beautiful days in the world are here.


【Collette】I went to the beach and you can see the skyline touching the water.


【Collette】It’s just you know…


【Collette】I…yeah I don’t know where the gang…You’d have to go to find each of this…

【Chris】You have to go find it really. You’d have to go like searching for it and wait on the corner and be like “are you a gang member?”

【Collette】I know. “Looking for a Crip back here.” (Laugh)

【Chris】Right. “Any Bloods over here?”

【Collette】Yeah they told me you’d be here. Now where are you?

【Chris】Exactly. You guys should be all over. How come I’m not getting robbed? I’m really disappointed.

【Collette】Yeah you’d really have to go looking um for trouble but um otherwise everything seems to cap in good though. The people are friendly.

【Chris】Yeah very friendly. Make friends fast out here. Bah bah bah.

【Collette】I know or just even if they are not friends they’re polite.

【Chris】Yeah a lot of people are…

【Collette】You know saying “Hello” um smiling and it’s just I…this is just great.

【Chris】Great place to live um where, you know, you can step outside in February in flip-flops and you know you’re not cold. You know what I mean. Like I said, sunny days all the time right?

【Collette】It is.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. According to Chris, what is the image of Los Angeles in the East Coast?
  2. Do Chris and Collette think there are a lot of gangs in Los Angeles?
  3. What are people like in Los Angeles?



  1. They think that Los Angeles is gang-oriented and very dangerous.
  2. No they feel like you have to go (and) look for gangs to find them.
  3. People in Los Angeles are friendly and polite.



Collette is a Southern California girl. She was born in Los Angeles but grew up in a different area. She moved a few times but she always came back to Los Angeles.

Collette traveled abroad to teach English. Upon her return, she realized how culturally diverse Los Angeles is and felt like living in Los Angeles is similar to living in a foreign country.

Chris was born and raised in the east coast. Before moving to Los Angeles, many of his friends told him Los Angeles is a dangerous city filled with gangs and lots of smog.

However, Chris and Collette both agree Los Angeles is not dangerous and it is very rare to come across a gang member. You would have to go out of your way to look for gangs.

They both feel that people in Los Angeles are friendly and polite. It’s easy to make friends and people are always saying “Hello” and smiling.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Awesome(素晴らしい・すごい)

◎ “Awesome”はアメリカ人が頻繁に使うフレーズの一つで、「素晴らしい」や「最高」を意味します。意味と使い方は”Great”や”Wonderful”と同じですが、”Awesome”のほうが会話でよく使われます。
◎ その他、話し相手が良いニュースを知らせてくれた時などに”That’s awesome!(凄いね!)”と相槌を打つときにも使われます。

  • The weather in Los Angeles is awesome.(ロサンゼルスの天候は素晴らしいです。)
  • I had an awesome time last night.(昨夜は最高でした。)
  • That’s awesome. Congratulations!(凄いね!おめでとうございます。)

2) Blown away(感動する)

◎ “Blown away”は非常に感動をした時に使われるフレーズです。「吹き飛ばす」を意味することから、あまりにも感動をして吹き飛ばされたとイメージをしたら分かりやすいでしょう。
◎「〜に感動した」は”I was blown away by”の後に感動する原因となった具体的な物事を入れましょう。

  • When I came out here I was blown away.(ここへ来た時は感動しました。)
  • I was blown away by his performance.(彼のパフォーマンスに感動しました。)
  • I was blown away by the movie.(映画に感動しました。)

3) I was thinking about _____ the other day(この前◯◯について考えていました)

◎ ある物事について考え事をするフレーズが”I was thinking about”になり、”the other day”と組み合わせて使われることが多いです。
◎ “The other day”の代わりに、”Yesterday(昨日)”や “Last week(先週)”など具体的にいつ考え事をしていたのかを入れることもできます。
◎ その他、「〜をしようと考えていたが、結局しなかった」という意味合いでも使われ、その場合は”I was thinking about _____ but _____”になります。

