
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2015.01.17




【Chris】Hey Collette do you have any plans for January 1st?

【Collette】Ah January 1st…January 1st is my boyfriend’s birthday so no.

【Chris】Wow. No plans? What? (Laugh).

【Collette】We don’t need to plan since we know it’s coming (laugh).

【Chris】OK so are you gonna (going to) take him out to dinner or maybe cook something special for him? Light a couple candles?

【Collette】Maybe we’ll just start from New Year’s Eve and just kind of roll it up into one big day.


【Collette】It’ll be over. It’ll be over by January 1st whatever we do. And we’ll say it was for his birthday too.

【Chris】Oh very cool, very cool.


【Chris】Do you like to go out at all? Do you like to go out to dance clubs or anything like that or?

【Collette】No I’m pass the dancing age (laugh). That stage is over. No um no actually I’m more of a homebody. I like to cook and that’s my favorite thing.

【Chris】Oh really cool.

【Collette】Yeah I’m really serious(ly)…so I’d rather be at home than miss the crowd.

【Chris】Right right.

【Collette】And do anything. Um it gets wild here.

【Chris】It gets wild here in California you mean? A lot of…

【Collette】Los Angeles specifically.

【Chris】Specifically Los Angeles.

【Collette】And there will be something going on in every corner. What are you doing?

【Chris】Uh well see I’m kind of the same way actually. I am going to be babysitting a couple of puppies uh on New Year’s Eve. So yeah I’m just gonna (going to)… I mean I have my own dog but I’m gonna be watching a couple dogs and just chilling out and having a couple beers. Maybe someone is gonna (going to) come over, I’m not sure yet. Hopefully they do. But we’ll see.

【Collette】You replace people with dogs? You offered your services for animals instead of…everybody used to need um babysitting for their children.

【Chris】I know. Someone has to watch you know someone has to watch…

【Collette】Watch them do what?

【Chris】Make sure they don’t, you know choke themselves on you know, don’t bite through an electrical cord or something (laugh).

【Collette】Oh my god. OK that’s good for Los Angeles.

【Chris】But it’ll be safe. That’s right.

【Collette】It will be safe. It will…do you do this by yourself?

【Chris】Um well I might have a friend coming over. I’m not sure. So we’ll see.

【Collette】Yeah that’ll require friendship if you get over…

【Chris】I’ll have my dog there. My dog is like my best friend.

【Collette】I guess.

【Chris】You know what I mean? So I’ll be cool with that for sure.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. Does Collette have any plans for New Year’s Day?
  2. What is Collette’s favorite thing to do?
  3. What is Chris doing on New Year’s Eve?



  1. It’s her boyfriend’s birthday but she doesn’t have anything specific planned.
  2. Collette loves to cook.
  3. Chris is babysitting puppies on New Year’s Eve.



It’s Collette’s boyfriend’s birthday on January 1st but she doesn’t have any particular plans. She is thinking about celebrating New Years and her boyfriend’s birthday together.

Collette is a homebody. She feels like she is passed the stage of going out to dance clubs and prefers to stay at home and cook.

Chris is going to stay in and babysit puppies on New Year’s Eve. He is planning on chilling out at home and having a few beers. He is hoping that someone will come and visit him.

Collette jokes with Chris asking him if he had replaced his friends with dogs.

Chris explains to her that his dog is his best friend. He also feels that it is much safer to stay at home during New Year’s Eve.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Take someone out(食事やデートに連れていく)

◎ ”Take out”は使い方により様々な意味になりますが、今日の会話では、食事に連れて行き「ごちそうする」ことを意味します。男女関係の場合は「デートに連れていく」、そして友達や同僚の場合は「食事をごちそうする」のニュアンスになります。必ずしも食事とは限りませんが、ポイントは相手をどこかに連れて行き、誘った側がお金を支払うことです。
◎「デートに連れていく」は”Take out on a date”とも表します。また、連れて行く場所を具体的に示す場合は”Take out to”の後に、食事や映画などのキーワードを入れましょう。

  • So are you going to take him out to dinner?(食事に連れていくのですか?)
  • I took her out on a date last night.(昨夜、彼女をデートに連れて行きました。)
  • Let me take you out. Are you free tonight?(ごちそうするよ。今夜は空いてる?)

2) Homebody(家で過ごすことが好きな人)

◎ 家でテレビを見たり料理をしたり、外出せずに家で過ごすのが好きな人のことを英語で”Homebody”と表します。
◎ 週末や休日だけに限った話ではなく、旅行にすら行きたくないタイプを指します。

  • I’m more of a homebody.(私はどちらかというと家で過ごすタイプです。)
  • She is a homebody. She stays home and watches T.V. all day.(彼女は家で過ごすのが好きなタイプです。一日中家でテレビを見ています。)
  • I love to go on trips but my sister is a homebody.(私は旅行をするのが大好きですが、妹は家にいるのが好きです。)

3) I’d rather _____ (〜する方がいい)

◎ 2つの物事を比較し、「BよりもAをする方が良い」「BよりもむしろAがしたい」を表す日常表現です。
◎ 正しく言えば、”I’d rather A than B”となりますが、日常会話では”than B”の部分を省いて、”I’d rather A”とシンプルに表すことが多いです。

