
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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第40回「Secret Santa」

Released: 2014.12.19

第40回目のポッドキャストのテーマは「Secret Santa」です。”Secret Santa”は友達や同僚とクリスマス・プレゼントを交換する、昔から流行りのアメリカンゲームです。今日の会話ではジャンソンさんとジェニファーさんが”Secret Santa”のルールを具体的に説明し、個人的な体験談をシェアーしてくれます。


会話内容「Secret Santa」

【Jansen】So Jennifer, are you doing “Secret Santa” this year?

【Jennifer】Um not sure yet. I know it’s close to Christmas but uh I have to talk to my friends and see if they’re willing to do it again this year.

【Jansen】I’m a little hazy on the rules of “Secret Santa.” Could you refresh me on it?

【Jennifer】OK. Um so basically you…you get everybody’s names and then each person gets one name and that’s their “present person.” (Laugh)

【Jansen】Present person?

【Jennifer】Present person. You…you are their “Secret Santa.”

【Jansen】OK and what are your duties as a “Secret Santa.”

【Jennifer】You buy them a gift. Usually they set a price limit or a price range so that everybody’s gift is uh of the same quality.

【Jansen】Mm hm.

【Jennifer】Not too cheap, not too expensive.

【Jansen】Uh huh.

【Jennifer】And then you don’t tell them that you’re their Santa…


【Jennifer】Until they get their gift.

【Jansen】Ah OK.

【Jennifer】You buy it for one person and then so everybody in your group gets a gift.

【Jansen】Oh OK so that…that sounds really familiar. I think that’s what we usually do with our friends but we call it like “Holiday Secret Gift Party” I don’t know.

【Jennifer】(Laugh) I see. So uh have you…have you done it before?

【Jansen】Yeah I have. As a matter of fact, I have.

【Jennifer】OK. (Laugh)

【Jansen】Um yeah last…last year I got a couple of interesting gifts. I got a uh, yeah I got a big bag of 4 jars of pickles. I got…

【Jennifer】Pickles? Do you eat pickles?

【Jansen】Yes of course.

【Jennifer】OK so…so then that was good that your “Secret Santa” got you that?

【Jansen】Right I like to make pickle sandwiches so…

【Jennifer】(Laugh) I see.

【Jansen】It’s a…It was a very practical gift. I used it for like a few months so…

【Jennifer】OK. Did you know that like recently they’ve gone like high tech with “Secret Santa?”

【Jansen】Oh is that right? In what way?

【Jennifer】Like they have websites now that uh everybody signs up with their email they create accounts.

【Jansen】Uh huh.

【Jennifer】And then uh the website will pick who you are the “Secret Santa” for.

【Jansen】Oh OK.

【Jennifer】And so like if you want to ask them questions, it can be done anonymously.

【Jansen】Oh OK. So it’s all on the Internet.

【Jennifer】It’s all on the Internet. They can make wish lists and like put their things like link it to like Amazon or Best Buy or like Joanns.

【Jansen】Oh wow.

【Jennifer】Different stores.

【Jansen】But that takes away a lot of the fun like trying to figure out what this person would like I think.

【Jennifer】Yeah well I mean you could…if you don’t know what to get them then you have like a backup plan you know? You can go look at their list.

【Jansen】Yeah that creates this expectation though like “Oh you know what I want. It was on my Amazon wish list. Why didn’t you get it?”

【Jennifer】Well I mean you can…you can always like decide not to use the list.

【Jansen】Oh but that’d make me feel so bad though.


【Jansen】I just…I like trying to figure it out. Like my friend gave me pickles and I ate the pickles. I happily ate the pickles.

【Jennifer】OK so maybe the website is not for you then.

【Jansen】Yeah maybe not. Maybe not.




Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. What are your duties as a “Secret Santa?”
  2. What did Jansen receive from his “Secret Santa” last year?
  3. Why is Jansen not a fan of doing “Secret Santa” on the Internet?



  1. You have to buy a gift for someone you have been assigned to.
  2. Jansen received 4 jars of pickles.
  3. He thinks it takes away the fun of figuring out the gift for the other person.



Jennifer is not sure whether or not she is going to do Secret Santa this year. She has to ask her friends if they want to do it again this year.