  • I was thinking about the smog the other day.(この前、スモッグのことについて考えていました。)
  • I was thinking about you a few days ago.(数日前、あなたのことを考えていました。)
  • I was thinking about buying a new car but I decided to wait.(車を買おうと考えてしましたが、結局待つことにしました。)

4) All over(あちこち)

◎ “All over”は使い方により様々な意味を持つフレーズですが、今日の会話では「あらゆる所」や「あちこち」を意味します。会話では「あちこち探す」や「あらゆる所に〜がある」のように使われることが多いです。
◎ また、「一面」や「全て」を表す表現です。例えば、「世界中を旅行しました」は英語で”I traveled all over the world”と表現します。

  • Gangs are supposed to be all over.(ギャングはあちこちにいるはずなのですが。)
  • I was looking all over for you.(あなたをあちこち探し回ったんですよ。)
  • I spilled coffee all over my shirt.(シャツにコーヒーをこぼしました。)

5) How come?(どうして?)

◎ “How come”は”Why”と同じ意味を持ちますが、ここには微妙なニュアンスの違いがあります。”Why”は単純に理由が知りたいときに使われ、”How come”は自分が期待していたことや想像していたことと違ってびっくりした時の「どうして?」を表します。
◎ “How come”の後に具体的な質問を入れましょう。

  • How come I’m not getting robbed?(どうして私は強盗にあわないの?)
  • How come you are quitting your job?(どうして仕事をやめるのですか?)
  • How come you never call me?(どうして電話をくれないの?)



  • Nationality・・・国籍
  • Gang oriented・・・ギャング中心
  • Dangerous・・・危険
  • Smog・・・スモッグ(煙霧)
  • Paradise・・・楽園
  • Skyline・・・地平線
  • Crips / Bloods・・・ロサンゼルスのギャング集団の名前
  • Rob・・・強盗
  • Disappoint・・・がっかりさせる


  • Move away・・・家を出る
  • Good mix of ____・・・うまい組み合わせ
  • Give credit to _____・・・称賛する
  • Wait on the corner・・・角で待つ
  • Go look for trouble・・・自分からトラブルに巻き込まれるようなことをする
  • Step outside・・・外へ出る
  • Flip-flops・・・サンダル
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. HIro より:

    Junさん こんにちは。


    I ??? recommend check 〜



    • Jun より:



  2. Miku より:

    Hi, Jun-san.
    I listen your podcast everyday.
    It’s very useful to improve my English skill.
    Thank you very much.

    I have a question in this page.
    Collette-san said “otherwise everything seems to cap in good though”
    I understand like そうじゃなければ全部が完璧だよね in Japanese. Is that right?
    I’m not sure this sentence.
    I’m wondering if you could answer me.

    Thank you.

    • Jun より:


      Thanks for listening to my podcast! I’m glad you are finding it useful! Coletteさんの部分ですが、Mikuさんの解釈で間違いありません。実は「cap」の部分は私も聞き取れなかった箇所で、聞こえた通りに書きました。しかし、文脈からするとMikuさんが書いた通りになります。

      Great job!

  3. KO より:

    I’m listening your podcast everyday.
    It’s very useful to improve my English skill.

    I have a question
    why Collette said “But when you come back to L.A. you are there.”?
    “you”means Chris? I’m confusing.

    then Chris answered “Like every nationality is represented in some form here “..
    I have no idea. Please give me advise.I’m struggling and bothering by that.

    • Jun より:


      Thanks for listening to my podcast! Happy to hear it’s helping with your English.ここは日本語で解説しますね。ここで使われている「You」は「あなた」を意味するのではなく、一般の話をしています。「ロスに戻ってきたら様々な文化や人種がある場所にいる」になり、「”あなた”がいる」のではなく、一般の話をしています。

KO へ返信する コメントをキャンセル

メールアドレスが公開されることはありません。 * が付いている欄は必須項目です


