
英語学習サイト:Hapa 英会話

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Released: 2014.04.11




【Margaret】Hey Jansen, how’s it going?

【Jansen】It’s going well.

【Margaret】That’s great. You know the sun’s um been out lately and uh in Southern California summer is just around the corner. Um do you have any summer favorites?

【Jansen】Mm like summer activities?


【Jansen】Ah well, I like to uh well I have a scooter.

【Margaret】Shut up you do?

【Jansen】Yeah it’s uh midnight blues. Isn’t that nice?

【Margaret】Yes that sounds enticing.

【Jansen】Yeah yeah well uh I take my scooter down to Huntington Beach.

【Margaret】Mm hm.

【Jansen】And uh you know since it’s such a small vehicle I can just uh park it anywhere.


【Jansen】And I don’t have to worry about parking.

【Margaret】Aren’t you scared of, you know, Southern California drivers?



【Jansen】No no. I’ll be…I’ll be fine.

【Margaret】So uh which side of the beach do you go? Are you closer to the pier? Or are you closer um…

【Jansen】Yeah I like to stay closer to the pier cuz there’s a lot of uh street performers around there.

【Margaret】Mm hm.

【Jansen】So you can kinda wander around and take in the…take in the performances so..yup. How about yourself? What’s your favorite summer activity?

【Margaret】Oh my favorite summer activity is staying home and blasting the A.C. (Laugh) Um I usually…


【Margaret】 It’s blazing out in the Inland Empire.

【Jansen】Oh OK.

【Margaret】So um I know it’s tempting to go to the mall and take advantage of all the summer sales but really I feel like my skin’s gonna (going to) come off when I’m driving. So my favorite thing to do is to stay home and uh blast the A.C.…

【Jansen】Uh huh.

【Margaret】Have some lemonade and then around 2 o’clock I take a nap.

【Jansen】There you go. (Laugh)

【Margaret】Yeah. Then at 4 o’clock then I uh…then I enjoy just the cooler weather in the patio.

【Jansen】Yeah yeah yeah.

【Margaret】So that’s a little bit…you know a little bit more uh forgiving.

【Jansen】Yeah yeah if we’re talking summer nights…I love summer nights. I love sitting out in the patio also.

【Margaret】You make me wanna (want to) sing that song from Grease. (Laugh)

【Jansen】Oh right right right.


Questions of the day(今日の質問)

  1. How does Jansen like to spend his summer?
  2. How does Margaret like to spend her summer?
  3. Why does Jansen go near the pier?



  1. Jansen likes to ride his scooter to Huntington Beach and hang out by the pier.
  2. Margaret likes to stay at home and blast the A.C. She enjoys being in the patio in the afternoon when it cools down.
  3. He goes to by the pier because there are a lot of street performers there.



Jansen takes his scooter down to Huntington Beach in the summer.

Driving a scooter is convenient because he can park it anywhere.

He usually wanders around the pier because there are a lot of street performers around there.

Margaret’s favorite summer activity is to stay at home and blast the A.C.

Sometimes she’s tempted to go shopping at the mall for the summer sales but because it gets so hot where she lives, she prefers to stay at home in the air-conditioned room.

Around 2 o’clock she’ll drink lemonade and then take a nap. In the afternoon, she hangs out in the patio and enjoys the cooler weather.

Phrases of the day(今日のフレーズ)

1) Just around the corner(もうすぐ)

「Just around the corner」は道案内をする時に「角を曲がってすぐそこだよ」を表すと場合と、イベントや祝日、季節などが「もうすぐ」や「間近である」を意味します。「もうすぐ〜です」は「〜 is just around the corner」と日常会話でよく表します。「is」の前にはイベント、祝日や季節を入れ替えるだけでOKです。

  • Summer is just around the corner.
  • Golden week is just around the corner.
  • The convenience store is just around the corner.

2) Wander around(ブラブラする)

目的もなく歩き回ることを英語で「Wander around」と言います。「Wander around」の後にブラブラする場所を入れましょう。

  • I like to wander around the beach.(海でブラブラするのが好きです)
  • I’m going to wander around the city.(街をブラブラします)
  • I wandered around the mall.(ショッピング・モールでブラブラしていました)

3) Blast(ガンガン)

「Blast the music」
「Blast the A.C. / Blast the heater」
「I had a blast」

  • Blast the radio. This is my favorite song.
  • I stay at home and blast the A.C.
  • I had a blast last night!

4) Tempt to(〜したくなる)


  • It sounds very tempting.(とても面白そうですね)
  • I’m tempted to try it.(それ試してみたいです)
  • I was tempted to eat sweets but I’m on a diet.(甘いもの食べたくなったのですが、ダイエット中なのでやめました)

5) Take advantage of(〜をうまく利用する)

「Take advantage of」は使い方によりポジティブな意味とネガティブな意味を持ちます。ポジティブな意味で使う場合は、ある状況や機会を生かしたり活用させたりすることを意味し、ネガティブな意味で使う場合は「Take advantage of someone(人を騙して利用すること)」を意味します。人の弱みにつけ込むことを表します。

  • You should take advantage of the summer sales.
  • I need to take advantage of this opportunity.
  • Don’t take advantage of her.