“Secret Santa” is a game which members of a group are randomly assigned a person to buy a Christmas present. The price limit is set to make sure everyone gets the same quality gifts.
「シークレットサンタ」はグループで行われるゲームで 、ランダムに選ばれたメンバーにクリスマス・プレゼントを買わないといけない仕組みになっています。全員が同じ値段のギフトをもらうために、値段設定をします。

Jansen received 4 jars of pickles for “Secret Santa” last year. Jansen was happy because he likes pickles. He made pickle sandwiches for a few months.

“Secret Santa” can be done on the Internet now. There is a website that picks out your “Secret Santa” and even has a feature to create a wish list.
今では「シークレットサンタ」はネットでもできるようになりました。サイトで「シークレットサンタ」が選ばれ、プレゼントされたい「欲しいものリスト」 機能までもあります。

Jansen thinks doing “Secret Santa” online takes away the fun. He thinks figuring out what the other person wants is what makes the game interesting.


Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Set something(〜を設定する)

◎ 時間や期日、予算や値段を定めるときは”Set”の単語がよく使われます。目標を設定するときにも使われます。
◎ 基本的に、”Set a/an”の後に設定したい日時や価格などの対象を入れます。

  • Usually they set a price limit.(一般的には値段設定をします)
  • Let’s set a date for our next meeting.(次回のミーティングの日程を設定しましょう)
  • First you need to set a goal.(まずは目標を設定しないといけません)

2) In what way?(どういう風に?)

◎ 相手の発言したことに対して、もうちょっと具体的な情報が聞きたいときに使えるフレーズです。例えば、友達が「この本面白かった」と漠然した感想を述べたことに対し“In what way?”と聞くことで「どんな風に面白かったのですか?」を表します。
◎「どんな風に〜でした?」は“In what way”の後に尋ねたい具体的な質問を入れましょう。

  • Oh is that right? In what way?(そうなんですか。どういう風に?)
  • In what way should I study?(どのように英語を勉強したらいいですか?)
  • In what way did he change?(彼はどんな風に変わったのですか?)

3) Take away(奪い去る)

◎ 使い方により様々な意味を持ちますが、基本的に「(何かを)奪う」ことを表します。
◎ 人から物を取り上げること以外にも、効果や価値を落とすことだったりと幅広い使われ方をします。

  • That takes away a lot of the fun.(面白味がなくなります)
  • The teacher took my cell phone away.(先生に携帯を取り上げられました)
  • You’re taking away his ability to think on his own.(自分で考える能力を奪っています)

4) Backup(予備)

◎ 日本語でもお馴染みの言葉だと思いますが、英語では予備や代替を意味します。
◎ ”Back”と”up”の間にスペースが入らない場合(Backup)は名詞または形容詞になり、スペースが入る場合(Back up)は動詞になります。

  • Just to be safe, we should come up with a backup plan.(念のために、予備計画を立てた方がいいと思います)
  • Did you back up your files?(ファイルをバックアップしましたか?)
  • I carry an extra battery for backup.(予備のために電池を余分に持ち歩いています)

5) It’s not for you(あなたに向いていない)

◎ 直訳すると「あなたではない」となり、要するに「あなたに合っていない・向いていない」を表すフレーズになります。
◎ “It’s”の代わりに具体的な内容を入れることができます。

  • Maybe the website is not for you.(もしかしたらこのサイトはあなたに合っていないのかもしれませんね)
  • That shirt is not for me.(このシャツは私に合っていません)
  • This job is not for him.(この仕事は彼に向いていません)



  • Willing to・・・〜をする意思がある
  • Hazy・・・記憶がぼんやりとしている
  • Duties・・・義務
  • Price limit・・・価格制限
  • Jars・・・瓶
  • Pickles・・・ピクルス(酢漬け)
  • Practical・・・実用的な
  • Anonymously・・・匿名で


  • Refresh me・・・記憶をよみがえらせる
  • As a matter of fact・・・実は
  • High tech・・・ハイテク
  • Sign up・・・登録する
  • Create an expectation・・・期待をもたらす
  • Figure it out・・・考え出す
  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加


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