  • I’d rather be at home.(家にいた方がいいです。)
  • I’d rather make less money than work overtime.(残業するぐらいなら収入が少ないほうがいいです。)
  • I’d rather go shopping than watch a movie.(映画を見るよりショッピングに行きたいです。)

4) In every corner(どこでも)

◎ 直訳すると「隅々」を意味するフレーズです。”Everywhere(どこでも)”と同じ意味になります。例えば、今日の会話では、ロサンゼルスは大晦日になると、どこへ行っても何かイベントが開催されているとコレットさんが言いました。
◎ ちなみに”In every corner of the world”は「世界各地」を意味します。

  • There is something going on in every corner.(どこへ行っても何かしらイベントが行われています。)
  • I checked in every corner of the room but I couldn’t find it.(部屋の隅々まで確認しましたが見つかりませんでした。)
  • We export in every corner of the world.(世界各地に輸出しています。)

5) Chill out(落ち着く・のんびりする)

◎ ”Chill”はもともと冷えることを意味しますが、”Chill out”と表現することで、「リラックスする」や「のんびりする」などを意味するスラングになります。また他にも、腹を立てている人に対して「落ち着いて」や「冷静になって」と言う場合にも使えます。

  • I’m just going to chill out at home tonight.(今夜は家でのんびりと過ごします。)
  • Stop yelling. Chill out.(怒鳴らないで、落ち着きな。)
  • I’m going to chill out and have a beer.(ビールを飲みながらリラックスをします。)



  • Wild・・・盛り上がる
  • Specifically・・・具体的に
  • Come over・・・うちに来る
  • Replace・・・置き換える
  • Choke・・・息がつまる
  • Friendship・・・友情関係


  • Roll it up into ・・・まとめてする
  • Go out・・・外に出かける
  • Anything like that・・・そのようなこと
  • Pass the age・・・その年は越えた
  • Bite through・・・噛み切る
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. 森下 町子 より:

    Dear Jun Senesac


  2. Anna's mom より:

    Hey Jun,

    I couldn’t understand why you surmarize like this.

    “He also feels that it is much safer to stay at home during New Year’s Eve.”

    Cuz I think Chris said, “But it’ll be safe” after Collet said “that’s good for Los Angels” means she thinks “it’s good for Los Angels if he takes care of crumzy dogs to keep LA safe (as a joke)” and then he said “But it will be safe” so I took this content like this

    “He feels safe although he is going to take care of kinda naughty puppies”

    Could you explain why he said “But it will be safe” as “it is safe to stay at home at New Year’s Eve”.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Anna’s mom,

      This part can be a bit confusing because a joke is implied. New Year’s Eve in Los Angeles can get pretty crazy with a lot of drunk people celebrating. When Collette said “That’s good for Los Angeles” she is implying that it’s good that someone like Chris, who lives in Los Angeles, is staying in and celebrating New Year’s Eve quietly. Chris responds by saying “It’ll be safe” meaning, he will not get himself into any kind of trouble because he’s going to stay at home.

      I hope this makes sense. Let me know if you need more clarification!

  3. Anna's mom より:

    Sorry not crumzy, clumsy* not at New Year’s Eve, on New Yers Eve*

    I am clumsy when it comes to spelling and so on..

  4. Anna's mom より:

    Again not content, context*. Sorry about that.

  5. Anna's mom より:

    Hi Jun,
    Thank you for the reply, and sorry for taking time to say thank you. I was busy cuz I had to take care of my poor husband who got flu.

    I think I understand 99%.
    So, let me make sure, my understanding is Collete is implying “that”=the way Chris spend his New Year’s Eve. Chris mentioned “it” =the way his spend his New Year’s Eve.

    I was confused by the subject because I thought subject was “LA” since she said “That’s good FOR Los Angels.”

    I took this “FOR” as “used to introduce a subject in an infinitive phrase” at first, but she used that FOR ” as affecting the interests or circumstances of: bad for one’s health.” I quoted these two definitions from a dictionary.

    I think I got what you meant, but If I am wrong, please correct me.

    Thank you for helping me out again.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Anna’s mom,

      There’s a flu that’s been going around here too. I hope he got over it!
      That’s exactly what it means. “The way Chris spends his New Year’s Eve” = “That” & “It”

      This part can be really confusing because it actually does not make complete sense. That’s what makes “real conversation” tough to understand but you did an excellent job figuring it out!

  6. Kurato より:

    Hi,Jun! Nice to meet you. I am Kurato.
    I’m now learning English because I have to use it when I start my job next month.
    Your programs are really helpful for me. They teach me a real-life English.
    I’m now listening to your programs from older versions and I have a question about an example sentence that you introduced in terms of grammar.

    The sentence appeared in “Phrases of the day”.
    “I’m more of a homebody.”
    Is “more of” a kind of set phrases ?

    I found a sentence in my dictionary that “more of ” is used in.
    “I can’t stand much more of this.”
    What does this mean in Japanese?

    I would be pleased If you have time to review your old podcast and answer my question.
    And if my English is not correct, please point out a mistake.

    Thank you

    • Jun より:

      Hi Kurato!

      Glad to hear that this site is helping you! “More of a” is a set phrase that we use and it is similar to the Japanese expression「どちらかというと〜」If you want to say「私はどちらかというと猫派だね」in English, you would say “I’m more of a cat person.” I hope this helps!

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