  • Shut up・・・嘘でしょう?/うるさい!
  • Isn’t that nice?・・・いいでしょう?
  • Which side・・・どっち側
  • Take in・・・取り入れる/楽しむ
  • Blazing・・・非常に暑い
  • Come off・・・落ちる/取れる
  • Take a nap・・・昼寝をする



  • Favorite・・・大好きな
  • Enticing・・・魅力的
  • Vehicle・・・自動車
  • Park・・・駐車する
  • Pier・・・桟橋
  • Street performers・・・道ばたでパフォーマンスする人
  • A.C. (Air conditioner)・・・エアコン
  • Inland Empire・・・リバーサイド市とサンバーナーディーノ市を中心とする都市圏
  • Patio・・・庭/テラス


Grease – Summer Nights

マーガレットさんが最後に「You make me wanna sing that song from Grease(グリースのあの曲が歌いたくなる)」と言いましたが、この名曲「Summer Nights(想いでのサマー・ナイツ)」はご存知ですか? It’s a classic!!

  • このエントリーをはてなブックマークに追加



  1. ロンドン留学中 より:


    • Jun より:




  2. Ayu より:


    I’ve failed to leave a comment. But I could make it this time!

    This podcast really helpful for me. Especially, when I am speaking in English and communicating with esl teachers. Cuz many phrases bring me more natural way to speak english. Although there are mistakes in my english, I keep goin.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Ayu,

      Thanks for leaving me a comment! You’re English sounds excellent to me! I’m happy to hear that the podcast has been helping you communicate with your ESL teachers. Learn from your mistakes! That’s how you improve. Keep up the great work, Ayu!

  3. Ylang より:

    Hi jun,

    I enjoy all the time your pot cast n learn how to express in English .
    By the way what are you driving at ” my skin is gonna come off when I’m driving”?
    It means like well literally or your remark suggests to some extent?

    Thanks in advance.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Ylang,

      Thanks for listening to Hapa Eikaiwa’s podcast. Happy to hear that you are enjoying it.
      When Margaret says “my skin is gonna come off” she doesn’t mean that in a literal context.
      It’s a bit of an exaggeration but what she is implying here is that “Because it’s so hot,
      it feels like her skin is going to come off.” Margaret is trying to explain how hot it gets in the Inland Empires during the summer time 🙂

  4. Yo-zan より:

    Hi jun
    I’ve just start listening hapa-eikaiwa. Because I want to improve speaking skill, so this program is very fan, and clearly so I enjoy it every on the way to office.
    So can I ask a question!

    In this conversation,
    Margaret said “ that’s a little bit…you know a little bit more uh forgiving.”

    But I can’t get meaning of forgiving.
    So please teach me nuance or meaning.


    • Jun より:

      Hi Yozan,

      Thanks for listening to Hapa Podcast!
      “You know a little bit more uh forgiving”の部分ですが、ここは昼間と比べて夕方は涼しいので「許せる (forgiving)」、ようするに外で過ごす事ができることを表します。従って、”Then at 4 o’clock then I uh…then I enjoy just the cooler weather in the patio.” 午後4時になれば庭で涼しい天気を楽しめると表現しています。

  5. Taisuke より:


    In southern California it’s been really warming up these past few days.
    この these past few days ですが、these past a few daysとはならないんですよね?

    Many families used cole and wood to keep their houses warm during the winter.
    この cole and wood がよく聞き取れなかったのですが合っていますか?


  6. Miyuki より:

    Hello Jun,

    I have a quick question. What is different between tempting to and tempted to? I got confused about it.

    • Jun より:

      Hi Miyuki,

      Great question! It’s similar to the difference between “I’m bored” vs “It’s boring” – “Tempted to” は「〜したくなる」気持ちを表す場合、”Tempting to”は「〜したくなる」対象が状況や物事に使われます。

  7. Rin より:

    Hi! Jun先生

    I feel like my skin’s gonna (going to) come off when I’m driving.
    skin が come off するというのはどういう意味ですか。

    • Jun より:



  8. Yukie より:

    Hi, Jun!

    I’ve just found your podcast and it is very good way to study English!!

    I have a question about response of Jansen.
    I cannot get the meaning of ‘there you go’ cleary.
    Is that similar to ‘nice’?

    I appreciate if you will answer for my question!

    • Jun より:

      Hi Yukie

      I’m happy to hear that you are finding the podcast useful. 「There you go」は状況によって色々な意味がありますが、今日の会話では「いいね」と似たような意味があります。「There you go」の解説はこちらの記事をご覧ください〜 → http://hapaeikaiwa.com/?p=12102

  9. km より:

    You make me wanna sing that song from Grease

    • Jun より:



  10. みゆ より:

    会話に出てくる”midnight blues”とは濃い青色の意味でしょうか、、?Jansenはスクーターを複数持っているのでしょうか?bluesを調べると他には”憂鬱”などが出てきますがどのような意味か教えていただけると有難いです。

    • Jun より:



  11. Toshiaki Kato より:


    Shut up you do?



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